Skyfire Avenue Chapter 391: Brainwave Retina Helmet

Lan Jue said: “no matter, although I’m not sure of winning the championship, but if I say something, it won’t be too big. My enemies! Let them come and find it. Not many people know me by removing their masks . Going to participate as Zeus, it will be easier to get out. I will arrange it. “Even Pontiff Citadel broke out, which is naturally nothing.

The crowd chatted for a while, Hua Li (splendor) and Mo Xiao left first, and they had to rehearse. Chu Cheng stated that they could take them out for nightlife and was rejected by Lan Jue. The game is about to start. Although he never thought of winning the championship, he still attaches great importance to this game.

This kind of Esper Congress is very rare in Esper world. It will definitely encounter various strong players in the game, which is very helpful to polish his own strength.

After coming back, he has seen many strong players, even Paragon. The breakthroughs of Gourmet and Bookworm, coupled with the powerful strength of the two major Wine Gods, have given him great encouragement, and his goal is to become Paragon at an early date.

Clairvoyant words He believes most of them, but by no means is a full letter. After all, who can really say good things like destiny? But promotion is always not wrong.

In the next few days, time, Lan Jue, and most of time practice with Zhou Qianlin every day, teaching her fighting skills, and the two are getting better and better.

After digging by Lan Jue, Zhou Qianlin‘s Goddess Transformation and by no means are completely unable to play a role in battle. In addition to its own strength of principle, her auxiliary ability can also play an unexpected role in some special situations.

Su Xiaosu has always been out in the hotel room and practiced every day, trying to restore her cultivation. Lan Jue tried to ask her what happened to the underground prison in Pontiff Citadel once, but Su Xiaosu only gave him a complicated look. Then shook his head, everything said does not have, it seems that there is something inexplicable.

Of course, Lan Jue will not force it. Don’t say it, don’t say it, anyway, she has been rescued.

Lan Jue contacted Skyfire Avenue. Wine Master and Beggar have returned, and Beggar began to retreat after sober from Ming Wu. No one knows how long this retreat will take, but it is undoubtedly extremely important to him.

Lan Jue heard Wine Master said that when he left, he got two gifts from Wine God and brought back a batch of old wine. Both are Wine God wine cellars. Although it’s been hundreds of years, it is said to be drinkable and in good condition.

Three days before the start of the game, Gourmet finally arrived with the team.

“Aren’t you joining us?” Gourmet looked at Lan Jue sitting in surprise.

Under Lan Jue‘s proposal, everyone in Skyfire Avenue also stayed at the Intercontinental Hotel. Everyone was in the meeting room. Discuss the next game.

Lan Jue by no means is a person here, also beauty on his leg. The beauty is leaning against his chest, with a contented smile on Qiao’s face.

Lan Jue stroked her hair gently, and said, “Yes, I won’t participate directly. thunder and lightning ability is not many people who can practice to such a degree. Currently, only I and Driver are known. I I don’t want to be known by so many people, so I plan to participate as Zeus. “

“Dad, I will give you refuel!” The younger beauty in Lan Jue‘s arms spoke, this beauty is not Zhou Qianlin. It’s Pharmacist‘s daughter, Juner!

Before leaving Planet Skyfire, Lan Jue convinced Pharmacist and made her promise to bring Juner out to play. This time it has been done. To say this group, the most powerful Skyfire Avenue delegation under the age of 40 is actually Pharmacist. Pharmacist has 9th Step Ninth Level ability cultivation. It’s only a step away from the peak that’s all. How high her level is, even a few Paragon on Skyfire Avenue are not completely clear. without a person has also seen her when she really shot with all her strength.

Lan Jue touched Jun’s head. “That’s great. Dad will win the game. Right. Dad bought you a gift Oh.”

When Juner was called Lan Jue father for the first time, the faces of the Skyfire Avenue contestants were a wonderful one. The cigar in Driver‘s mouth fell directly on his expensive suit. Accountant can even squeeze a fist with his mouth open.

However, all of their visions were suppressed in Pharmacist‘s eyes like general Morin.

The strong momentum from Pharmacist surprised even Gourmet.

“Really? Dad, what gift did you buy for me?” Jun Er asked in surprise.

Lan Jue smiled, “You guess.”

Jun Er thought with a crooked head and said, “A soft toy?”

