Silver Overlord Chapter 890: Change

As the Huhuling rewards fulfillment work continues, the entire Qiyun County, all of a sudden, all kinds of people from all directions come together. To describe it in one sentence, the current Qiyun County, at once, is really cooked by fire The heat of oil, the flowers are blooming.

The relationship between Yan Liqiang, who became the king of Pingxi, and the history of assassinations in the northwestern states is the most concerned thing for all parties. Even many people are speculating that this time Yan Liqiang will call hot ironing, giving each state a history of assassination when he is prestigious. Disembark the Mawei and establish his own authority over Pingxi in the northwest.

Just to the outside world’s surprise, Yan Liqiang, who returned to Pingxi City this time, was like forgetting that he was the king of Pingxi, except that the visitors refused to accept the congratulatory gifts from the state thorns. In addition, the king of Pingxi, which was unprecedented in the Han dynasty, not only did not call the Shixi of the northwestern states to meet in Pingxi City, nor did he even give any orders and instructions to the state of Shixi in the name of Pingxi. The biggest job of the entire Qiyun County seems to be In the busy implementation of the various rewards for killing Hu Ling, there are rewards for merits and deeds.

The rewarding of Hu Huling ’s rewards is not an easy task, especially when Yan Liqiang also merged this work with his rewards for the county officials, the number of people involved in the rewards, Reached more than 100,000 people.

Qian Su transferred all the manpower officials who can be transferred under the Qiyun governing system, and also pulled all the new students from Gongdao Society and Guoshu Museum, and finally added the Zhong family Lu Jia Yan family Hundreds of managers and accountants who supported me had just barely taken over the errand and began to vigorously carry out the first “land reform” in the history of Gulang Grassland

The combined statistics of the Huling Gongtian contract, measuring the land, delineating the land and acres, issuing the title deeds, and compiling the archives are all so heavy, so no matter how small, we must start from scratch.

The pasture field obtained by killing Hu Ling, together with Yan Liqiang ’s generous rewards for all meritorious soldiers after his return, this time is only preliminary statistics. Yan Liqiang will provide more than 30,000 square kilometers on the Gulang grassland. This is the first time since the founding of the Great Han Empire that Yan Liqiang once again used his actions to shock the world and prove his credibility to everyone.

Various people, including the rangers who gathered in the northwestern empire of the Han dynasty, and the tyrants of the northwestern states that organized the group, supported the sergeants of the Ganzhou army in Qiyun County, and the governor of Qiyun. Officials at all levels have meritorious officials, soldiers who participated in the Western Expedition or guarding the Longya Army, related artisan management of the Manufacturing Bureau, and even the indigenous mountain people in the Jade Dragon Mountain who killed the enemy.

Regardless of the number of people who received the award or the scale of the land that was awarded, this time the award was unprecedented in the entire Han Empire. Through this award, Yan Liqiang created almost all of Qiyun County and the Northwest in one stroke. Thousands of small landlords are countless.

With a pasture, there is a sheep, with a sheep, there is wool, and with wool, a wool cloth can be woven, that is, a chicken that can lay golden eggs.

In an instant, the wealthy lords of the Northwestern states of the Han Dynasty, and even the wealthy lords of the Han empire even further away, flocked to Qiyun County to open a high-cost purchase of pasture contracts in Qiyun County, lambs, and purchases. Vehicles, hire manpower, build pastures, farms on the grasslands, buy looms, open textile workshops everywhere, and prepare for a big job.

At this time, the Han Empire was at a time of turbulence, and refugees from all over the world were everywhere. In the troubled times, many refugees appeared in various states of the state, especially in places where Bailian religion is troubled. There are more refugees. The refugees all ran to places where the environment was stable and they could eat their stomachs.

In the northwest at this time, because there was no war in the interior, the Seventh Satu and the Black Capricorns had just been pacified, and the outside was worry-free. They suddenly became places for many refugees to flee. Generally speaking, these refugees came to New Zealand. Livelihood is a big problem, but in the northwest at the moment, with the start of the vigorous enclosure of the Gulang grassland, people are needed everywhere, and the entire Qiyun County and even the entire northwest have suddenly appeared extremely extreme. Due to the shortage of manpower, the able-bodied people are temporarily expensive and hard to find. At this time, the refugees and refugees who fled to the northwest have suddenly become sweet and sour, as long as they can work hard and work hard If you have a certain skill, you won’t worry if you can’t find a way to live without food.

