Skyfire Avenue Chapter 145: Treatment

All s-class gems are very mysterious. Only those who really own them can understand its profundity. Lan Jue can still move at this time. After listening to the explanation of Doctor, this is all. [.

The blood spurted a little, but he felt a little lighter on his body. The energy fluctuations on the Purple Accumulation Divine Stone were very soft, and by no means made him feel any discomfort.

Gradually, the light emitted from Purple Accumulation Divine Stone gradually turned into gold, and the golden light spots merged together, and even the body of Purple Accumulation Divine Stone became purplish gold.

“Okay, it’s ok. recognise as master is done. You will inject own energy into Purple Accumulation Divine Stone. Inject as much as possible. It will be part of your body in the future. If your body can be repaired successfully after completion of words, yes You can gradually absorb it back to practice. “Doctor said.

Lan Jue slightly moved his mind to nodded, running the huge strength of thunder in his body and injecting it into Purple Accumulation Divine Stone.

At the beginning, he didn’t dare to inject too violently, for fear that Purple Accumulation Divine Stone could not bear it at once. But soon, he understood that own‘s concerns were completely superfluous.

After his own strength of thunder flooded into Purple Accumulation Divine Stone, general disappeared like a mud cow into the sea immediately. With the increase of his energy output, Purple Accumulation Divine Stone still seemed to swallow general, and still gave him an empty feeling, as if the radically is was an unknown space general.

Lan Jue is open-minded and begins to intensify his efforts to output the huge energy excited in his body to Purple Accumulation Divine Stone. The golden light on his body also starts to become stronger.

Wine Master whispered to Doctor and asked, “What will you do after his energy has been transmitted to Purple Accumulation Divine Stone? How confident are you?”

Doctor shook his head gently, “I can only make him undying. As for his body will become raw. Only after these violent energies in his body are conducted out. Examination will be clear. Not enough, With his cultivation of Ninth Level genetic talent, after being urged by Illusion Rank gene agent, he was directly upgraded to the level of Paragon, plus the previous injury was not good. The physical condition is not optimistic. thunder and lightning attributes ability is originally the most intense, so you must be mentally prepared. “

Wine Master sighed, “Do your best. Jeweller this time. It’s all about saving travellers on Taihua Star. It’s a great feat. We’ll do our best no matter what.”

Doctor sighed, and said, “So I admire him very much. I changed myself, and in the face of things I can’t do, I will choose to withdraw and save the own‘s strength. At least I do not have has the courage to commit suicide to save others general Swallow a bottle of Illusion Rank gene agent. “

Lan Jue‘s voice floated, “How do I think, by no means is bragging about me!”

Doctor pouted. “I wasn’t bragging about you, you said you were stupid. Didn’t you could it be not think about the consequences yourself?”

Lan Jue smiled indifferently. “Actually, if you change it, you may not do that. could it be watched the monsters take down the airship that took off, and watched our compatriots become monsters? At that time, there was still time to think. ! “

Doctor gave him a thumbs-up, “You won. Hurry up and concentrate. You won’t be able to laugh after a while.”

It seems to confirm that Doctor words Yes, the next moment, Lan Jue‘s face suddenly changed slightly, and then, his originally swollen body began to shrink gradually.

Wine Master heart, he knew that this was because the energy in Lan Jue began to be insufficient to support God King Transformation at Paragon level. But at this time, Lan Jue couldn’t stop at all. Only by exhausting all thunder and lightning ability in the body can he treat his body.

“Slow down a bit, speed.” Doctor reminded Lan Jue and quickly came to him nearby. Pressing his hands toward the body of Lan Jue, a soft green halo was released from his palms, completely covering him.

The violent energy in the body is gradually weakening, and the feeling of Lan Jue may gradually become weak from the explosion at any time. by no means pain in the body came, only hollow. As if his body had completely disappeared, simply then could not feel the existence of his body.

A bitter smile appeared on Lan Jue‘s face, and the situation seemed worse than he thought. Sometimes pain by no means is the most terrible thing. The scariest thing is that you can’t even feel the pain.

purplish gold Purple Accumulation Divine Stone is still the same as before, faintly flickering, the only difference is that the surface seems to have a little more spark-like light flickering.

With his weakness, Lan Jue‘s control strength for his own energy also began to weaken, and he even had some unable to control own energy flowing out.

