Skyfire Avenue Chapter 131: Taihua Star

hover vehicle starts, and moves smoothly towards the distance. They also need to take academy‘s exclusive spaceship to reach Taihua Star.

Wu Junyi is at the front of hover vehicle. Today, the seriousness on the Teaching Director‘s face has been significantly reduced, and he smiled and said, “You guys, teacher, it’s been hard. This tour organized by academy will be led by me. Hope to bring you a Relax and have fun. We will transfer to airship later. It will take about twelve hours to reach the Taihua Star closest to our Planet Skyfire. We will spend the next five days together. Well, let’s take a break first. “

Lan Jue Remove the sunglasses from the bag, bring the headphones, and lean on the seat to close your eyes. There was a pleasant sound of music in the headphones. This was before he went out. Hua Li (splendor) Stuck to him, indeed this Sea Emperor Newest album, not yet on the market Sea Emperor God.

hover vehicle will soon arrive at Public Airship Base.

Hua Alliance National Academy‘s airship is bright silver with academy logo on it, which is very beautiful. Everyone transferred to airship and headed straight for Taihua Star.

After boarding airship, Tan Lingyun seems to be very disgusted with someone’s general. Although Lan Jue is so happy, his self-esteem has been stung again. heart thought to myself, did I hate it so much?

Jin Yan naturally does not know the change of Lan Jue heart, still sitting in his nearby. After asking a few things about Jin Tao, I saw that Lan Jue was a bit tired, so I stopped saying anything.

Closed both eyes, feeling the slight vibration and noise of airship, Lan Jue‘s heart calmed down. He likes the atmosphere of academy now, which feels extra quiet. And, there is something to do every day. Remember the students. Think about what to tell them. This life is fulfilling and beautiful.

Under such a state of meditation, Lan Jue even entered the set state without knowing it. Looking inwardly, I saw everything in myself.

Unlike ordinary people, the meridians in his body are light blue, while the bones are silver. The blood flow is no different from ordinary people. But if you look closely, you can see that in his blood, there is a slight electric glow flashing.

This is what the Ninth Level Esper will look like. They can control such a huge ability because they have cultivated the own body into a strange energy body.

In short, Esper and energy gem are somewhat connected. There is a saying that Esper is a smart energy gem. Although actually by no means is so simple, in a sense, by no means is wrong.

Each Esper has the core of own ability. The energy core of Innate Esper exists innately, and it grows through continuous cultivation. The quality of energy core itself is the level of genetic talent.

When Innate Esper first appeared, the most powerful genetic talent was Ninth Level . The most powerful Paragon are also Ninth Level genetic talent Esper that has evolved through continuous cultivation.

But Esper is as good as talent. Nor are they so powerful at birth, otherwise they themselves will be torn directly by the violent energy. It must be through continuous efforts to cultivate, ignite genetic talent, and then the energy in control energy core, and then contact the external energy, continue to cultivate and temper themselves, and thus become strong.

The process of this practice is undoubtedly painful and boring. There are many talented Espers. It is because they can not bear the pain, they are lazy for a while, they miss the best practice time, they fail to lay the foundation, and eventually become hustle. Seniors.

The location of energy core is different for different Esper. For example, energy core of Spiritual Tide Lin Guoguo is in the eyebrow, which is also one of the best positions for energy core. And the energy core of most High Step Esper will be on the chest. Such as Ke’er, Mika. There are also some special existences, such as Xiuxiu, energy core of Xiuxiu in her right arm. Therefore, she must be dominated by her right arm during the battle.

Lan Jue‘s energy core is also on the chest, but unlike most Espers, the energy core in his chest looks a bit special.

The blue energy core is diamond-shaped, suspended in the middle of the chest, in the deep blue, as if it has endless energy. With the breathing of Lan Jue, there will be a continuous flash of light, the frequency of flashing is between his breath and heartbeat speed.

And around this dark blue energy core, also is flashing a strange silvery white light. It was a silvery white lightning, flashing speed quickly, but it flickered, it was very elusive. But the unstable character is very obvious.

It’s just that the current energy core and the silvery white lightning are a bit dim, even the flashing speed is not very fast.

This is undoubtedly the result of Lan Jue‘s deliberate suppression.

thunder and lightning is a highly explosive ability with a combat power of extremely powerful. But it is also one of the most unstable in the element ability. Therefore, when Lan Jue was seriously injured, the first thing he did was to block own energy core. Otherwise, once the energy inside unable to control energy core, then he is likely to be bitten by ability.

