Skyfire Avenue Chapter 404: Zeus VS Lilina

Now, I just recovered to Ninth Level 2nd Step and around cultivation that’s all. Facing Lilina, one against one is not easy to overcome her.

This is really better than a rival! If you continue in this way, it won’t be long before you will run into a hard hand like Constantine.

Lan Jue is a little bit crying, but since it’s already so, then like this.

While he was depressed, Chu Cheng didn’t know where he came from, he was not afraid that others would say that he had a relationship with Lan Jue. At Northern Alliance, many people knew that he was actually the Nether King in dead Divine Monarch.

“Good luck! I won my woman.” Chu Cheng patted Lan Jue on the shoulder.

“I’ll be your woman so soon?” Lan Jue looked at him in doubt.

Chu Cheng smiled, “That’s, by the means of brother, isn’t that a catch? I can warn you, please be careful with me, or you won’t hurt her, otherwise I won’t finish with you. This is your bitch.”

Lan Jue sighed, “I don’t know if all my sister-in-law are holding hands, can I go around Luo City?”

Chu Cheng said in surprise: “Ah? Boss Lan has so many women? Why haven’t I heard of it?”

Lan Jue froze, “Why can you be so shameless?”

Chu Cheng disdain snorted, “This question Lilina also asked me yesterday. Why do you want a face? If you want a face, you ca n’t even touch the girl ’s hand. Brother is shameless, what’s the matter? Anyway, give me careful Don’t hurt her. “

Lan Jue said: “Same words, have you told her? Let her tap me, okay?”

Chu Cheng‘s eyes widened, “Do you still have a face? You are God King Zeus, the man I have defeated. Actually, let a weak woman let you, you also have some strength didn’t have? Are you still my brother? “

“I …” Chu Cheng stood proudly, “Why are you? Ready to play. You should be the first batch to play.”

Yes, Lan Jue was included in the first batch this time, that is to say. He will be playing soon.

Watching Lan Jue heading to the ring, reveals with a bad smile at the corner of Chu Cheng. Of course, he knows that Lan Jue‘s strength has been weakened a lot. He has not asked how much Lan Jue weakened, but he also watched the previous game. Looks. Have a fight with Lilina!

Lilina refuel, hit this guy fiercely. Chu Cheng is very unscrupulous and has the opposite **** and no humanity secretly refuel for the vampire princess.

On the ring platform, Lan Jue just saw Lilina coming from the other side of the ring platform.

Different from yesterday, Lilina by no means today wears a black cape, which is a black dress. The dark red long hair behind the head flutters. The cheeky expression was cold. His eyes were extremely sharp. Looking at Lan Jue, he had a bit of meaning in choosing people.

Lan Jue nodded slightly to her.

In terms of appearance, Four Divine Monarchs ranks first, of course, Hua Li (splendor) as Sea God. That is a national idol.

The brother and Lan Qing and Lan Jue are similar. Relatively speaking, Lan Qing is even colder. It’s like a cold machine, but don’t have a bit of wild charm in the cold and proud. And Lan Jue is the representative of elegant gentlemen. Appearance and temperament are very elegant, although not as handsome as Hua Li (splendor). But it has a strong affinity. It’s easy to attract girls’ attention.

Chu Cheng is different from the three of them. On the appearance, Chu Cheng is comparable to Lan Qing and Lan Jue brother. The difference is that although he inherits the Nether King heritage, he has a strong masculinity. When he casts Nether King Transformation. This masculinity will become cold again, so. On aura, his change is the biggest.

Lilina smiles at Lan Jue. by no means any expression because she can’t see it. Lan Jue is wearing a mask yet. It is also nodded.

“Three, two, one, the game is starting!” The electronic sound was still so simple and rude.

The game begins.

Lilina‘s body flickered. This time she does not have rushed into the air, but walked on the ground, almost flashing, and not far from the Lan Jue. Hands out. space changes quickly. A small amount of space crack spread rapidly around the body of Lan Jue.

In the face of the same level, even if cultivation is still above them, Lan Jue dare not care. He is dual attribute ability, and so is Lilina. In the case that cultivation is not as good as his opponent, what he can rely on is more his own perception of ability and past combat experience.

eye-piercing violet electric glow burst out from him instantly, within a range of ten meters in diameter, completely enveloped in a thunder electric glow awn. thunder and lightning forest, small area!

Under the bombardment of thunder and lightning, space in this range was instantly broken, and all cracks were forcibly broken. Imperceptibly blocked the Lilina attack and Lilina‘s path.

