Silver Overlord Chapter 919: Yuezhou Wind and Snow

Tongan, Han Dynasty, December 7 of the same year, southeast of the Han Empire, Yuezhou City …

Heavenly snow fell one after another, and the entire Yuezhou land was covered with goose feathers. This kind of heavy snow has not been encountered by the people of Yuezhou City for many years, but this year ’s abnormal, It was also interpreted by the ruler of Yuezhou City as “the auspiciousness of Bailian’s present life”.

Yuezhou City at the moment is already the ruling center of the White Lotus Sect, and the “capital” of the “White Lotus Heavenly Kingdom” is now set in the Yuezhou City.

The heavy snow of “Xiangrui” is still falling, but at the gate to the south of Yuezhou City, the soldiers guarding the city have their heads locked, looking at the people in the Yitang in the city, they are using a trolley to put a The frozen dead bodies in the heavy snow these past few days pulled out of the city.

The corpses were piled on the cart, covered with straw mats, a pair of pairs, and the feet without any blood or shoes were exposed from under the straw mats, already stiff, or black.

People who lined up into the city at the gate looked at the corpses under the straw mats, and they couldn’t bear to look at each face, but they didn’t dare to speak. They just watched silently.

The corpses are the wandering children, beggars, and those detained by the White Lotus in the North City Camp.

This auspicious event that represents Bai Lian ’s life is snowing down. Those in the city who have no residence and only one single coat have been cleaned in these two days. In a few days, almost so many corpses could not be accommodated. Coupled with the cold weather and the hard soil, many corpses fell into a small ditch near the mass grave after pulling out of the city.

The wild dogs that no one feeds outside the city of Yuezhou have almost gathered to the mass graves in the past few days. Occasionally seeing them in the snow for a day or two, the wild dogs ’mouths and eyes are red Seeing people can show fierce light, there were people who would eat wild dogs outside the city before, but for a few days, even the homeless people who were still alive did not eat those wild dogs because they could not eat them.

In contrast to the burial posts outside the city, it is the city that has been full of buildings and lanterns, and almost everyone is preparing for an upcoming festival.

Like the line that is lining up into the city at the moment, the carriages are pulling on either carriages or satin or gold or silver jewelry, and on some carriages, they are pulling All kinds of gorgeous furniture, or a variety of building materials-that one by one golden silk Phoebe, that good white marble, the farthest is the red bricks shipped from Fuzhou …

It was in this heavy snowfall that a caravan that came from a distance under the wind and the white lotus flag came to the south gate entrance of Yuezhou City and joined the army lined up to enter the city. .

“Dad”, the wheeled unicycle just walked out of the door, the wheel knocked to a small stone on the road, the driver pushing the unicycle shook his hand, the unicycle was crooked, the two stiff ones covered by the mat on the car The body rolled off the car.

The two bodies were a woman and a seven- or eight-year-old child. The body was wearing a ragged single coat, like a mother and child. The woman hugged the seven- or eight-year-old child tightly, and the child curled up tightly. In the woman’s arms, because the musculoskeletal body of the body is already stiff and cannot be separated, they can only be carried to the car together …

These two bodies rolled off, and the eyes of the people waiting at the gate were looked over at once. Many people could not bear the eyes, and a few children who were waiting to enter the city turned their heads, but they were turned by them. The adults around him covered their eyes and prevented them from watching.

“What are you doing, don’t rush away the corpse, don’t block it here, slap …” A white lotus sergeant guarding the city gate came over, staring at the poor wheelbarrow with fire-spitting eyes The coachman, the talking kung fu, pulled the whip on the driver’s body with a whip.

The pumped driver bit his teeth and did n’t dare to say anything. The other driver pushing the wheelbarrow saw it and quickly came over to help. The people carried the two corpses on the ground back to the car, and then covered the straw mat. If not, he pushed the car and crunched away.

This is just a small episode. After the unicycles pulling the corpses left, the southern gate of Yuezhou City returned to calm again. The people who entered the city lined up into the city, as did the people who left the city.

Yan Liqiang watched that the bodies of the two mothers and sons who had fallen to the ground were lifted back into the wheelbarrow, and then moved away. At this moment, he was sitting on a carriage in the middle of the convoy with the white lotus flag. Wearing a mountain wind mask, wearing a thick cotton coat, wearing a white lotus headband, a dogskin scarf around his neck, showing a small half of his face, and a geese hanged on his waist. Deputy guard’s costume.