“When can you fully integrate your electricity into the thunder, this is your moment to advance Paragon! At that time, you will have the opportunity to chase my footsteps.”

The old voice echoed in Lan Jue‘s ears. Whenever he thought of that voice, he would ache with subconsciously. Memories that are never good as a child will follow.

Tang Xiao and Jin Tao are being tortured by themselves during the cultivation process, but compared to their childhood, they are already very happy. At that time, myself and elder brother were like living in Hell! I don’t know how lucky I can live.

Gently shakes his head, Lan Jue wakes up from the set state. At the same time, the memory that by no means is willing to recall is also set aside.

slowly exhales, he looks out of the porthole. Because Taihua Star and Planet Skyfire are very close, they don’t even need wormhole jumping, so naturally they don’t need to go into deep sleep with the sleep cabin.

The boundless universe is still vast and boundless. No matter how powerful the individual is, it is so small compared to the universe.

In the distance, a huge planet with a faint blue halo is already in sight. Even if you just look down from space, you can still feel its attractive charm. Blue, green, and two different colors make up the main color of the planet. It seems that the previously entered time is really not short, it is almost reaching goal.

“It’s a life full of life!” Jin Yan‘s admiration sounded loudly.

Lan Jue nodded in a deep sympathy, “But it is so, this Taihua Star is indeed a tourist destination. I hope it can be worthy of this trip.”

Jin Yan said with some surprise: “Teacher Lan hasn’t been to Taihua Star before?”

Lan Jue shook his head, “I am by no means from Planet Skyfire, so I have never been to Taihua Star.”

Jin Yan said with interest: “Which planet does Teacher Lan come from?”

Lan Jue said: “Mother Star.”

Mother Star? Isn’t the living environment there already terrible? In Former Era, it was very badly destroyed. if not was a later interstellar immigrant, I’m afraid Mother Star …” With that said, Jin Yan stopped, He stuck his tongue out and looked a little apologetically at Lan Jue.

Lan Jue smiled slightly and said that by no means cares, “indeed! The ignorance of human beings has made our Mother Star almost ruined. But there is still the oldest inheritance of our human beings. The Taihua Star in front of us is somewhat similar to our previous Mother Star. Similarly. If Mother Star does not have is severely damaged by words, it should be so beautiful. “

“Please note that the atmosphere of Taihua Star is about to be entered. Please teacher to fasten your seat belts.” The warning dī dī sounded, waking up many sleeping teacherss.

Press the button, the metal seat belt is fastened, and everyone is firmly fixed on the own seat.

airship suddenly trembled violently, and the porthole turned red. Inside airship, the lights flickered on and off. Began to enter the atmosphere.

The time by no means passing through the atmosphere is too long. After severe friction, the tremor of airship suddenly disappeared and stabilized again. The outside scene is also clear.

White water vapor surrounds them. They have penetrated into the clouds. The next moment, airship shakes again and starts to slow down.

The clear blue sea surface is completely presented outside the porthole in a shocking way, and the seaside is endlessly green. Many teachers are not here for the first time, but they still can’t help but set their sights on this beautiful planet.

“It’s so beautiful.” Lan Jue couldn’t help admiring it.

indeed! It’s really beautiful. It would be great if I could retire here after retirement.” Jin Yan said longingly.

Lan Jue said with a little surprise: “Isn’t it untapped here? Can you still settle down?”

Jin Yan said: “For the tourism industry, a small number of places have been developed. In addition, in the alliance, does not have can’t do anything at all. It is totally impossible to settle in by no means in Taihua Star, but There is a very high price to pay that’s all. Anyway, we can’t afford it. “

so that’s how it is.” Lan Jue suddenly realized.

airship landed slowly, and the internal cabin pressure also began to change, so that everyone began to adapt. After another half an hour, it finally landed on a green apron.

airship hatch opened, a strong water vapor suddenly rushed towards the face, and the accompanying also made people’s pores as if to be opened for them.

Issued 10,000 red envelopes and 66 Skyfire Avenue in Xin, Lang, Wei and Bo in the afternoon. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. If you think Xiaotang is kind and words, please also give us a free recommendation ticket. If you have a also monthly ticket in the ticket warehouse, can you also enjoy a few tickets? I wish Xiaotang a happy New Year.

I implore monthly tickets and recommended tickets for support. (To be continued …)

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