Silver Overlord Chapter 900: Fishing

.. Silver Overlord

Looking at Gu Tong’an ’s swollen shape, he was offering himself a poison meter and other people ’s forcing faces, Yan Liqiang resisted the urge and disgust to smash that head, but just pretended not to know Took a deep breath and smiled blandly on her face. “Don’t worry about the broken bone pill. I want to hear how you can bring the history of thorns from several other states to Lanzhou …”

Gu Tongan seemed to be in a sudden spirit, “His Royal Highness, I have been in contact with them before. Most of them, like me, are very scared and fearful of His Royal Highness becoming the King of Pingxi. I can give them a message, suggesting that they have arranged for the Assassins to deal with His Highness, and they are 90% sure. I want them to come to Lanzhou to discuss how to divide the Northwest Territories and their interests after the accident. I will definitely make excuses. When the time comes, I will lead them into the secret room for secret talks. My highness will quietly lead them into the secret room. When they arrive, they will give them a bone-crushing pill to ensure they are like me … ”

“Most of them? Do you mean that there are people in other northwestern five states who do not agree with your previous actions against me?”

“This … Huanzhou Tingshilin Zitong did n’t pay much attention to my previous proposal to join forces to deal with His Royal Highness, but just deal with it. I wrote to him that day, and when he wrote back to me, he also said that His Royal Highness was in the northwest, It may not be a bad thing. Now that the Han empire is disturbing, the six northwestern states should join forces to overcome the difficulties, but he is also a little worried that His Royal Highness is really taking power, so there are some contradictions … “Gu Tongan looked at Yan Liqiang’s face while carefully. Speaking.

“Huanzhou Ting Shilin Zitong …” Yan Liqiang muttered to himself, and wrote down the name in his heart. Hearing this news, for him, how much was comfort, this at least shows that the six northwest of the Han Dynasty In the state ’s stabbing history, in addition to Lei Sitong, at least other people can see the situation clearly, and can understand the general situation. These sealed officials are not all the flies of the fly camp. “Well, just say what you say I will stay here for a few days, and the identity is your personal bodyguard … “

“His Royal Highness, if someone recognizes you, I am afraid …”

“Do n’t worry about this!” Yan Liqiang said that he had pulled out the mask of the mountain wind that had been useless for a long time from his arms, and put it on his face in front of Gu Tongan, after finishing it Yan Liqiang turned into a mountain wind, with a bit of spiciness in his cold face, no one could recognize it.

“Ah, it turned out that Your Highness had already prepared …” Gu Tongan also patted the fart.

“Of course!” Yan Liqiang smiled, “In order not to let Master Shishi have a different mind, I can tell you that this bone crusher was made by me, and this bone crusher will be in Master Shishi in the future If you want to take it out of your body, there is only one way, that is, you can split the body of Lord Shishi in half in an instant. Perhaps you can take out this bone crushing pill completely before it explodes. No other method is available. The induction distance of Shaogu Dan is fifty miles. As long as I am 50 miles away, I can let Master Shishi die better than you. Then, Shaogu Dan will attack regularly every year, and the first time will be just like before. The second time is doubled, the third time is doubled, based on Master Xiu’s cultivation and body, it is estimated that the third time, the effectiveness of this bone-crushing pill can make you into dementia, it is difficult to recover … “

Listening to Yan Liqiang ’s words, Gu Tongan ’s face paled again in an instant, his body trembling, just like that taste, just like he was soaked in the hot oil pot, he was utterly stabbed in his life. I don’t want to experience it a second time …

“But you do n’t have to worry, as long as you work hard for me, you can come to see me once a year, and I will naturally compress the time of the attack of the broken bone pill every year. The shortest can let him breathe three or five times. , Will not make you worse than life … “

“More … thank you, Your Highness …”

“It ’s just that the secret amulet of Shaogu Dan and my blood are in harmony. If one day I die, Shakui Dan will explode in your body, so I ’m sorry, I can only let Master Shishi and I be buried Well, save me the loneliness on Huangquan Road … “

Gu Tongan kept sweating, but he still smiled strongly, “No, no, His Royal Highness is magnificent, and he is a young man. He will be an advanced martial emperor in the future, even if he lives long, even if he is dead, Definitely I died in front of His Royal Highness, His Highness Jiren Tianxiang, there will never be anything … “

“I hope so!” Yan Liqiang nodded, looked at Gu Tongan, and sniffed his nose. “Okay, you have to clean it up. You are so embarrassed now, it’s too ridiculous …”

“Thank you, Your Highness …” Until this time, Gu Tongan got up from the ground, stumbled under his feet, almost fell again, and then some embarrassed and weakly walked to the wall on the side of the study, and pulled Twice the rope bell.

Only in the blink of an eye, someone came out of the study. “Master, what do you tell me?”

“I want to bathe in the study, let the people in Fuzhong bring me the hot tub and brazier and change the laundry to the study …”

Although Gu Tongan ’s request is strange, he is a state of history, and he has never done ridiculous things in the city of Shishi before, and outsiders quickly arranged after receiving the order.

“Your Highness … this … you have been by my side for the last few days … I don’t know … how do you call your Highness?” Gu Tongan stammered.

“It’s okay, you just call me Yan Huo in these few days …” Yan Liqiang smiled slightly.


Just a day later, the news of Lanzhou City ’s Gu Tong’an ’s illness worsened.

After receiving the news of Lanzhou City, a few days later, the thorns in the northwestern states came to Lanzhou City with guards and horses on the grounds of visiting Gu Tongan. Such news also spread instantly. northwest.

Generally speaking, these great officials of the Han dynasty wo n’t meet in person in general, and this time, the history of the northwestern counties in the excuse of visiting Gu Tongan ’s condition gathered in Lanzhou, seeing in the eyes of many outsiders, Naturally there will be another interpretation.


“Grandma, those guys want to rebel. I ’m afraid others do n’t know that they are a group. This is to make it clear that the chariots should fight the court in the Pingxi King ’s Palace. How bold they are. Have you put the court in your eyes, one by one, want to be the emperor of the earth … “Ganzhou Tashishifu, Leis, who heard the news, slaps his eyes in the public case in front of himself, putting the public case on his face All the teeth of the brand jumped, “How do you say over Pingxi Wangfu, should you know the news over there?”

“There is no news over Pingxi’s palace …” A confidant stood beside Lei Sitong and replied. “I heard that His Highness Pingxi closed down a few days ago ~ ~ So now there is no response from Pingxi Wangfu …”

“Ah, Li Qiang is closed at this time!” Lei Si listened, froze for a moment, then shook his head with a wry smile, “This is really the time to close …”

“Sir, what should we do now?”

“How about the state army in their states?”

“As soon as those stabbing history set off, the state troops of several states drove to the border to do drill exercises, and the Qing bandits went away, and there was a lot of movement …”

Lei Si Tong Teng stood up all at once. “Grandma, let the order go. All the cavalry under the Ganzhou Army will start tomorrow. They will bring enough food for the guys. They will follow Laozi to the Yinzhou border exercise and clear the bandits. I want to see who has more cavalry than me … “


The assassination history of several states has not yet arrived in Lanzhou. The state army ’s military exercises and the large-scale actions of the bandits in the state during this period of time suddenly made the atmosphere in the six northwestern states tense, everyone Are watching the reaction of Pingxi Wangfu …


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