Skyfire Avenue Chapter 382: Tiaohu Lishan

Pontiff Citadel.

King of Angels Milenda has been very gloomy these days, he has been does not have like now for a long time. The gentle smile of the past is gone.

The two Archangels were taken away. This was not only a shame, but also brought a sense of crisis to the entire Pontiff Citadel. If Raphael was arrested, it is still because Raphael itself is not the best at fighting, and it is outside. So, what about Uriel? Uriel is Cherubim, but the combat effectiveness is not weak. There is Ninth Level 6th Step cultivation. And, do n’t forget, the battle site was inside Pontiff Citadel, with Pontiff sitting in town. He was still arrested.

Moreover, the unknown enemy is likely to have the legendary ancient martial-arts of Absolute Emperor, which is really terrible.

Who’s next? Could it be yourself? Or a few other Archangel?

According to Pontiff, one person shot in Pontiff Citadel, not two when dealing with Raphael. The strength of one person is so terrible. What if two people? Will you not be your opponent?

“Lord Milenda!” At this moment, a sound of panic came.

Milenda‘s thinking is interrupted, and reveals‘s face is suddenly unpleasant. “What’s panic?”

The clergyman in a bishop’s costume hurriedly bowed down, but the anxiety on his face was not diminished, “Sir. Something major has happened. The main brain in the church has been hacked.”

Milenda said angrily: “Go to the technical department to solve this kind of thing. Do you need to tell me?”

The bishop smiled bitterly: “But. There is a video on each of our screens, you see.” As he said, he hurried forward, taking a picture of the holographic projection device facing the ground.

Suddenly, the stereo image appears.

There are blood-red worlds of limbs everywhere, thrown to the ground by Uriel and Raphael.

A voice that was clearly filtered by the muffler sounded, “If you want someone, let Pontiff come to Dark Citadel in person. After three hours. The seal inside their body will begin to damage their body. Over twelve hours , They will become wasteful. Hehehehehe. I do n’t know Dark Citadel has or doesn’t have is so good at talking? ”

The sound ends here.

The entire interior of Saint Reims Cathedral has become a mess. One minute later, the Milenda carrying the video appeared in front of Pontiff.

bastard!” Pontiff was furious, and his face was ashamed as if dripping water!

Milenda is also frowning, “Eminence, what should we do? It seems that this person is going to stir up the contradiction between us and Dark Citadel.”

Pontiff sneered, “He looks down on Satan too much, Satan‘s manic impulse is just superficial. In fact, he is more insidious than anyone. If you change it, you will be caught. Maybe he will really turn his face with us because of this .It’s just Uriel and Raphael, he at least puts forward some requirements. This kind of cheapness doesn’t make up for nothing.

Milenda said in a serious voice: “Then I will contact the Dark Citadel people immediately, confirm with them, and then I will go there myself.”

Pontiff shook his head, “No, I’m afraid you’re useless. Although Satan will not turn us over because of this, he will definitely use it.”

Milenda frowned, “I’ll try to contact them first to see what they have asked for.”

Pontiff nodded.

After ten minutes, the holographic projection is turned on.

“Well, who is this? Isn’t this Pontiff Eminence?”. Sitting on his huge Demon King throne, Satan said with a playful look.

Pontiff said indifferently: “Is Satan, Raphael and Uriel with you?”

Satan said: “indeed! I do n’t know who sent it early this morning. This is what meaning? could it be was sent by you? This is also very polite.”

Pontiff has a calm face as if the ancient wells are not undulating, and said coldly: “This is someone who wants to provoke from it. If you give me back, I will be does not have.”

Satan Haha laughed out loud, “Have you ever done anything before? What a big tone! Why? If I don’t give it back to you, you still plan to bite me?”

