Silver Overlord Chapter 897: Shoot

Seven days later, in the evening, in the study room of Lanzhou City Thorn Shifu …

“I didn’t expect that Yan Liqiang, the child, still had some means. The running crisis of Zhongjia Qianzhuang was resolved by him!” Gu Tongan, who was lying on the slump, looked at the latest issue of Dahan “The Empire Times” said in a careless tone, “However, it will be resolved, and this time I also want to take the opportunity to knock on the Zhong family to make the Zhong family honest. I really want to make the Zhong family anxious. Control, the Zhong family is big in Northwest China, not so easy to deal with … “

In front of Gu Tongan, Lanzhou’s assassin, is still the strategist Yun assaulted by him.

“Yan Liqiang made the first factory in the world to deposit 10 million or two silvers to Zhongjia’s Qianzhuang, and the new wool trading market in Bianji County of Yingwei County also allowed Zhongjia’s Qianzhuang to enter. Shares, accounting for 20% of the shares, everyone knows that the future of the wool trading market is the chicken that lays golden eggs. The Zhongjia ’s money bank not only invested in the market this time, but all transactions in the market specified cash and cash. The silver tickets issued by Zhongjia Qianzhuang, and the silver tickets in Qianzhuang outside the six northwestern states are now difficult to redeem, and they are somewhat unusable. The two things are added together, and then promoted through the “Han Empire Times”. Everyone knows that everyone ’s money house in Zhong ’s house is rich, so the crisis in the money house in Zhong ’s house will naturally resolve, and no one will run anymore! ”

“This is ten million or two silver coins. I said it would be taken out. That kid is so rich. Now in the entire northwest, people who are richer than that kid might not be able to find a second one. All the net worth I have accumulated for the officials for so many years is not as good as that of a workshop under him … “Gu Tongan’s tone was full of envy, jealousy and hatred.

“The first plant in the world, Jinjin Doujin, as well as the manufacturing bureau and Yunyan, are all in the hands of Yan Liqiang, and now the wool of the Gulang grassland will soon be controlled by him, not to mention the northwest, then After two years, the entire Han Empire is richer than him. I am afraid that it will not be found. His initiation attracted all the wealthy tribes in the northwest, and everyone followed suit. There were not many properties in the northwest. The main income of many wealthy families mainly depends on land rent, so they value the field, and now everyone knows that if they want to make a lot of money, they ca n’t rely on land alone. They have to rely on factories and workshops, machines, and wool. In the past two years, the whole northwest has set off a wave of factory workshops. Even our countryside in Lanzhou has opened up steam mills and steam sawmills. Speaking of this, this trend has really learned from him! ”

“You’re right!” Gu Tongan shook the “Han Empire Times” in his hand. “Regarding this thing, I really didn’t see that this small newspaper is so useful, nor Pay attention to it, and now I have discovered that this thing plays a big role at a crucial moment, it is more effective than the official mansion announcement and the court’s official newspaper. Anyone who masters this can influence public opinion. This newspaper reports that Zhongjia Qianzhuang is better News, everyone thinks there is no problem with Zhongjia Qianzhuang. The running tide disappears invisible at once, it works better than anyone said, I think we also have to do this in Lanzhou, we can also get a copy, and beat you up Remember, you are responsible for this matter. It ’s not difficult to find a few people. It ’s not difficult for you to spend all your money and money. You go to the Gu butler to support … “

“Yes, I have written down. This is indeed Li Yanqiang’s first prevalence. Like newspapers, firearms, and four-wheeled carriages, he made them out, and they are all useful. We can stare at him more in the future. Let ’s see what new things he made! “

“You said that, but I remembered it. Haven’t our craftsman camps imitated the water-fire machine from the manufacturing bureau a few days ago, I heard that we have also made a boat that can run on the water, I have been sick in my house in the past few days, and I have n’t seen it. I heard that the water and steam wheel of the Huangmao children ’s manufacturing bureau is now running on the river, pulling people and goods again. What is the effect of the water wheel? “

“Cough, this … although our craftsmanship camp also imitated a water fire engine and a water fire wheel, but the effect was not very good, then the water fire machine malfunctioned frequently, and the water fire wheel was tested twice. He got down without running far on the water … “

