Silver Overlord Chapter 921: Come

? Three days, just blink!

The day of the 11th of December in the Tongan Dynasty of the Han Dynasty finally arrived. The current Lord of Bailian will officially ascend to the throne in Yuezhou City on this day to establish the Bailian Heavenly Kingdom and Jin The state court formally resisted the court.

This is the big day of the white lotus. The day is not yet bright. The streets of the city are already lined with rows of brightly sergeant white lotus sergeants. They were all asked to get up, wear the most new and beautiful clothes, put incense cases at the door, light incense, and kneel in the direction of the palace in the cold wind-Celebrating with the sky!

The entire city of Yuezhou can still be active on the streets at this time. In addition to the sergeants of Bailianism, there is only a top-level figure of Bailianism in the city who will go to the palace to participate in this grand ceremony.

The Ghost King also woke up early today. The ghost king had already woken up before dawn, and then in his mansion, after the servants had cleaned up and put on the dress for the ceremony, the Ghost King also sat in his luxury four The carriage, with its magnificent ceremonies and guards of hundreds of people, marched towards the “imperial palace” of Yuezhou City.

Sit on that gorgeous four-wheeled carriage, holding the warm gilt furnace in the hand as the wheels turn around, and look at the streets outside wearing new clothes one by one through the glazed carriage window The people in the city who were kneeling at the door of their homes with the incense case, a feeling of fluttering above them, made the ghost king almost temporarily forget the unhappiness of these days and the things that his eyelids jumped when he woke up this morning, but this kind of thing The feeling of fluttering did not last long, and when the convoy of his convoy was closer to the palace, and the white lotus sergeants who stood on the street became Qianye Wei, a gloom that was not easily noticed in the ghost king’s eyes.

He was sitting in the carriage with the ghost king, and a confidant under him. Now he is the housekeeper of his house. He also joined the palace today to attend the ceremony.

The housekeeper of the ghost king is an extremely good-looking person, but when he saw the gloomy gloom in the eyes of the ghost king, he could not help but opened the mouth next to him, “I do n’t know what the Lord Lord thought. In teaching, regardless of seniority and prestige, you can serve as the leader of Chiba Guardian, you are none other than the lord, but the Lord has arranged for a person who does not know where to find him and let him be the leader of Chiba Guardian. Many old people in teaching feel sorry for the adults! “

The ghost king snorted with his nostrils, and his face was more gloomy. After a few seconds of silence, he slowly said, “Do n’t say this outside, the current white lotus is no longer the previous white lotus, if you The words make people hear, I’m afraid I can’t save you. What the Lord Lord does is right, remember not! “

The Ghost King ’s confidante butler still smiled, but his voice was lowered involuntarily. “Of course I said this to adults, adults, rest assured, in front of outsiders, my mouth is definitely more than sewing Yan, it’s just that I have heard a lot of rumors outside in the past few days … “

“Oh, what buzzwords?”

“Those rumors say that the day of the throne chosen by the Holy Lord this time is not the month of February or August, nor the day of Jiazi, and there are no exceptions. I am afraid that the Lord’s ascension this time is a bit too urgent …” Ghost King As he said, he quietly looked at the ghost king’s face.

The ghost king always believes in these things, so after hearing it, he just disdained and smiled, “Well, if you choose a good day to be enthroned, it will be spread for thousands of years. The emperor of the imperial court will find who can justify it!”

“Adult is right, but there are still some rumours …”

“What do you mean?” The ghost king’s eyes narrowed suddenly.

“This, the subordinates dare not say…”

“You say it, I do n’t blame you!”

The ghost king ’s confidante first pulled up the curtain of his car window, and then whispered, “The rumor says that the Lord does n’t know where to find so many strong masters, the final The purpose is to replace and wash away all the old people in the previous religion. Even if the Holy Church can beat the Jiangshan of the Han Dynasty, the people sitting in the Jiangshan are not the people who were born and died for the Holy Church, but the Holy Lord came from outside. Those strong masters, only those whose talents are the confidants of the Lord, can they be trusted by the Lord. Old men like adults who are highly respected in the teaching of morals will be possible in the future … possibly … “

“What is possible?”

“It is possible … to be sacrificed by the Lord as cannon fodder …”

Slap … The gilt furnace in his hand was suddenly squeezed into a ball by the ghost king. The face of the ghost king also became ashen, and the confidential cloth was killed on his face. Because of these rumors, it happened that he was most worried It is also the most feared thing.

Originally in the white lotus religion, although the ghost king is not more than 10,000 people under one person, its status in the whole religion is only ranked under the three or five people, and it is regarded as the top big person in the religion. Guys, but at the moment, Bailian ’s career is getting bigger and bigger, but the ghost king feels that he is farther and farther away from the power center of Bailian, and there are not fewer people standing on his head, but more and more More, the holy Lord is making him more and more scared, and the holy master who does not know where to find the strong master is stepping out of the core circle of White Lotus religion step by step, if not because of his previous identity in teaching. There is also some use of the night-walking ghost army that he has practiced first-hand in these years. It is estimated that the king in this ceremony does not have his share, and even if he can become a king, but if you think about the people in this position, there are still Ten, he still has a prime minister on his head, the ghost king has no grasp of his prospects.

