Skyfire Avenue Chapter 352: Strong!

Richard said lightly: “No need to button up my hat. This is just my personal behavior and has nothing to do with the family. And even if Hua Alliance is to be investigated, you must find me first. Please, don’t let me do it. As for you “His eyes suddenly Lan Jue beside turns to.

Lan Jue looked at him innocently, “How am I?”

Richard said lightly: “You will leave this world forever, and go to another clean place to repent.”

While talking, he waved his hands violently, and two Mechas strode over to Lan Jue.

At this moment, suddenly, a loud scream rang, a blue and blue light fell from the sky, and fell heavily on the ground, “I see who dares!”

That’s a Green Mecha, with a pale green glow all over the body, and the cold voice is full of Senran killing intent, Mecha hands, each holding a green spike.

Lan Jue, take Zhou Qianlin away. I stopped them!” Tan Lingyun‘s voice came from Mecha.

The critical moment Violent Goddess was never ambiguous. When she was about to take a shot, Wu Junyi had stopped her, but she was thrown away and rushed out.

As a Emperor Rank Mecha Pilot, she is afraid of a large number of by no means opponents. However, each of these Mechas exudes a weak atmosphere, which is by no means as simple as an ordinary pilot. Austin Family Tan Lingyun has also heard of it, but that is the largest family of Western Alliance.

“Thank you, Teacher Tan.” Lan Jue shouted to her, then pulled Zhou Qianlin, and turned and ran.

“No, we can’t let Teacher Tan be here.” Zhou Qianlin tried hard to earn, but by no means broke free.

Spirit Calling Gem:

Lan Jue: “Stupid girl, I can’t just shoot like that! teachers of academy doesn’t know my strength.”

Zhou Qianlin: “Ah? What then?”

Lan Jue: “The mountain people have their own ideas.”

They ran. Richard was anxious, “Catch them for me.”

Without his orders, hundreds of Mechas are moving in an orderly manner. These are the elite pilots of Austin Family, at least of the King Rank Mecha Pilot standard. Ten Mechas were divided to surround Tan Lingyun. Others flew up quickly and chased from the sky and ground towards Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin.

Lan Jue ran very fast, and entered the hotel’s courtyard a few steps. As soon as he pulled Zhou Qianlin‘s hand, he disappeared into the dark corner.

The pilots of Austin Family are not only strong, they also cooperate very well. More than a dozen Mechas descended from the sky, and immediately surrounded the dark corner. At the same time, a series of strong lights shot out from the Mecha, making that corner completely visible.

But to their surprise. Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin have been lost there.

They all does not have noticed that there is a power port on the wall here.

The light flashed, Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin appeared inside the hotel, Zhou Qianlin looked at Lan Jue, “Teacher Tan is under siege, will it be okay?”

Lan Jue said: “violent girl no matter, she has the strength close to the peak of Emperor Rank Mecha Pilot. Although these pilots are not weak, it is not easy to defeat her. Moreover, Richard comes to catch you. But Western Alliance also has the rules of Western Alliance, he is Those who dare to kill easily, otherwise, the situation is so big that Austin Family can’t keep him. Only one of his goal is to take you away. How do you hope this matter can be solved? “

Zhou Qianlin said: “If you can ensure academy teachers safety words. Then you take me.”

Lan Jue said lightly: “The way to do it once and for all is to kill him. Any more trouble with does not have?”

Zhou Qianlin froze for a moment. He shook his head, “Anyway. I almost became his wife. Although I liked him in by no means, I didn’t want to kill him. It was because of me that I owed him.” She did not It is suspected that Lan Jue may kill Richard. Until now, Richard has does not have completely figure out what kind of opponent he is facing. Zhou Qianlin knows that if not is a bogey to reveal his identity in front of teachers of academy, and Lan Jue just started. The seemingly calm Lan Jue, in fact, eyes has flickered with anger.

Lan Jue said: “Okay, it’s up to you. Then let him go again, but again and again and again and again and again and again and again. He has harassed you also me many times, if there is another time, don’t blame me You’re welcome. “He used to talk bad words behind does not have, so by no means told Zhou Qianlin Richard that he wanted to deal with him, and he didn’t care about it. In his heart, does not have never considered Richard as an opponent. When he found out When Richard has a problem, heart‘s guilt has long been didn’t have.

Open interstellar communicator, and whispered something, Lan Jue took Zhou Qianlin into the power port again and disappeared into the room.

