Skyfire Avenue Chapter 463: vs. Hercules

In his heart, there is only one belief at this time, that is to defeat the opponent.

Only by defeating Hercules, can he rightfully enter the final battle of the Final Four, and explore the secrets of Kendo with the three sword masters.

From this time to the competition, for Lan Jue, it has been a lot of gains. But this is not enough, he wants more also.

Facing Hercules, his heart war intent has also been promoted to the top. The opponent of Ninth Level 9th Step is pure power Esper. How much pressure can he put on me?

On the competition table, shield lights up behind. Suddenly, Lan Jue immediately felt a somewhat depressed atmosphere on the stage.

On the other side, Hercules is also on stage. Looking at Lan Jue, he raises his chest, his eyes full of pride.

Both nodded to each other, by no means any extra preparation.

“The round robin, the first group, the final battle. Start.”

“Three, two, one! Get started!”

With the double announcement of Mo Xiao and electronic sound, this game that has attracted the attention of all humanity has finally started.

Hercules stepped out fiercely, his left foot slammed **** the ground.

“Boom-” The fierce roar caused a terrifying shock to spread instantly throughout the audience.

Lan Jue didn’t expect that Hercules‘s first offensive was actually under his feet, but he didn’t panic at all. He flew into the air with a flash of body. As for the roar, it was even more impossible to interfere with him, directly blocking the hearing of own.

A strong light flickered. He had transformed into thunder and lightning and flew away in the direction of Hercules. Take the initiative!

Hercules snorted coldly. The next time his left foot struck the ground, his right fist blasted out.

Suddenly. As if the general sound of airship took off appeared on the competition table, the shield on the competition table was like a balloon general being blown by the wind, and the overall flying dynamic appeared.

Lan Jue‘s body just rushed towards Hercules was blown away instantly, hitting shield far away severely.

At the moment of exposure to the Hercules attack, Lan Jue felt it. It is a force of terror that cannot be resisted at all. The strength of this power made ability in his body solidify in an instant.

Although he immediately performed the Taiji magical power to try to dispel the explosive power as much as possible, the overall strength was so strong that he could not stabilize the own body in the air after all.


Huge pressure makes it difficult for him to breathe. When the body hit the shield, the whole body’s bones made a slight sound under the huge pressure. if not has the magic of Taiji. Lan Jue is very suspicious that it will become a piece of minced meat directly.

This Hercules is indeed Ninth Level 9th Step, and it can even be said to be the peak of Ninth Level . In physical ability. It’s too far from him.

The body rebounded and returned, an electric glow suddenly lit up from Lan Jue, making him rise into the air again.

Hercules steps into the palm, one palm taps in the direction of Lan Jue. The power of terror reappeared.

However, with previous experience, this time resisting again, Lan Jue uses a different method than before.

The flash of Lightning Conversion in his institute flashed to the edge of the table. It is also the edge of the Hercules attack, at the same time, the hands arc. The black and white light instantly reversed the yin and yang, and went all out to unload the part of the impulse that fell on him. Although the crickets still being carried back, they are always better than before.

The air burst suddenly, and Hercules shot three palms in succession. 3rd Layer air waves overlap instantaneously, just like a sun-folded general.

The shield of the entire competition platform was fragmented in an instant. Even those who are responsible for protecting the power injected by the strong have not been able to supplement shield.

The huge gas explosion not only shrouded to Lan Jue. It even burst out.

At this moment, a colorful light suddenly fell from the sky, covering the world outside the competition table. The air wave hit in the colorful light, suddenly became soft and slow down, and then gradually dispersed.

This is something other than the competition table. Lan Jue on the competition table can be so lucky as does not have.

Hercules This record of Yangguan Triassic made him inevitable. When this horrible force fell on him, Lan Jue only felt that his whole body bones were about to break general, and energy core in his body seemed to be pinched by a large hand, and was gradually broken.

This power is really terrifying. He is so horrified that he can even breathe. In particular, what seems to be an outbreak of power is actually a series of three bursts of energy. The previous one has does not have dispersed, and the latter one has already arrived. Lan Jue was like a cannonball general that flew out of the competition platform, hitting the colorful light.

The colorful light is very soft, and there seems to be a dark energy on it, which resolved the Lan Jue‘s momentum and returned him to the direction of the competition table.

In the sky, I do n’t know when a woman in a long white dress was added. Her open hands were folded inward and turned into a colorful mask to cover the competition table.