When watching the body of the mother and son fall from the unicycle, Yan Liqiang squeezed his fists tightly. After hearing the cough of the Dragon King, he turned his head and forced himself to relax.

The Dragon King was sitting next to Yan Liqiang, bowing and hunched over, dressed as an elderly driver.

Li Hongtu and Ji Xiaoyao are also in the convoy, Li Hongtu is also dressed as a driver, and Ji Xiaoyao is like a clerk, Hua Ruxue is also in the convoy, sitting with several other women in front of Yan Liqiang On one of the horse-drawn carriages, among the team of hundreds of people, Yan Liqiang did not pay attention.

Cui Lichen did not follow Yan Liqiang with them, but another team. For this action, Cui Lichen issued a call to the Yuluo Palace. A group of top Yuluo Palace strongmen have already taken the lead for the same purpose. After entering Yuezhou, we will make trouble together …

Soon, it was Yan Liqiang ’s turn to be inspected by his team.

“Where are you from?” asked the white lotus junior who took the whip to pull the driver and looked at a steward who had come down from the car.

“We are the people in General Guangwei’s palace …” The manager replied in a humble manner.

“What are the things in the car?”

“Everything to be used in the Dadian!”

“Well, I want to check …”

“This military man please please …”

The little white lotus leader waved his hand and took two white lotus sergeants to check one car and one car. Among the cars in front, three of them had big boxes in them, and all of them were in the boxes. It’s some gold and silver jewelry. The following cars are equipped with some silk satin, as well as some exquisite utensils and personnel. In this car, Yan Liqiang is equipped with a whole car of fine silk.

The little leader of the white lotus was watching a car and a car. When he checked the car in front of Yan Liqiang, he picked up the curtain with the long gun in his hand and heard a few women in the car. Exclamation.

The little head of the white lotus suddenly glared his eyes, looked at the woman in the car, and after swallowing a spit, turned his head and looked at the team’s stewards. The whole person’s momentum and voice suddenly rose. Many times, “Don’t you say that this team is all a classic thing, what’s the matter, call these women down, I have to check it …”

I was n’t alarmed at all, but just looked at the little boss calmly, and even looked at the little boss with a hint of disdain, “The woman in this car is a beautiful girl selected by General Guangwei, It ’s going to be sent to the palace soon. Are you sure you want to let these handsome girls come down to be checked? ”

Hearing this, the little white lotus leader ’s face changed, and his body seemed to tremble. He was still domineering, and he smiled in a blink of an eye, and his waist fell down, “Haha, that ’s okay, It’s okay, misunderstanding, misunderstanding, you can go in … “, talking, waving at the gate, the team entered the Yuezhou city without any worries.

The streets in the city of Yuezhou, even if it was heavy snow, were cleaned and even more surprising, the trees on both sides of the street, in this winter, the trees on both sides of the street have no leaves Only the branches are bare, but at the moment, the branches of the trees on both sides of the street are covered with colorful fabrics and satin, which are forcibly decorated with a festive atmosphere, and at all costs …

A lot of newcomers on the street do n’t have many clothes, and they are hurriedly trembling in the wind and snow, but no one dares to pull the cloths and satin cloth hanging on the tree and wrap them around themselves. Body.

Just a few minutes after entering the The well-equipped cavalry of the first brigade drove past Yan Liqiang’s team.

“This is a cavalry stationed in the city called Chiba Wei. It is completely selected and controlled by the rebellious cronies. It is also the strongest force in the rebellious hands. There are 50,000 in the Chiba Acropolis, and the western camp outside the city. There are 100,000 of them. On the day of the ceremony, Chiba Wei is responsible for the guard outside the rebellious palace. As soon as we start, these Chiba guards will rush into the palace, and Chiba Wei outside the city will also rush to the city. Here comes the response … “The Dragon King sitting next to Yan Liqiang looked at the road in front, his mouth did not move, but the voice of mosquito mosquito was clearly heard in Yan Liqiang’s ear.

“Should these Chiba guards die?”

Yan Liqiang ’s mouth did n’t move, but the same voice was heard in the Dragon King ’s ears.

“The **** people cannot enter Qianyewei, and those who can enter Qianyewei have blood of innocent people on their hands. As long as they sweep Qianyewei, this situation in Yuezhou City can be controlled … “

Yan Liqiang looked coldly at the cavalry who disappeared in the front, and said calmly, “Okay, these 150,000 Chiba guards’ lives, I took it! “


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