The target has disappeared, and the pilots of Austin Family are surprised. This is totally counterintuitive, and it is possible to do this unless the other party has something similar to stealth. However, they can’t find their opponents anywhere!

“What? Disappeared? Find it for me, even if you dig the ground three feet, find out both of them!” Richard said fiercely, at this time he, what kind of also.

At this time, Tan Lingyun is already in a tough battle. None of the ten Mecha Pilot she is facing is her opponent, even three or five, she is not at all concerned. However, there are too many of these Mecha Pilots, and what is more terrible is the cooperation between them.

The ten King Rank Mecha Pilots cooperate very well. Every cultivation is not weak. To Tan Lingyun, these ten people are like a combination of Anlun army and Special Training Class. Each of them should have ability cultivation above Fifth Level , plus a very tacit cooperation. In a small range, its combat power is extremely powerful, even better than Anlun The army is more terrible. The only difference between them and the Anlun army is the jealous spirit of does not have.

However, Tan Lingyun is also not afraid, a pair of spikes are amazing. After Special Training Class, her strength has also improved a lot.

green light is intertwined into net of light, which continuously blooms with a strong light, always able to repel opponents when there is no room for hair.

“Give me her first. I don’t believe they run away regardless of who they are.” Richard is still easy to grasp when it’s calm.

He knew that Zhou Qianlin came to Planet Barrow, so he installed the Tianluodi network here. He never believed that Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin could escape from the sky. He even used the relationship of Austin Family to monitor all routes, otherwise he would not find it at first moment. As long as they don’t leave Planet Barrow, he will have a way to catch them. At least Richard thinks so.

More pilots gathered around, and a dark Blue Mecha attacked Tan Lingyun like general, which was a mercury-laden ground.

Tan Lingyun began to feel a little overwhelmed. There were too many enemies, and she was overwhelmed by the intense laser rays. Her hand speed had soared to the extreme, but she did not want to kill people here. That’s why does not have has been a killer. Once the Austin Family people are killed here, then I’m afraid I can’t really walk away, and it will even affect academy. She has the same idea as Lan Jue, and she also does not believe that Richard dares to kill people under the general public, or kill Hua Alliance people. Wu Junyi has undoubtedly notified the academy side and reported to the Hua Alliance official.

At this moment, a lazy voice suddenly sounded, “What is the skill of a group of men bullying a woman? Give me a bit further.”

While talking, all of a sudden a figure came out from the side, a deep and thick dragon groan suddenly sounded, and a golden dragon light and shadow flickered.

“Boom——” A Austin Family Mecha flew upside down in an instant, far away was thrown out, and his companion was surprised to see that there was a large palm print on the chest of this Mecha.

Because the chest is also main control room of Mecha, the armor thickness is also the largest. In this case, a large palm print was taken. It can be imagined how terrible the blow was. The pilot inside was directly Stunned.

Then, a dragon yin gradually became louder. A Austin Family‘s Mecha flew like a doll general, and then fell out of far away. The situation of each Mecha was exactly the same. Palm print, their energy shield is in front of the golden dragon-shaped light and shadow, just like the paper-like general is fragile and can’t provide any protection at all.

“Who!” Richard shouted!

“It’s your grandpa!” The funny voice sounded again.

Young Master be careful.” In the shadow, a figure suddenly flashed, blocking in front of Richard. Immediately after, another figure appeared here.

“Bang–” In the muffled sound, the man blocking Richard took a few steps backwards to stand still, his face horrified.

In front of him, I don’t know when Beggar with a disheveled hair has been added.

Beggar‘s face was dirty, he pulled his nose, suddenly his left hand was sent out again, and the golden dragon-shaped light and shadow burst out again.

The black-clothed person didn’t dare to neglect, both hands pushed out at the same time, and a layer of sanguine light surged across the body, blocking the Beggar attack.

“Boom–” This time, black-clothed person flew out from the bombardment, flew a full ten meters away, and could no longer stand in front of Richard.

Beggar beckoned, Richard only felt a horrible suck, and his body did not fly to the other side from control. At this moment, he could not afford to be angry, and suddenly screamed in horror.

“Senior, shows lenience.” The black-clothed person flew upside down and yelled.

Beggar has grabbed Richard‘s neck, and patted the Richard Baijing face with the hand that had just digged the booger, “brat, bullying?”

Richard pinched his neck, and simply then couldn’t speak.


I was too involved in writing. I forgot to update. Sorry, I’m late. (To be continued)

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