Skyfire Avenue Chapter 427: This, this, this …

Yes, she recognized it. ∈↗ is only visible to her. Lan Jue took her blow. With the ability of Taiji magic to turn stars, she rashly removed her attack and transferred the attack to shield.

Zeus is the person who also wears a mask, but his temperament seems to be completely different. But that person’s strength was obviously super strong, and even King of Angels Milenda could not stay. But just now, why is the energy fluctuation released by Zeus so strong as does not have?

Under the cover of golden thunder and lightning, other people at does not have can see it all.

Lan Jue lifted his right hand, and the golden electric glow faintly expanded outward. thunder and lightning‘s starting hand is about to start again.

“Do you want to continue?” Lan Jue asked Shen Shen.

Shaliye shook her head, took a deep breath, and took a deep look at him again, “I confess!” Her energy has been consumed more than 60%, and she has lost Zeus with Taiji magic ** Keep fighting, because she knows that she can’t win anyway.

Lan Jue smiled slightly and nodded to her.

Sariye turned and jumped off the ring, ending the knockout match. She played on behalf of Pontiff Citadel and was eliminated.

What kind of suspicion the by no means caused by this game change. After all, the name of a person, the shadow of a tree. Although Zeus was hacked before, he must be a generation of Mercenary King, a strong generation, and one of Four Divine Monarchs. It is not unusual to defeat Angel of Moon Sally.

Even between Esper. If Salisbury wins Zeus, it will look abnormal.

Lan Jue exits the ring, heart is dangerous. He covered himself with thunder and lightning. Use the combination of Taiji and thunder and lightning. This led to Saliye’s strongest blow. Otherwise. It was not easy for him to defeat Salisbury, who was several orders higher than himself.

This didn’t happen until Salisbury recognized him. If you encounter a dead fight, it will be more troublesome.

Of course he also has a backhand, but it is better to keep the backhand in the end. Ninth Level 2nd Step, it really hurts! Lan Jue began to miss her strong time.

Chu Cheng tilted his head and looked at him, and said, “You are so insidious!”

Lan Jue‘s disdainful snorted, “This is wisdom! Defeated army. Don’t talk nonsense, you have been eliminated, go home and wash and sleep.”

At this moment, a voice came from behind Lan Jue, “Let’s go.”

Lan Jue As soon as he turned around, a prime hand had crossed his arm, holding his arm.

Chu Cheng, who was about to turn against her lips, saw this scene, and suddenly opened her mouth, unable to say a word.

It’s not just him, it’s not the other Esper. The expressions of those who looked at Lan Jue and his nearby became extremely shocked.

Lan Jue was startled by himself, when he saw that he was holding own indeed Pharmacist. But at this time he couldn’t say much, so he nodded and walked out with Pharmacist.

The second round of the game just ended in succession. When Pharmacist came out of the rest area with Lan Jue‘s arm, there was a burst of commotion in the auditorium.

This, this …

If this happened before today ’s battle between Pharmacist and Chu Cheng, the audience will not be too shocked. But just now, Pharmacist shocked the audience with her extremely scary strength, but at this time, she actually pulled Lan Jue out of the rest area. Are they actually a pair?

Pharmacist glanced down at the auditorium calmly. The audience suddenly felt like thorns on the back of general, and the air was blowing in the air. She seems to be by no means to see a specific person, but everyone has a feeling that she is looking at own. This feeling is really terrible.

Where her eyes saw, the crowd lowered their heads. Dare not look at her. This would be any boo of does not have to Lan Jue.

Lan Jue then understands that Pharmacist holds herself out of goal. She wants to decide for herself!

It feels weird to be taken care of by a woman, but it is also very warm.

Lan Jue has been an orphan from elder brother since he was a child. In his memory, his parents have always been does not have, only teacher.

does not have mother, naturally cares for does not have women, so deep in his heart, he especially likes gentle women. This is why he fell in love with Hera.

Su Xiaosu turned his head to look at nearby Zhou Qianlin, Zhou Qianlin‘s complexion was a little pale, but still calm.

“Aren’t you jealous? What’s going on with them?” Su Xiaosu whispered.

Zhou Qianlin smiled indifferently, “For women, jealousy is actually the most boring behavior. It is also the most inferior behavior. If he doesn’t like me and likes others, it can only prove that I am not attractive enough to attract. He. “With that said, she stood up and walked outward. The game of Lan Jue is over, she also needs to stay in does not have.

Bingxue is smart, she already has a vague understanding of Pharmacist.

Regarding Pharmacist and Jun’er, Lan Jue has explained it to her specifically, so she will not doubt anything again. The death of Hera is a huge obstacle to Lan Jue heart. Even the more she is now, she does not believe that also who can be crossed.

If you see that Lan Jue is pulled by Pharmacist, it is impossible, but she believes in own.

Until the Great Conclave Sports Center was exited, Pharmacist recovered own hand and kept a distance from Lan Jue.

“Thank you.” Lan Jue gave her a deep look and said heartily.

Pharmacist smiled, “This is what you deserve.”

“Sister!” Lan Jue suddenly blurted out and called out the word.

Pharmacist for a moment, “You …”

Lan Jue is like an older child, scratching his head, “I don’t know why, I suddenly wanted to call you like this.”

Pharmacist “噗哧” smiled, “How old are you? I may not be older than you.”

Lan Jue cough coughed, “Don’t ask about age, I just had a whimsy.”

Pharmacist smiled slightly, “It’s actually good to have a younger brother. But don’t call it that in front of Jun Er, I still expect you to act for me.”

Lan Jue laughed: “Of course not in front of Jun Er, from father to puppet, am I not losing? Unless it is …”

Pharmacist said: “Unless what?”

Lan Jue took a deep look at her, “Unless it was Jun’s father that came back one day.”

Pharmacist‘s body trembled slightly, and reveals in the corner of his mouth felt a bitterness. “If there is such a day, even if I die immediately, I will be willing.”


It’s better today, too! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

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