Skyfire Avenue Chapter 446: city-toppling Absolute Sword

Lan Jue has seen beauty countless, but only in terms of appearance can be compared with the one in front, only Hera and Zhou Qianlin sisters. But the style is different.

The beauty of Yan Ningya is the beauty of classical charm most appreciated by Hua Alliance people. It is different from the slightly rough beauty of Northern Alliance and Western Alliance.

However, when beauty is at its best, it all goes the same way, at least to many people. Her beauty is suffocating.

The Yan Ningya that took off the veil seemed to suddenly become different, and her eyes became persistent. Suddenly walked through God, turned away from Jun Yongye, and walked away step by step. The five-foot lightsaber in his hand dragged on the ground, leaving a faint trace.

Jun Yongye also feels like something, reveals in the corner of his mouth with a faint smile, flicking the sword ridge in his left hand, and suddenly, on the sword, a crisp dragon humming.

This sound spread throughout the audience. Everyone has a feeling of morning bell and twilight drum general in their ears. Immediately felt sane.

+ No + Error + Fiction + 3w ++

Seven steps! Yan Ningya took seven full steps, she slowly returned to her mind, with a touch of smile on her pretty face, but her eyes were full of sadness, like crying. But the more so, the more there is a charm to upset sentient beings.

A white light flashes like lightning.

At that moment, the whole stage felt like it was completely cut into two halves.

Pharmacist muttered: “city-toppling must sword, look back and smile!”

Jun Yongye moved as soon as Yan Ningya turned back, the front of the sword pointed, and his eyes moved to the point of the sword. Tip of the sword. Suddenly a dazzling sharp edge of by no means.

The crisp “ding ding Dangdang” sound continued to echo. The pleasant sound is like the sound of music.

The light that seemed to cut the entire stage of space instantly disappeared. The long sword in Jun Yongye‘s hand is still pointing forward, point to the direction of Yan Ningya in the distance.

Yan Ningya‘s city-toppling has a half change of does not have, but her seven-colored eye suddenly lights up, and a faint colorful halo spreads outward with her body as the center. The whole stage suddenly gave a sticky feeling.

The blade of Jun Yongye‘s front spine suddenly becomes sluggish, as if pulled by something.

Yan Ningya finally used her ability, space-time control.

Yan Ningya‘s eyes stagnated and stepped forward. People are in the air, their bodies are spinning like dancing. A sweet chant sounded from her mouth.

“There are beauties in the north!” The long sword looped, holding the tip of the sword to his left hand, and then let go quietly. A dazzling sword light descended from the sky, pointing directly at Jun Yongye.

Jun Yongye became significantly slower under time control, but there was a faint white mist rising from his body. The sword in his hand seemed to slowly pull back, just blocking the Yan Ningya sword with his blade.

“When ——” Jun Yongye fell back two steps to the side.

“Peerless!” Yan Ningya stabbed under the sword, sword light heavenshaking. Jiaotu is like a rude swallowing general from the sky. Long sword makes a knife, cut Jun Yongye straight.

Jun Yongye is retreating at the same time. It has been pulling the own long sword across the body as much as possible.

“When–” He fell back three steps again.

“Smile with a smile!” Yan Ningya smiled with a smile, but the sword light in his hand bloomed like a flower general. For a moment, I didn’t know how many swords were pierced. Enclose Jun Yongye completely.

Jun Yongye in decline, does not have always shows panic on his face. Although his footsteps are stubborn, the person stands upright in the decline, and the sword in his hand is stabbed in the front. speed looks very slow under time control, but he The whole person is completely focused on this sword that is obviously very slow, and it is impossible to block the opponent’s attack.

“When–” This time, Yan Ningya actually retreated.

Because I don’t know why, Yan Ningya just feels that if the own sword continues to be stabbed, then it will be himself who is stabbed first.

She bit her red lips lightly, and there was a trace of sorrow on reveals on her pretty face, but she burst into tears and smiled, and whispered: “A smile again!” The sword flipped and turned into countless sword glow. A sword.

Jun Yongye‘s complexion was slightly heavy. Squatting down, his sword seemed unable to be retracted under time control. He could only pull the hilt with both hands, blocking the sword Yan Ningya with the hilt.

“When——” Jun Yongye Long Sword was picked up and pushed out.

Yan Ningya‘s black eyes, the colorful light burst into a moment, staring at him suddenly, and her own body was instantly dazzling with golden light. suddenly, she seemed to be in a a golden color palace costume, and a golden phoenix hovered quietly around her.

War zone, Pharmacist muttered: “city-toppling must-have swords, the sixth house pink and white have no color!”

Yan Ningya closes his eyes, muttered: “I would rather not know city-toppling and pour the country, it is rare for a beautiful woman.” Jiaozuo rose into the air, her body and sword were united, and she went straight to the open Jun Yongye and radiated.

Eminence!” Mo Xiao couldn’t help but exclaim on rostrum.

Looking at Jun Yongye under the Yan Ningya sword, it is time for Terminator to stop it.

However, her nearby Terminator without movement played for half a minute, still sitting there silently, motionless.


Yan Ningya‘s long sword hits Jun Yongye‘s chest, but she was shocked to find that she was going all out with a sword, but simply then couldn’t pierce the opponent’s chest.

Jun Yongye smiled suddenly, “I’m a sword!”

His body vibrated slightly. Suddenly, Dao sword qi shot out from his body. Instantly, it seemed as if a giant sword was born, standing on the stage. The dazzling sword glow time control that Yan Ningya was applied to him was smashed. Yan Ningya, driven directly by the strong sword, fell backwards, and the sword in his hand shattered again.

Jun Yongye long sword cross chest, “If one day, you can understand the true meaning of time, and mellow with city-toppling, you can come to me again.”

While talking, the sword in his hand was slightly stabbed, and then retracted at will, leading a beautiful trajectory in the air. The sword disappeared without a trace. The robe that had been hovering around the waist fell and the white clothes fluttered, it seemed to be more and more dusty.

Yan Ningya obviously felt that a sharp sword qi reached her eyebrows instantly. The sword qi seemed to have endless penetration, but it just stopped there. The feeling of shudder spread throughout her body, making her eyes widen, but There seemed to be something in sword qi, which made her heart instantaneous.

“I lost!” Yan Ningya bowed his head and said silently. The original smile on Qiao’s face disappeared in this moment-

The surprise of 500 votes is …, Um, because these two chapters are 2000 words, so I will give you three or seven thousand, which is five hundred. Want to see more, vote for 1,000 votes! (To be continued …)

Chapter 446: city-toppling Absolute Sword:

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