Lan Jue shook his head, “No, guess again. There is a practical Oh.”

Jun Er jumped and said, “I guess it was a pair of bunnies taking off their shoes?”

Lan Jue smiled and shook his head again, “No. Well, Dad told you. It’s a brainwave retinal helmet.”

Jun Er froze, “What’s that?”

Lan Jue smiled: “This is the latest technology product of Northern Alliance. I asked a friend for help before I found one. After you bring it, you can use the camera on it to convert the external scene into brain waves, which are transmitted to your brain. Medium. Then you can see world outside in your mind. You can also see father and mother! “

As soon as Lan Jue said this, Jun Er suddenly stopped, and the Pharmacist not far away was also dull. Her hands were not shaken by control, her eyes were red, and she almost burst into tears.

“Dad, Dad, are you telling the truth? Can I and I really see it? Can you and your mother be seen?” Jun Er’s voice was choked, clutching Lan Jue‘s clothes tightly Shaking.

Lan Jue hastened to hug her to prevent her from falling, “Of course, what Dad said is true. Let Mom try it for you later, OK. However, you have to promise Dad that this brainwave retinal helmet You cannot rest for more than an hour after using it. Jun’er, Dad assures you that he will try his best to help you restore your vision. By then, you can really see it. “

“Thank dad, thank dad. Dad is the best.” Jun Er’s excited voice changed a little.

Pharmacist left with her and gifts, because Jun Er can’t wait to test the effect of this brainwave retinal helmet.

Looking at their mother and daughter going out, Coffee Master came first and whispered: “Jeweller, what’s the situation? When did you and Pharmacist have such a big child, you’re so hard to hide us!”

Skyfire Avenue has a loose internal management, so everyone will not be particularly familiar unless they have a very good relationship with each other.

Pharmacist‘s Taihetang business is one of the best in Skyfire Avenue, but she has always rejected people thousands of miles away, and simply then has no friends.

Lan Jue said: “If you want to live a few more years, in front of Pharmacist, especially in the case of Juner, do not say these words. Pharmacist is very bitter …” At the moment, he asked Pharmacist Help things simply said.

But who knows, after listening to his explanation, Coffee Master not only satisfied with does not have, but mumbled: “You talk, I’m so handsome in looks, why don’t Pharmacist find me! Where are you? nearby are all women . “

Lan Jue raised his hand and knocked on his head, “No more nonsense. What ranking are you going to take this time?”

Coffee Master smiled, “I just came to read with the prince. I think the winner this time must be Pharmacist.”

Pharmacist has studied on behalf of Skyfire Avenue and Western Alliance two citadels, and her strong strength is impressive.

Gourmet said ill-humoredly: “So you’re here to hang around?”

Coffee Master is not ashamed. “Since it is Esper Congress, beauty is indispensable. I heard that Northern Alliance has a lot of beauty processed the day after tomorrow. I want to appreciate and appreciate it. Everyone loves beauty.”

Gourmet said indifferently: “Okay! Appreciate it’s okay, but everyone has an index. If you can’t even enter the top one hundred, there is punishment.”

Coffee Master said in surprise: “Is there a punishment? You didn’t say that before you came!”

Gourmet glanced at him, “I figured it out temporarily, will you?”

Under his scorching eyes, and considering the difference in strength between the two sides, Coffee Master had to yield and nodded, “Okay! Of course, what do you say. But what is the punishment?”

Gourmet said: “Nothing, I have a secret technique that can seal the ability of a man. If you haven’t even entered the top one hundred, I will seal you for half a year. Not too difficult for you! Guaranteed to be non-toxic No side effects. “

Coffee Master listened to what he said, and jumped straight, “What? Let me be eunuch, Gourmet, you are too cruel! I want to betray, I want to fight the enemy! I …”

Gourmet‘s dark red flames beating quietly.

“I will definitely be in the top 100!” Coffee Master changed his mouth instantly.

Gourmet said with satisfaction: “It’s almost the same. The same punishment works for everyone, girls does not have punishment.”

Coffee Master has the urge to burst into tears, which is caused by his own owe! Who made himself talk so much.

Gourmet turns to Lan Jue, said: “Since you are going to participate alone, I will not stop you, everything is careful.”

Lan Jue nodded knowingly. (To be continued)

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