Skyfire Avenue Chapter 23: Mercenary King

“I’m no matter.” Zhou Qianlin can’t remember how many times he said these three words. In her nearby, she was an over-frightened mother. Hua Alliance government affairs President Zhou Xueguan paced back and forth in the spacious living room, frowning.

The bodoir honey Tang Mi of Zhou Qianlin stands nearby.

An hour ago, Tang Mi sent Zhou Qianlin back to the villa. For the process after being taken away, Zhou Qianlin answered very simply.

He was taken away, unconscious, and was on the street when he woke up.

But this answer is too simple.

Although the drastic changes that happened at the wedding today, Hua Alliance has blocked the news at first moment, but there is no doubt that this has become a huge scandal.

The original combination of politics, because of this sudden change, everything has changed. Sylva Austin was furious and lashed out at Hua Alliance public security. The unincorporated daughter-in-law was taken away at the wedding. This is a shame and shame to the traditional nobleman Austin Family.

Whether it is really angry or out of political need, Sylva Austin was forced to return to Western Alliance with his son who he did not want to leave after first moment was angry.

Zhou Xueguan even echoed the roar of the Western Alliance Prime Minister: “President Zhou Xueguan, I am extremely disappointed with the security of your Hua Alliance. This shame, Austin Family will not give up, take your own pride!”

After snarling, just go away.

And at that time, Zhou Xueguan, where to take care of to explain what, in addition to ordering first moment to block the news, is to quickly block Planet Skyfire, the whole planet to search for the whereabouts of her daughter. For him, there is nothing more important than the safety of his daughter.

Now, my daughter is back safely. He also changed his clothes.

A beautiful girl who was abducted by someone. After she was unconscious, she changed her clothes and returned. what does this mean? Even if nothing has happened, it will inevitably have a huge impact on the reputation of Zhou Qianlin. This affair with Austin Family apparently came to an end. Moreover, as Hua Alliance government affairs President, he must also withstand questions from the Hua Alliance senior management.

“Daughter, there are no outsiders here, you tell mom, your body is has or doesn’t have …” Zhou Qianlin‘s mother Bai Xiao asked in a low voice.

“I’m no matter, I’m really no matter.” Zhou Qianlin stood up. “Dad, mom, I’m a little tired, I’ll go to rest first. I didn’t expect it to be like this, dad, it’s causing you trouble. “

Zhou Xueguan stopped, looked at her daughter with concern, and sighed bitterly, saying, “No one expected that this would happen. Fortunately, you came back without incident. Qianlin, don’t think about anything Come and rest. As for everything else, Dad will handle it. “As the pillar of the family, no matter how difficult it is, he will naturally carry it.

While talking, he went to his daughter and gently hugged Zhou Qianlin.

Zhou Qianlin eye circles are red, “Dad.”

“Don’t cry, kid. Go to rest. Little Mi, please stay with Qianlin, she must be terrified today.” Zhou Xueguan said gently to the side of Tang Mi.

“Uncle, don’t worry, I won’t leave today.” Tang Mi walked over quickly, took Zhou Qianlin‘s hand, and went upstairs.

Looking at her daughter leaving, Bai Xiao came to Zhou Xueguan nearby, “Xueguan, this time things are very troublesome. Western Alliance has already put pressure on it. Now the House of Lords is not satisfied with you. I can find that Qianlin? “

Zhou Xueguan shook his head and said: “Qianlin doesn’t remember anything, does not have is useful information. That person’s strength is very strong. does not have leaves no trace. I asked people over Sacred Hua Hall to watch the video, they Say, that person is a lot like King of the Mercenary World, Zeus, which disappeared three years ago.

Zeus?” Bai Xiao‘s eyes flashed a shock, “You said Zeus in the mysterious Four Divine Monarchs?”

Zhou Xueguan nodded and said: “This Four Divine Monarchs is the most famous Esper and Mecha Pilot in the past two decades. They are mysterious and powerful. According to our data, all Four Divine Monarchs are God Rank Mecha Pilot, and at least Ninth Level genetic talent. And they should all be in Less than 40 years old. Zeus owns Mecha Thor and is good at ability and thunder and lightning. That’s why it has the name of Zeus. Entered mercenary world seven years ago and took the S-Rank mission for the first time under the guarantee of a mercenary world Suao. Completed in short time and became famous in World War I. With one mission, he was promoted to B-Rank mercenary. Next, he completed seven S-Rank missions in succession, using only time in less than one year, becoming the shortest advanced S-Rank in the history of mercenary world. The strongest of mercenary. For the next three years, he only accepted tasks of S-Rank and above, and even completed one of the most difficult SS S-Rank tasks, thus gaining the reputation of King of Mercenaries. As long as the tasks he accepted, he had never been There are unfinished records. “

“It’s just that Zeus is very picky about picking up tasks and only chooses what he likes. I investigated the characteristics of his picking up tasks, almost all of which are based on presiding over justice. In the process of performing tasks, he has always been upright. The strength is completed. Three years ago, for some reason, Zeus suddenly disappeared, and then does not have appeared, and does not have took any task. If this time really Zeus shot, I do not know who was commissioned by him. “

Bai Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and said, “I’ve heard of this King of Mercenaries. If it is really him, then I will rest assured. Zeus will never help, and our daughter should be really nothing. Just don’t know Why does this Zeus take our daughter? You said, will it be our political opponents who hired him and affected the alliance between us and Western Alliance by destroying the wedding? But judging from the past tasks of Zeus, he does n’t Like this kind of person, he rarely gets involved in politics. “

Zhou Xueguan said: “This kind of thing is hard to say. If he is an Northern Alliance, it makes sense. For his alliance, it also makes sense to get involved in politics. Well, you take a break early, I’ll go out On a trip, visit His Excellency the Speaker of the House of Lords. I will handle this matter properly, hoping to minimize the impact.

Bai Xiao stepped forward, and gently arranged the clothes for her husband, “Go early and return early.” —————– I’m very sorry, I wrote a book too seriously today , Suddenly called out and forgot to update. Fortunately, I just found the computer, updated it, and sorry again.


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