Skyfire Avenue Chapter 320: Only for livestock

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He must run quickly, far away running, only to escape to the Northern Alliance area, can he survive safely. ∈♀ own also a battleship, also can use the value.

Fortunately, most of the wealth obtained through robbery in these years is in this flagship. As a pirate, he had long thought that he would come this day, so he was always ready to run.

At this moment, suddenly, radar made a harsh noise.

“An enemy has caught up.” The pirate in charge of radar yelled.

Feng Ling just felt his body tight, and hurriedly ran to look at the screen. What you see is a ball of blue light and shadow.

The blue light and shadow are coming too fast and are approaching his battleship quickly.

Blue! He couldn’t understand what that meant.

Feng Ling has no regard for resentment at this time, and resentment is not as important as life first!

“All jets are opened at the same time, speeding up to the fastest speed at all costs. Fast!” Feng Ling shouted almost crazy.

At this moment, the blue light in battleship radar suddenly flashed, and then disappeared on the radar screen.

“Oh, why not?” The pirate in charge of radar stunned and tried to find it, but the enemy’s trail could not be found on radar.

The next moment, suddenly, battleship gave a slight shock.

The large sarcoma on Feng Ling‘s face instantly changed from the original redness to paleness. He immediately growled loudly: “Mecha, Mecha ready. Enemy attacks!”

From the perspective of mechanical principles and human technology. Mecha is in no way comparable to warship. How many resources can you build an warship! The attack power and defense forces of warship are all far from Mecha, which is not an order of magnitude.

For example, speed, pure Mecha speed can never reach the level of light speed, even God Rank Mecha.

In warship, some battleship passing converts can reach the speed of light, even flying at the speed of light.

But. Nothing is absolute. What Mecha simply cannot do, in many cases, it can be done with Mecha Pilot.

For example, the flame meteor shower of Hell Succubus. If this Mecha is intended for other people to use, no such horrible attack can be produced, but Mika can.

Another example is Thor. When Lan Jue‘s Lightning ability and Thor are combined, in a short time, he can make Thor reach the speed of horrible light.

battleship wants to accelerate to the speed of light, which needs to be performed in space. At this time, the flagship of Feng Ling, does not have burst out of the atmosphere.

At the speed of light. Thor was almost just a flash, catching up to battleship nearby. battleship‘s anti-shield has been turned on. However, for Mecha, the protection of warship is powerful, but the coverage is too large.

Thor is like a spinning top general. The Thor spear is the core of the rotation. Immediately after, it was like a screw, drilled shield directly, and flew to the side wall of battleship.

!” Thor Mecha is directly attached to battleship.

battleship and patrol ship are two different warship, although they are only one level behind.

patrol ship general is only used for patrolling, small-scale combat, and search missions relying on large warship or the planet itself. But battleship can be long-distance flight, the existence of combat missions. Therefore, the armor of battleship itself is much thicker than patrol ship. Is able to withstand some other warship attacks. Survivability naturally surpasses patrol ship.

But at this time, Thor seems to mean that by no means destroys the battleship.

The Thor on the battleship exudes a strange blue, and electric glow swarms to warship like layers of water.

warship has become a mess inside. Although battleship is much larger than patrol ship, in order to flee for time, Feng Ling by no means took too many people to escape, only some confidants that’s all. Mecha is less than fifty.

Feng Ling also nervously boarded a Mecha. It was in control cabin and was preparing nervously. Only in Mecha can he feel a touch of security. But why was there no sound?

“His, sigh!” The strange noise suddenly burst in the cabin, the sparks on the control screen turned on, and the battleship operating system suddenly became confused.

Then, when the warship was suddenly pressed, the lighting system failed.

“Ah!” Feng Ling yelled, quickly turned on the Mecha‘s lighting system, and at the same time leaped quickly towards the side, hiding in a corner.

At this moment, a golden figure suddenly appeared in the cabin without warning, and his whole body exuded golden light, golden cloak, golden mask, long golden hair.

It was majestic gold. He just appeared, even the pirates inside Mecha, can’t help but be brave.

This figure is too familiar to the Shattered Chaos Star Territory pirates. He has produced countless massacres in Shattered Chaos Star Territory. I don’t know how many pirates ended in his hands.

Zeus, Zeus, listen to me. Don’t do it, please don’t do it.” Feng Ling exclaimed. Although Zeus at this time looks like by no means Mecha is in his body, his prestige is really too big in this star territory.