The official road between Pingxi County and Baishiguan,


Tongan of the Han Dynasty in April of the year (Note: With Yan Liqiang being sealed as the King of Pingxi, Qiyun County and Ganzhou officially changed to the new year), the two sides of the Kowloon Bridge in Pingxi City are red, green and blue At that time, on this day, the sun just came out in the morning, and the entrance of a brand-new mansion near the Jiulong Bridge was suddenly full of traffic. A group of civil and military officials in Qiyun County gathered here on this day.

The four-wheeled carriage was just parked. Shi Changfeng looked at the carriage and saw Gong Tieshan riding a tall black rhinoceros horse. He took a few guards and walked through the small square in front. .

“Hahaha, Master Shi, Qiao, you are here…” Gong Tieshan laughed, turned over and jumped off the rhinoceros horse, handed the reins to a guard beside him, and then strode toward Shi Changfeng came over.

“Yeah, it happened that Master Gong is here!” Shi Changfeng smiled and greeted Gong Tieshan, “Go, let’s go in together!”

“Go, go, go, go in together!” Gong Tieshan said, and looked up at the Heping gold plaque of the “Pingxi Wangfu” hanging above the entrance of the Wangfu gate not far away, smashed his mouth, and looked again Looking at the surrounding environment, “His Royal Highness would really find a place. I thought I would build a royal palace in the city. I didn’t expect to hang the plaque of the royal palace directly here, but the scenery of Jiulongqiao New City is pretty good. Good place … “

“Of course it ’s a good place. This place was originally in the settlement area of ​​the seven branches of the Satu in the city. A few years ago, there was a fire. After the Satu people were driven away, the adults ordered the reconstruction. This place turned upside down. This house Originally it was an adult who had built a place for himself to settle in the city. The old man had a place to live in the city, but he had n’t lived in it since it was built. This time the adult sealed the king and did n’t want to toss. Renovate it, hang the plaque, and directly treat it as the Pingxi Palace! “

As they spoke, they walked towards the Wang Mansion. Shi Changfeng’s carriage and Gong Tieshan’s rhinoceros horse were led to the stables and carports outside the square and waited. In front of the gate, there is also a round pond. The water in the pond is rippling. At this moment, a wave of water is spraying out of the pond, and thousands of drops of water are sprinkled in the sun, shining.

Looking at the pool, Gong Tieshan tweeted twice, and could n’t help but look at it twice more, “Haha, this pool is fresh, the water can be sprayed from below. I heard that the pool was made a few days ago and it attracted Many people in the city came to watch, and now the big households in the city are competing to follow suit. It is estimated that only adults can get this kind of pool at home … “

“Hahaha, Master Gong guessed this wrong. This fountain was made by a mountain next to him. This fountain looks fresh, but the truth is very simple …”

“Dashan, oh, Master Shi is talking about the red-haired barbarians around him?”

“Cough, Master Gong, do n’t let His Royal Highness hear …” Shi Changfeng smiled. “That mountain is also a bit skilled. I heard that he had drawn a map of Pingxi City a few days ago. I gave it to adults, and they were very happy to see it. They also arranged some assistants for them and gave him an errand … “

“That’s what it is!” Gong Tieshan sneered, scorning his lips in disdain, and did not say anything about the red-haired barbarians in the past, but looked at Shi Changfeng with interest, and his face was envious, “Master Shi this time Hard work and great merit, His Royal Highness rewarded 30,000 acres of Fenggongtian grassland ~ ~ I do n’t know what Master Shi has any plans, would you like to build a pasture on the Gulang grassland, let the family take care of it, or plan to rent the grassland to those people? For the wealthy, it is enough to collect rent every year in the future? “

Shi Changfeng shook his head, “This grass field has not been drawn down yet. Wait until it’s drawn down. Let’s talk about it. Master Gong’s seal of the pasture field has five or six thousand acres, which is a lot!”

“I hate those Satu people who have cut their heads less, and they haven’t caught up with the expedition to the Heiqi tribe with adults …” Gong Tieshan said with regret, and then his face became somewhat mysterious again, “Yes I heard that His Highness called us here this time to announce a major event. There will be major changes in the Longya Army and Governor Qiyun’s Mansion. These news have been spreading in the Japanese army. Master Shi is often by His Royal Highness. How about preparation? “

Shi Changfeng smiled bitterly and patted his head. “I’m too busy these days. I haven’t seen His Royal Highness in a few days. What do you think of your Highness? I’ll know it later!”

“It’s the same thing!”

Two people talking, came to the front door of Pingxi King ’s Mansion, stepped on the steps, handed their own waist cards, and after the gate guard ’s guard checked, a king ’s guard personally took them both towards the king ’s palace. Walk inside …

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