“Time Paragon!” I don’t know who first called her name, and it immediately caught everyone’s attention.

This is Paragon, the fourth time in Ten Paragons today?

“噗 ——” Lan Jue spit a blood directly, he only felt that own five internal organs and six internal organs seemed to be turned over. There was a lot of pain in the whole body’s bones, and there was a feeling of falling apart.

It’s terrible. Is this the power of Hercules? No, no, he was absolutely does not have so strong when he faced Wolf Emperor Qi Mu before.

Even if the Ninth Level 9th Step is strong, it is impossible to make yourself unable to resist even if does not have is full of secret skills. Even the power-relief method of Taiji‘s magic skills seemed so thin at this time. Cannot play its due role. This is a complete suppression on the cultivation.

Hercules looked at Lan Jue coolly and said coldly: “Give up.” His target simply then is not Lan Jue. Turning his head and looking at the direction of the battle zone, Sen Leng’s gaze is directed at White Clothes Sword Sect Jun Yongye.

Jun Yongye is his biggest opponent.

“I haven’t lost yet!” Lan Jue gritted his teeth and slowly rose from the ground.

At this moment, his appearance is really a little embarrassed, and the lower edge of the mask is dripping blood outwards in response to dī dī.

“Do you want to die? Then I will fulfill you.” Hercules coldly said, and his fist raised again.

Lan Jue took a deep breath. At this time, he actually seemed to have appointed general and closed his eyes. Open your arms.

Qianlin, I need you.”

A dazzling white light burst out from him, and there seemed to be a thunder and lightning in the white light. The strong light burst on him instantly, covering a huge area within three meters in diameter.

Luo City Intercontinental Hotel.

Zhou Qianlin, sitting cross-legged in the room, suddenly opened her eyes. The next moment, she had turned into a white light and suddenly disappeared.

Today’s her, by no means went to the scene to watch the battle. What she was waiting for was the arrival of this moment.

electric glow is dazzling with white light.

Hercules‘s original fist stopped in the air. He felt a slight unease. The opponent, who had just been powerless, seemed to be different at this moment.

Floating in the sky, Paragon Time-Space is also watching this game. She was also somewhat surprised to see the white light cast by Lan Jue. Even her eyesight could not see what was happening in that light, but she could vaguely feel that there seemed to be something more on the stage. The energy fluctuations emitted by Lan Jue are increasing by a geometric multiple of speed.

Ninth Level 3rd Step, 4th Step, 5th Step, 6th Step!

7th Step, 8th Step, 9th Step!

Within a few seconds of time, the energy emitted by Lan Jue is no longer the original Ninth Level 2nd Step, but has become Ninth Level 9th Step.

White light converges slowly, and the blood dripping along the golden mask disappears. Only that God King Zeus!

Hercules eyes narrowed, said lightly: “I knew that you were nasty, and finally showed a fox tail?”

Lan Jue coldly said: “Then let us fight a fair battle and see if your Terminator heritage is stronger, or my Taiji is more powerful. Use your Vajra Fist!”

Hercules coldly said: “It depends on your qualification of has or doesn’t have!”

Lan Jue eyes narrowed slightly, golden electric glow swirled around his body like a thread, the sudden increase of cultivation also increased his control strength of thunder and lightning. The circles of golden lightning looked so round that it seemed to have completely lost the thunder and lightning mania.

Hercules yelled loudly, and punched out again at Lan Jue.

A scene that surprised everyone appeared. Lan Jue not only retreated, dodged, or resolved does not have, but took a sudden step, and it turned out to be a punch.

The circle of thunder electric glow originally hovering around his body instantly condensed and turned into a straight thunder electric glow beam. The electric glow condensed into the shape of an giant sword in the air.

Since the start of the competition, Lan Jue has always been fighting with its Ninth Level early cultivation. Among them, he has encountered opponents that are not as good as own, and he has also been stronger than himself. Especially in the late stage, almost every opponent he meets will surpass him on ability cultivation.

For this reason, he had to try every means to deal with his opponent. At this moment, the integration with Zhou Qianlin was completed, and his cultivation was finally re-uplifted. It even surpassed his original cultivation. Ninth Level 9th Step‘s Zeus is the real God King coming!

“Boom ——”

The powerful power of Hercules is like the bomber general‘s fierce bombardment on the colorful mask. However, in the middle of the horrible blast, there was an invisible large hole, and the straight golden beam of light fell on him.


The next also is a change that made up the top ten of the monthly ticket list last night. (To be continued)

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