In legend, he can defeat the existence of warship with his own power!

The cold and majestic voice echoed throughout battleship, “What’s your also to say.”

Feng Ling gasped, “I know I’m wrong, I shouldn’t be a pirate, but none of this is what I want to do! It’s Northern Alliance, Northern Alliance people made me do it. Say yes Strike Hua Alliance and seduce you into Shattered Chaos Star Territory. As long as you let me go, I will tell you everything, I am willing to go to the Supreme Court to accuse Northern Alliance of insidiousness and atrocities. also, I hand over all my wealth to those Victims’ families, compensate them. “

In order to survive, he can’t care a lot now. Although in warship, also has so many blood red pirate group‘s Mecha. but. The moment he saw Zeus. His psychological defense had collapsed.

“Did you think of today when you did those massacres?” Zeus stepped forward, and a golden current suddenly shot outwards centering on his body. The terrible current instantly illuminated the interior of the cabin. The nearest pirate Mecha turned into a golden color, and the Mecha Pilot inside turned into coke without a hum.

Other Mecha rushed to open shield and backed up, but does not have dared to take the initiative to attack.

“I was wrong, that was not what I wanted to do! I was forced by Northern Alliance too, if I did n’t do it, there would be others. Northern Alliance would kill me. I surrendered , I’m willing to saddle you up and back, whatever you ask me to do.

Zeus sighed, “According to the Covenant, treat surrenders ca n’t continue to kill. However, when you were facing the Hua Alliance transport ship, have you been kind to those who surrendered? Northern Alliance let you plunder the transport ship, Have you ever said that you want to keep the chickens and dogs you killed? Have you given those innocent people a chance? You did n’t even let the old person and the children, you brutally killed every living thing. Now say everything It’s too late. You people, in your next life, are only worthy of reincarnation. “

“Get started!” Feng Ling growled suddenly.

He heard it from Zeus speech. Right now the God King simply then does not have wants to let go of their meaning, and now only the last stroke will give them a chance to survive.

A large number of laser beams flew in the vertical and horizontal direction, shining in warship.

battleship‘s internal structure is extremely reasonable, and it also comes with an internal defense shield, which is used for internal operations to avoid damaging the warship itself.

Gold figures are strung by countless beams of light. success? The pirates heart are happy.

But in the next instant, the entire warship cabin suddenly turned completely golden.

“I said, clouds rise!” A thick golden mist suddenly appeared inside the entire warship without warning. These golden mists spread in every corner. Only a few shields could barely block its invasion.

“I said, thunder!” The thick golden electric glow suddenly shot out, and the whole interior of warship suddenly turned into a golden sea of thunder.

If it is on the planet and wants to defeat so many Mechas, Lan Jue also needs the help of Thor to complete in short time. But here is the inside of warship, how much does not have dodges and space for Mecha operation. With these beasts, his simply then was unwilling to say anything. The golden lightning full of principle power was raging. Under the precise control of Lan Jue, he penetrated into an Mecha shield and directly acted on the pilots in Mecha.

They could n’t even leave the body, they were directly converted into fly ash inside Mecha, and completely wiped from this world by the thunder and lightning full of masculine righteous qi.

Only one Mecha is an exception. After all the raging golden thunder and lightning disappeared, Feng Ling was still alive. He drove own Mecha standing there, his hands subconsciously trembling, and the two battles were incontinence. The power of principle, he even suppressed breathing even if it was suppressed.

This is the power of Zeus, God King Zeus!

Zeus‘s golden figure appeared silently in front of him. With one hand, the Mecha cockpit was ripped apart. The next moment, Feng Ling was thrown to the ground.

Looking at his ugly look, the disgusting smell of pee flow, Zeus frowned.

“Say, Northern Alliance is what you asked you to plunder the Hua Alliance carrier.” Lan Jue coldly asked.

“Yes …” Feng Ling completely does not have means no resistance, and subconsciously said a name.

Lan Jue hummed coldly, a wave of his right hand, and a golden lightning fell, turning Feng Ling and his foulness into flying ash, disappearing without a trace.


It has become a habit to be a brutal girl … I can’t help it. (Good activity for dropping pie in the sky, take the cool mobile phone waits for you! Follow ~ points / public account (wechat add friends-add public account-just enter dd), and join immediately! Everyone has a prize, now follow dd WeChat Public number!) (To be continued please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better updated faster!

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