“It’s all ordinary rice bins, I only know that reaching out to me for money, making them make things out of order is not as good as people!” Gu Tongan suddenly angered, “They are better than Yan Liqiang, after all, Yan Liqiang is There are not many people in the Han dynasty who are comparable to his masters, but are those rice bins even the craftsmen of the manufacturing bureau under Yan Liqiang? There is a skill in fart. They are all artisans in a craftsmanship camp in a state. How can it be better than others. If you buy something and copy it like a simple thing, ca n’t do it well? ”

“Sir, please take your anger. This craftsmanship can’t be improved day by day, let alone those craftsmen in the manufacturing bureau, they were originally taught by Yan Li to emphasize their ability. The level of the battalion is good, and I heard that all the rules in the manufacturing bureau are different from the outside, even the tools used are different from the outside, and now that the manufacturing bureau also absorbs a large number of top artisans in the northwestern Gyeonggi-do that fled The strength has long been different from the past. The adults asked our craftsmen to make exactly the same things as the craftsmen of the manufacturing bureau. I am afraid that it will be unrealistic in a short time … “

Gu Tongan ’s anger only dissipated when he heard his confidant speak for those craftsmen, but he was still very angry, “Then give them a little more time, just one year, if they do n’t reach the manufacturing bureau after one year The level, the owners of Lanzhou Craftsmanship Camp, etc., all asked about the punishment, I do n’t believe in such a simple thing, they ca n’t even imitate it, what do they do to keep them … “

The strategist named Yun Pao glanced at Gu Tongan somewhat helplessly, and could not say anything more, “You can put things in this artillery camp first, I see Qiyun County in the” Han Empire Times “this time The publication of the establishment of Gulangxing Province and Heiqihang Province, as well as the literary and martial arts recruitment methods, is really worthy of adults’ attention. That Yan Liqiang’s ambition is not small, if you want to deal with him, you must make early plans. Yes … “

“Let him toss about it, I have a way here, once and for all …” Gu Tongan’s voice suddenly became cold, with a dangerous light flashing in his eyes, and a sneer on his face, “I If you do n’t believe it, you ca n’t find anyone else to do it … ”

“Adult, this is absolutely impossible!” Yun Pai’s voice was suddenly lowered, and he quickly dissuaded, “I opposed it when I sent someone to contact Nether before, and I still disagree, and I am the same as Yan Liqiang. Minister of the Northwest, the dispute between the two of you is a political dispute. Then the Jinju court appointed Yan Liqiang as the king of the Northwest. The adults can disagree with this result and can use their own means, but if the adults use such means to deal with Yan Liqiang, then this matter The nature of the matter has changed. Once this matter is revealed, the consequences are unimaginable. Now, besides the white lotus, other things…”

“You don’t need to ask about this, I will deal with it naturally!” Gu Tongan interrupted his confidant coldly, a look on his face pointing to Jiang Shan, “Yun beating you is good, but sometimes it is not enough Ruthless and decisive, if you can save the northwest by dying alone, why not do it, I think the timing is just right. If Yan Liqiang was assassinated, the suspicion of the white lotus or the Shatu people is naturally the biggest. Who will doubt me. And, if something happened to the child Huangmao, the current Pingxi Palace must fall apart. By then, we can just touch the fish in muddy water. What’s wrong? Why do we have to play with him like he is now, and care about him all day long What … “

“Adult …”

“Okay ~ ~ I’m a little tired, I want to take a rest, Yunpao you back …” Gu Tongan waved his hand impatiently.

“That lord, take a rest early …” Yun Pai looked at Gu Tongan, sighed, and could only retreat and left the study!

After seeing Gu Tongan leave, Gu Tongan shook his head, took the tea cup in front of him leisurely, blew it gently, took a sip of tea, and then said to himself in his mouth, “Betrayal , Where is the officialdom of the Han empire, where you think so clean, without a knife in your hand, how to do the history of assassination, this is what Your Majesty told me that year … “

“You’re right!” A sudden voice sounded dull in Gu Tongan’s ear.

In just a moment, the hairs of Gu Tong’s body were all raised, and he instinctively wanted to scream, but he just opened a mouth, stretched out one hand at a time, and squeezed his throat and The neck, while the other hand stretched out quickly, holding a thing in that hand, a round gold Jincan slightly smaller than the pigeon’s egg, and the rune flowing on it, like a pill, directly It poured into his mouth, and suddenly slipped into his stomach …

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