After half an hour, his body has returned to its original size, and his clothes are long gone.

At this time, he was lying on the ground, his breath of life was rapidly weakening, his skin was pale, unlike the human body, as if covered with a layer of ice and snow. His both eyes has been closed by subconsciously and cannot be opened.

Only the light on Purple Accumulation Divine Stone is still strong and flickering. At this point, this **** stone has been completely embedded in the left palm of Lan Jue, showing only a little. It receives so much energy from Lan Jue, and the fit between itself and Lan Jue is huge.

Doctor‘s face is equally ugly. What he released from his hand is no longer green light, but a life-like blue light like the emerald general!

The thick water vapor continued to evaporate from the top of Doctor‘s head. His forehead was already full of sweat. It can be seen that his condition at this time is also by no means too good.

Wine Master is standing at Doctor nearby. In terms of treatment, he cannot help at all. Each ability of Esper will be different. Unless it is passed down in the same vein, it is impossible to assist another Esper.

Doctor has a dignified face, said in a serious voice: “His condition is worse than I thought. Illusion Rank gene agent has triggered his own deepest potential, and his potential is only seen in my life. At the time of the incarnation just now, Even the blood is almost dried out. If it is later, I am afraid that his body will burn out and explode. Now the situation is still very bad. There were 163 fractures. How much pain did this guy have to bear when he was just inspired by Illusion Rank gene agent! “

also way?” Wine Master asked in a deep voice.

Doctor said: “I can only remedy all of his meridians and internal organs by virtue of my great cure, and at the same time stimulate the power of his blood vessels to gradually restore his hematopoietic function. The bone connection is easy to handle. However, the human body has too many meridians. His broken meridians are now like a bowl of noodles turned into a bowl of broken noodles. It is too difficult to reassemble them. I can only connect some of the most important meridians. OK. Even if he survives, I’m afraid he can only be a waste. “

Wine Master is very clear how strong Doctor‘s healing ability is. Hearing his words makes his face more difficult to look.

Clairvoyant, ah Clairvoyant, could it be Your previous divination were all wrong? Or who changed the machine. This is no longer surprising! If even Doctor can’t cure him, I am afraid he will really …

Doctor didn’t know when there were two more turquoise gems in his hands. He put one on the chest of Lan Jue and the other in his mouth. The turquoise light on his body suddenly improved again.

After another hour of treatment, Doctor sat cross-legged on the ground and recovered own ability through meditation.

Lan Jue lay there calmly, the skin was still pale like snow, and the light of green gemstone on his chest was looming, which also dragged his heartbeat continuously and slightly.

After a full rest, Doctor bounced up again and the treatment continued.

At this time, Lan Jue is like a puzzle in human skin in front of him. The whole body is almost completely broken, and it needs to be reassembled a little bit. This process is really too difficult, if not is he took a breath for Lan Jue with huge vitality, I am afraid that Lan Jue is already dead.

At this time, the sky of Taihua Star gradually became clear, and the gray mist gradually disappeared.

Whistling, a huge airship burst through the atmosphere and fell towards the surface of Taihua Star.

Hua Alliance‘s first reinforcements finally arrived.

The huge transport ship hovered directly thousands of meters away from the surface of the planet, the hatch opened, and light and shadows flew out of the transport ship, like general falling towards Taihua Star. Like a large net full of killing spirit, snare down to Taihua Star.

That’s a Mecha. Each Mecha has a height of more than fifteen meters and emits strong energy fluctuations. Mecha is divided into multiple formats, and every ten Mecha is a small team. Even in the process of airborne, it maintains a strict formation, fully showing their excellent actual combat level. Immediately after landing on the ground.

The savage roar, the intense fuchsia light, began to shine everywhere in the Taihua Star. didn’t have The support of the monster in the deep sea, those fuchsia monsters completely cut off the reproduction, the end of this war was already doomed as soon as the deep sea monster died.

Mo Yu controlled own Mammoth Mark III Mecha and rushed to the front of the team. Mammoth Mark III is Hua Alliance standard defense Mecha. Each ten-man squad will be equipped with one, which is the core of the whole squad.

In a Mecha team, the core is always defense Mecha. Based on the current research level of Mecha of Three Alliances, various attack weapons emerge endlessly. In the battle between Mecha, defense is the top priority.


New Year’s Day! I’ll be hardworking! Come and vote, ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets. happy New Year everyone! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

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