Skyfire Avenue Chapter 317: It’s you!

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Zeus-1 is a weapon in its own right. The powerful anti-shield protects warship itself from any damage to by no means. Of course, that powerful impact is still there. Let the students inside warship have a strong sense of dizziness.

cough cough, cough cough.” Accountant finally managed to get rid of the intense chest tightness, and cough coughed.

His ability is different. The increase in the body is by no means. The severe impact just now made him a little unbearable.

Mika and Xiuxiu have now unfastened their seat belts and got up separately.

Lan Jue also got up from the main position, lifted his right hand, a electric glow shot, and the blue electric glow quickly decomposed into countless filaments in the air, falling on each Special Training Class student, while their bodies were paralyzed, Wake up from the pain of that shock.

“Now, it’s your turn.”

The environment on the surface of the blood red star is also not very suitable for human survival, but does not have Planet Anlun is so extreme that short time survival is still possible.

The Zeus-1 hatch opened, and a peculiar smell of air suddenly poured in from the outside.

Several Captain took the lead in unfastening their seat belts and organized their teammates.

The internal space of Zeus-1 is too small to directly wear Mecha, and it cannot accommodate so many people. They must endure the uncomfortable air and go outside to wear Mecha.

Lan Jue has already flew first moment with Mika and Xiuxiu, but they all wear does not have and Mecha. Just with ability body care.

After a few minutes. Special Training Class trainees rushed out of Zeus-1. The Zeus-1 hatch is closed. Accountant remains on control airship above.

A blood soul Mecha was released from the wrist, and the trainees quickly entered the Mecha and were arranged according to the team.

Lan Jue said in a serious voice: “warship will provide you with all the maps you need to instruct you in all your actions. This is a war. Here, you have does not have exercise tactical packs, and some of them are only own lives. Once you fail, pay It will be the price of life. So, aside from your inner fear and all negative emotions, what you can do now is to wipe out the enemy and avenge our fellow citizens. sets off! “

Following his order, the five teams acted simultaneously. Led by their respective Captain, they are heading in the direction of tactical arrangements.

Mika and Xiuxiu follow Lan Jue nearby, Xiuxiu whisper: “Boss, do we really ignore them?”

Lan Jue smiled indifferently, “If even blood red pirate group can’t handle it to such a degree. Then they don’t deserve to be called academy elites, and they are more qualified to wear blood soul Mecha as does not have.” He took the battle suit helmet and contacted Accountant through the communication device. “Give me the map.”

Accountant has recovered completely at this moment, can’t help but say: “Jeweller, you are really a lunatic! What if defense can’t stop it?”

Lan Jue said lightly: “The possibility that does not have can’t stop. Less nonsense, hurry up.”

While talking, he clenched his left hand and felt the energy fluctuation of Purple Accumulation Divine Stone in his palm.

Whether it used a large number of omnidirectional attacks at the time of the Anlun military exercise or the energy injection of Zeus-1 just now, both of which have the credit of Purple Accumulation Divine Stone. Don’t forget, Purple Accumulation Divine Stone can drive the existence of the mother ship class warship!

Since owning this s-class energy gem, Lan Jue has never been full of energy. In actual combat, the role of this energy gem is gradually understood by him and integrated with himself.

Tan Lingyun leads the first team, the target refers to the main control room of the indeed starry sky defense system. Zeus-1 has already landed on the planet, and various data analysis is naturally much easier.

Accountant first moment broke the blood red star’s information protection system and got everything I wanted.

The location and internal structure of the main control room of the starry defense system, and even the personnel inside, are all present in the Mecha of Tan Lingyun.

Tan Lingyun uses the same blood soul Mecha. Although the blood soul Mecha by no means is as powerful as her original Emperor Rank Mecha, she is more willing to feel the iron blood smell filled with this Mecha.

Her weapon is a pair of swords, galloping in the forefront, and the radar inside Mecha continuously scans towards the front. At the same time, the information from the Zeus-1 on the internal screen is continuously observed.

This is the war of war! Lan Jue‘s analysis on warship gave her a big touch. During the exercises with the Anlun army, her team’s losses were too great. Once the same situation occurred in the real war, it was irreparable.

So, she has to be more careful this time compared to the last war.

