Silver Overlord: Tiger has something to say!

? Yesterday, “Silver Overlord” was finished. Tiger did not expect some book friends to be a little excited about it. Here, Tiger first said to everyone sincerely sorry, as the author of this book, in any case, did not put This book is written to satisfy all readers, it must be my problem. Thank you for your support, encouragement, and suggestions!

I talk about why “Silver Overlord” will choose the book at this time. This is not what some book friends guessed. What is the trouble and trouble with the tiger? The tiger is very good now. There is only one reason for the completion of “Silver Overlord”, that is, I have finished what I want to write in this book, and I have expressed it. This book knows from the name that it is the story of the silver continent, and it is Yan Liqiang. Becoming an overlord reverses the process of the crisis of the Han Dynasty, and Yan Liqiang becomes Emperor Wu, opening the Kowloon Seal, which is basically the climax of the whole book.

Please forgive the tiger for not being able to count water words. I did think of getting a Boss out and changing the map before writing it down. But after careful consideration, I think this is not the original intention of writing this book, so Still finished.

At the same time, as a companion of the Black Iron series, this book is not a completely new story, but a continuation of the Black Iron story. It is the continuation and epitome of the struggle between the Demon Race and the Human Race in a low-martial world. So the whole book’s framework is built on this foundation.

Finally, what Tiger wants to say is that although Black Iron is finished, the story of Black Iron continues, and although Silver is finished, the battle between the Human Race and the Demon Race has just begun, Zhang Tie ’s story is not over, Yan Liqiang The story is still not over. In the future story conceived by Tiger, Zhang Tie and Yan Liqiang will still appear, continue their mission and adventure!

Thank you again!


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