Pontiff‘s face is still calm. “I can tell you that this person is likely to be a descendant of Absolute Emperor. I don’t know why he appeared here, but when he took Uriel and Raphael, he used the Absolute Emperor Taiji magic. “

After hearing his words, Satan‘s face suddenly converged a bit, his eyes froze, “Absolute Emperor? Even if Absolute Emperor is close to you? When siege Absolute Emperor, your Pontiff Citadel was the lead, but also Behind the scenes, this triggered the anger of Absolute Emperor. My father once said that Absolute Emperor is his most admired person, and it is strictly forbidden to take revenge. Although he was seriously injured and died, he fell in love with the five-body body admired by Absolute Emperor, and realized before death. Let’s pass on the Dark Citadel line and completely pass the Nether King line. Absolute Emperor is impossible for us. As for why I found you, what does it have to do with me? “

“I don’t go around with you anymore. I don’t have the time to spare. I want someone to do it. One person can change to an s-class energy gem. I can’t change it. Anyway, the two of them are thrown there. And they The seal can only be lifted by Paragon. I think that if time is longer, you don’t have to think about changing it. For me, two s-class energy gems are nothing. If two Archangels fall off, it seems nothing. Bad thing. It ’s not ours anyway, I have already filed a report with the Western Alliance council. You take care of it yourself. “

After saying this, Satan directly hung up the communication.

Pontiff eyes‘s anger flickered, and the calm before was swept away. The energy leakage caused by the unstable breath made the entire hall brighter.

Eminence is angry.” Milenda said quickly.

Pontiff closed his eyes, his breath gradually calmed down, “I went to Dark Citadel in person.”

Milenda was startled, “You really want to go in person, but …”

Pontiff waved his hand, “Satan is not so stupid, he will not directly target me. He just wants me to bow his head to that’s all. This can only be done. Otherwise, everyone will be cold Heart. Although it is almost certain that the mysterious man is doing everything to stir up the contradictions between us, you still have to be careful and strictly guard the church, so as not to be exploited by him, you two, at least this period of time when I leave, Gathered in pairs. “

Milenda nodded, “Yes.”

Pontiff With a big wave of his hand, a milky light envelops his body. In the next instant, he has turned into a pillar of light and rises to the sky, directly moving into the white circle at the top of the hall and disappearing.

Milenda‘s mood is even lower, said in a serious voice: “Please four Archangel and Constantine referees come over.”


This mysterious man gave him an unpredictable feeling. He captured Raphael and Uriel, and escaped under the comprehensive search of Pontiff. He even sent people to Dark Citadel without knowing it. In. without a person knows where he is, but no matter how you look at it, it’s like a prank. From the beginning to the end, he really hurt whoever does not have, but it brought huge trouble to Pontiff Citadel. If this person is standing behind Absolute Emperor, then even if they can really catch this person? could it be dare not deal with him? Even if it is Pontiff, there is no courage.

Pinching the forehead of own, Milenda suddenly felt a headache. This trouble really made him a little stumped.

Soon, the four Archangel and Constantine all came into the hall, and the highest levels of these Pontiff Citadel gathered together.

Milenda said in a serious voice: “Pontiff Eminence went to Dark Citadel in person. To ensure everyone’s safety, from now on, you all stay here and don’t leave until Pontiff Eminence returns. It is expected that up to two or three hours, Eminence will return.”

With cultivation of Pontiff Paragon, it doesn’t take much long time from Saint Reims Cathedral to City of Hell. It is necessary to waste time and negotiate with Dark Citadel.

Four Archangel and Constantine naturally have does not have objections. These days, the entire Saint Reims Cathedral is very disturbing, especially their high-level. The mysterious man specifically asked them to start, and he was arrested without mentioning security issues.

Angel of Moon Sally’s expression has always been very calm. As usual, she rarely has emotional fluctuations. She sat down on the sofa with others.

without a person noticed that she quietly pressed a button on her communicator.

Saint Reims Cathedral is temporarily closed and visitors are not allowed to enter.

This situation has happened in the past, but with the strange situation in the cathedral these days, the people have some speculation, and all kinds of rumors have emerged.

Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin walked on the street, Zhou Qianlin‘s complexion was completely restored.

“I still like it more than City of Hell.” Zhou Qianlin said looking at buildings full of classical religion.

Lan Jue chuckled, “As long as you are a normal person, you will not like living in a dark place. Your taste is normal. We are close to the end of our business. Looking back, I will buy you clothes.”

Zhou Qianlin smiled with a smile, “It’s pretty much the same. For your safety, let’s do it yourself.”

Lan Jue sighed suddenly.

Zhou Qianlin looked at him with surprise, “What happened?”

Lan Jue said frowningly: “Too much kiss, what if this is addictive?”

I have n’t asked for a ticket for a long time, please ask for a monthly ticket! Bye bye! (To be continued …)

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