But Lilina seems to have learned the lessons of yesterday ’s battle with Chu Cheng. With a right-handed wave, the black thin sword flashed out, and the body and sword were united. In the face of the thunder and lightning forest, he never shook away, and his whole body was shrouded in black In the halo, the forest of thunder and lightning was hard punched. Senran sword qi brought space and dark fluctuations, so that weird black bubbles appeared around her body. Then she squeezed a path out of the forest of thunder and lightning, and she saw that she was in front of Lan Jue.

I’m going …

It’s too violent.

Lan Jue didn’t expect Lilina to use such a thunderous combat method as soon as it came up. As his face changed, his feet quickly receded. With both hands raised, lightning lance appeared in the grasp. On the side of the body, pick up the spear and point to the black thin sword of Lilina.

In the stands, in a better position, Zhou Qianlin has been watching the game.

When he saw that Lan Jue‘s opponent was actually Lilina, he was also shocked. Yesterday Lan Jue also gave her an analysis of the battle between Lilina and Chu Cheng, and also told her what Lilina was cultivation.

I didn’t expect Lan Jue to encounter Lilina today. The strength of the two sides is a little bit different!

Zhou Qianlin clenches both fists tightly, the first time because of oneself shared ability of Lan Jue and regretted it. If he is still Ninth Level 7th Step, it should be easy to win against Lilina, but now …

“噗 ——” The Lilina rapier sword was hit by the lightning lance point.

But Lilina was prepared for the situation, but Lan Jue was in a hurry to respond, plus the gap of ability cultivation. He fell into the downwind in one fell swoop.

Lan Jue fell back two steps, the front end of lightning lance turned black, infected by the power of darkness.

The weapons of both sides are condensed by energy. Once they are infected by the energy of the other side, it means that they have fallen behind in the previous competition. The lightning lance‘s infected front end was instantly broken.

Lilina people are in the air. Just a little pause, then rushed forward again. Still a combination of body and sword, a strong sanguinary aura burst out from her, and then her figure flickered in the air. Lan Jue just felt tight for a while. A sharp sword intention actually appeared from behind.

The audience can see it, one after the other. Actually two Lilina appeared at the same time, and the two figures crossed instantly, and Lan Jue was cut under the sword.

Chu Cheng by no means was the first group to appear in the game. He was also watching this game and saw this scene. Can’t help but scream, “So cruel.”

However, Lilina‘s fierce attack on by no means succeeded. Seeing that Lan Jue was about to be hanged on the spot, his body suddenly turned into a streamer and disappeared.

It was a lightning general beam, and it came out of lock. Get off the battlefield instantly.

Two golden lights flew from his hand and flew towards two Lilina.

The two Lilinas merge into one instantly, and the black sword pierces like lightning.

“Boom, boom!” Of the two loud roars, this time it was Lilina that lost. She believes too much in the strength of own. So that you do n’t dodge when you can dodge. In order to pursue speed hard. The result was Spirit-Devouring Divine Thunder.

Lilina only feels that the energy in her body is diarrhea. Although she was isolated by strength of space at first moment, she still suffered a small loss. The original advantage was immediately drawn closer.

Lan Jue These two Spirit-Devouring Divine Thunder are very particular. Lilina dodge is no problem, but the position of those two Spirit-Devouring Divine Thunder just isolated the two roads that her two figures had to rush to Lan Jue. Dodge will have to detour, which means that Lan Jue time needs to be adjusted. Of course, Lilina made the most direct choice, and the result was fooled.

Lan Jue throws another Spirit-Devouring Divine Thunder, and it looks like it. It’s bigger than the previous two, but he flashed himself. It was almost flashing towards the other side of the ring. Opened up the distance from Lilina.

“You are still not a man, what are you running!” Lilina yelled. Called Lan Jue heart pumping. What kind of bird is this person looking for … This girl will not learn from Chu Cheng.

heart Although thinking about it, the lightning lance in Lan Jue‘s hands has been restored. When he turned around again, his breath suddenly changed.

The originally gentle and calm atmosphere suddenly became wild, the blue electric mansions surrounding the body turned into gold, and the majestic breath oppressed Lilina stagnated. After flashing the third Spirit-Devouring Divine Thunder, does not have first moment rushed up.

It’s so annoying! Lilina‘s eyes moved slightly, his brows frowned.

thunder and lightning, especially Yang Lei, is the gathering of righteous qi, the nemesis of all evil things. In a sense, the vampire bloodline inherited by Lilina is also in this category. Therefore, in terms of attributes, Lan Jue‘s thunder and lightning attributes is restraining her dark attribute.

But Lilina also has quite rich combat experience. Facing this situation, she knows that once the attributes are suppressed, the battle will become extremely difficult. Therefore, she also responded to first moment.


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