“Adult Atonement …” The ghost king’s heart saw the ghost king’s face, so scared that he did not dare to raise his head, and quickly asked for sin.

The ghost king took a few deep breaths and his face slowly slowed down, “I do n’t blame you, I ask you, where did this rumor come from, how long has it been passed …”

“I do n’t know where this rumor came from, but I heard the news that almost half a year ago, the Holy Lord found the first group of masters and strong men came to teach and there was such a rumor that began to teach It has been circulated quietly in China. I also heard about it just a few days ago when I went out to do things for adults. Now I am teaching the elderly that everyone except adults is self-defeating. Everyone is worried, but I dare not speak. Say, do n’t dare to let you and the Lord hear it … “

The ghost king ’s voice did not fluctuate at all, “Holy Lord is not such a person, no matter what the words are outside the palace, no one can say to anyone …” Speaking of this, the ghost king stopped for two seconds, “After returning to the palace after the completion of this ceremony, you go to the storehouse to withdraw some silver, and set a few more eyeliners and eyes in the city and the teaching. In the future, there will be some wind and rumors in the Yuezhou city, I want Know the first time … “

“Yes, adults can rest assured!” Ghost King’s confidante butler let out a long sigh of relief, but he was a little excited. He knew that when he was betting this time, the ghost king would rely more and more on himself, and his own hands The power of resources will also increase.

In a short while, the ghost king ’s convoy of honour has reached beyond the “Royal Palace” of Yuezhou City. There are more than tens of thousands of people gathered here at present. Gather here, and the guards of honor of each person, it is more than one person, one is more gorgeous.

The guard of honor of the ghost king stopped almost at the entrance of the palace. The carriage here just stopped. The ghost king just got out of the carriage and was about to enter the palace. His eyes swept the crowds around him. At a sudden moment, when I saw a back figure walking into the palace gate in front, the ghost king’s heart shrank fiercely, a cold air made the hair on his back stand up, that is …

It was such a trance that when the ghost king looked back at the palace gate, the figure was mixed with a large group of guards just now, and could no longer be found. The ghost king walked towards the group carefully and walked into the palace gate. The bodyguard looked at it, but he could no longer find a back in the crowd that would make him feel palpitations.

Impossible, impossible, that person is now King Pingxi, who is in power, and I heard that he has been missing for more than half a year. I do n’t know how to live or die. How could it appear here? The person who passed by was still a little bit different. The figure was slightly thinner, the shoulders were slightly narrower, and it was totally wrong. The ghost king comforted himself and shook his head in his heart. Some are suspicious …

“Guo Mingchuan has seen an adult …” General Guangwei Guo Mingchuan suddenly appeared in front of the ghost king, with a smile on his face, showing his closeness and enthusiasm, “It is gratifying to hear that the lord has won the king this time. Congratulations, some special products were delivered to my house the other day, and I will send them to the House of Lords tomorrow. I have some thoughts and hope that adults will not be dismissed … “

“Ah, it turned out to be Mingchuan …” The ghost king turned his gaze back from a distance, looking at the general Guangwei Guo Mingchuan in front of his eyes, thinking that Guo Mingchuan had always been so respectful to himself since he lost power in teaching At any time, gifts and intentions were sent to his house. I couldn’t help but patted Guo Mingchuan’s shoulder with emotion. “It’s really hard for you …”

“Whatever the adult said, this should be the case!”

“Let ’s go, let ’s go in together!”

“Adult please …”

The ghost king and Guo Mingchuan then walked into the “Imperial Palace” ……

The Royal Palace in the city of Yuezhou ~ ~ Although it was rebuilt, the breath of the entire Royal Palace is also extraordinary. It is a bit of a narrow version of the Imperial Palace, and if it is about the furnishings, the luxury here , But not inferior to that imperial palace in the Imperial Capital ……

The ghost king walked all the way with Guo Mingchuan, passed through the heavy palace guards, and went directly to the Bailian Hall in today’s ceremony.

When the two came, the people in the White Lotus Hall had already arrived. The last side of the hall, with the golden jade as the order, a dragon chair, was placed at the highest place, and the golden light was shining, Glittering …

The people who can enter the hall are the top-level people of the White Lotus, and in the square outside the hall, the backbone of the various officials in the White Lotus is tens of thousands, all gathered outside … …


ps: Thank you for accompanying Tiger through 2018 and ushering in 2019 together. Here, Tiger wishes all book friends a Happy New Year ’s Day. In the new year, Vientiane is updated and getting better and better!

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