However, Tan Lingyun soon found out that own was careful that by no means was too necessary, because the information from Zeus-1 was too accurate, and she only needed to follow the instructions there.

The real war seems to be much easier than when they face the Anlun army!

The same feeling also appeared in the other four teams Captain heart shortly after. The various information from Accountant brought them a wealth of information, as if they had countless pairs of eyes watching their opponents on the Blood Red Star.

Tan Lingyun arrived in goal in less than ten minutes. According to information from Zeus-1, there are thirty Mechas stationed here. As a result of previous attacks, these thirty Mechas have been fully armed to guard the starry defense system.

This is the most expensive thing for the whole Red Blood Star.

Tan Lingyun raised his hand and stopped outside the opponent’s radar detection area. The interference device of the other party has been turned on and has been well concealed. Pirates never lack practical experience.

Unfortunately, their interference can only interfere with Mecha, but it cannot interfere with the entire electronic system on Blood Red Star! They are even more confused, and usually help them monitor all the external cameras, now they have become the eyes of Accountant . So, each of them is in a position. Both appeared clearly on the screen of Tan Lingyun and the first team Mecha Pilot.

Tan Lingyun dispatches combat missions quickly through internal systems. The first team included her. Eleven people dispersed quietly. Infiltrating from the outside to the inside, the radar jamming system is also turned on.

The first launch of Tan Lingyun, her controls own blood soul Mecha, like a cheetah general, appeared silently behind a place Mecha. titanium alloy sword stabbed in the back of the cockpit of the opponent severely.

Interstellar pirates can be said to be in combat at any time, all coming out of the **** sea of ​​corpses, Tan Lingyun apparently appeared in the dead corner behind this pirate, but this pirate felt the crisis in his sixth sense, subconscious The controls Mecha was shifted a bit.

“Oh!” titanium alloy sword pierced Mecha. But does not have was in the middle of the cabin. However, this was enough for Tan Lingyun. supernatural power burst into a flash, titanium alloy sword flashed a strong green light, and it suddenly swept across like butter general. Cut off the cockpit completely.

There was a scream in the pirate Mecha, but Tan Lingyun glanced at looked doesn’t look, and as soon as he bent down, he went in the next direction.

The same sneak attack also started in all other locations. The trainees are a bit jerky, but after all, they have gone through the two months of special training. Plus everyone has a powerful ability. Although does not have directly attacked by sneak attack, it still took advantage.

suddenly. The battle was in full swing.

The same situation also occurs in other teams. Mecha battle does not have any fancy, the competition is the strength of Mecha itself and the ability of the controller.

The students have a solid foundation. What they lack is a practical drill. This is the first time they have faced a real war, and it will never be possible for everyone to adapt. But they have a unique advantage, that is ability.

ability by no means will definitely help them defeat first moment, but ability can protect them and give them a chance to make mistakes.

The beginning of the battle was smoother than expected, but when the battle really started in full, it was more difficult than they expected.

Interstellar pirates have too much combat experience. In the case where the number is dominant, the Special Training Class students are quickly suppressed.

At this time, the strength of personal strength is revealed.

The first team has Tan Lingyun, the second team has Wang Hongyuan, the third team has Tang Xiao, and the fourth team has Geng Yang. Then, the fifth team has Jin Tao!

Jin Tao‘s team, each member ability is good at melee, their target of attack is the Blood Red Star underground base, so they encountered a strong enemy as soon as they came up.

Jin Tao rushed to the front. a golden color emerged from the surface of his Mecha. During the charge, a dark golden light like a lion general was pulled behind, speed was extremely fast. A tiger fluttered and knocked an opponent. The intense dark golden light burst, and he even tore his opponent’s arms so stiffly, and then smashed the opponent’s cockpit with his Mecha head.

His fierceness and madness also made the members of the team he led war intent high and cut into the opponent’s camp like a sharp knife to launch a comprehensive attack.

The blood red pirate group is not weak, but even if they are twice as strong, it is impossible to compare with the Anlun army! Their personal combat effectiveness is good, and their combat experience is very rich, but to say that cooperation is far worse than the Anlun army.

In this war, if the opponents change to Anlun army, even if they have the overall control of Accountant , they will still have the chance to win does not have. However, for pirate group, fighting is much easier.

Lan Jue seems to disappear with Mika and Xiuxiu, does not have participates in the battle on either side.

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