Silver Overlord Chapter 833: Extermination

While Zhao Bing and Mao Taishun rushed over on a rhinoceros horse, Yan Liqiang was “fighting” with Sa Gumo …

The “strength” of the two sides feels almost the same, and Bonemer is desperately desperate, so it’s hard to tell the difference.

For Yan Liqiang, this “thrilling battle” that suppresses his own strength makes him feel different.

“Brother Wang, do n’t panic, let me help you …” Mao Taishun yelled, and the whole person leapt directly from the back of the rhinoceros horse, and landed on the ground at once, seeing Yan Li retreating violently. , Dangerously and dangerously avoiding Gu Gumo’s knife, Mao Taishun’s burst of crossbows in his hand suddenly shot an arrow at Sha Gumo …

“Dang …” The crossbow arrows were blown away by bones and bones. For those of the martial arts world, as long as they concentrate, ordinary bows and crossbows can’t hurt them, but Mao Taishun’s blow , Or let the movement of Sagumo slow down a bit, just like that Zhao Bing had rushed up, and spurred toward him with a sword.

Yan Liqiang didn’t stop, rushed again, and this situation instantly became Yan Liqiang and the three of them besieged together.

Sakumo ’s strength is only at the level of a martial arts class. It is not strong enough to be able to compete with one enemy three. As soon as Mao Taishun and Zhao Bing joined, he was in danger. On the spot, he screamed and knelt on the ground when his feet were soft. Yan Liqiang slashed at him with a knife. He resisted it, but the sword in Zhao Bing’s hand took the time to cut it.

The boneless head flew up suddenly, the headless body shook twice on the grass, and then fell to the ground, the world was quiet.

“Brother Wang, why are you chasing these people here? If these people have masters who are all besieging you, would n’t it be dangerous!” Mao Taishun put away the crossbow in his hand, and he looked straight To Yan Liqiang, “We came to Gulang Grassland, but for the sake of making money, don’t let your little life in!”

“Hahaha, thank you Brother Mao for telling us!” Yan Liqiang smiled. “These Shatu people are not ordinary people. The person who had just been cut off by Brother Zhao was called Sagumo. This is the small tribe. The patriarchs, they fled in a hurry, they must carry a lot of things, we search carefully, maybe there is a big discovery, hehe hehe … “

“What, this person is the patriarch of the small tribe …” Mao Taishun licked his lips, and looked at each other with Zhao Bing, and their eyes lighted up at once, they had no hope of returning when they came back. I can catch such a fat sheep, but I did n’t think that such a fat sheep was stared by Yan Liqiang. Everyone knows that these upper-level characters in the Satu tribe are super rich characters, even if they are super rich. It is impossible to carry nothing when you are in flight.

The three of them no longer said anything, and immediately got busy, Yan Liqiang went to lead the boneless horse, and Zhao Bing was searching for the boneless horse ’s body, and Mao Taishun took another rhinoceros horse away Came back.

The rhinoceros horse with a boneless bone is not far away. Yan Liqiang just ran over and brought it in. I did n’t need to find it. I saw this person’s rhinoceros horse saddle with a leather The burden is a bit heavy. At first glance, at least it weighs 30 to 40 kilograms. When it is taken down, it opens and dazzles. The flowers are all gold and silver jewelry. Mao Taishun’s eyes narrowed with a smile, “Ha ha ha, this is good ,this is not bad……”.

And Zhao Bing started to search the headless corpse directly, peeling off the clothes one by one and searching, not even letting the soles off.

“Ah, there is something here …” Zhao Bing also called out.

Yan Liqiang and Mao Taishun ran over and saw that Zhao Bing removed a few large rings from the man ’s hand, and at the same time found a portable bag from his body, opened the small bag, and the inside was actually one by one. Counting the silver tickets of the Chase Bank, the number is almost tens of thousands …

“Hahaha, I earned this time, I earned this time …” Mao Taishun laughed happily.

Money, rhinoceros, weapons, and heads are all loot!

When the three men searched carefully and returned to the Satu camp with all their trophies, the sky was already bright, and the battle in the Satu camp, or the slaughter, had entered To the end.

The small tribe of two or three thousand people was attacked by more than two thousand wolf-like cavalry without defense. The final result was completely without any suspense.

The camp was bloody. Lu Gongzi and Zhao Tianyi ’s subordinates were searching for loot everywhere and enjoying the joy of victory. The loot and heads of the two sides were well divided. Before the two sides rushed from both sides, before the confluence, they each occupied How many sites, and how many heads there are on the site, it is very clear that nothing will happen. As for Zuo Yuquan and Yan Liqiang, they are a few rangers. They have been together with Zhao Tianyi ’s subordinates during the battle. They shot and killed Zhao Tianyi ’s subordinates can see how many people have been hacked. To sum up, it is clear how many heads should be divided. Even if there are discrepancies, it will not be very big.

In addition to these, the thousands of rhinoceros horses and tens of thousands of cattle and sheep raised by this small tribe are also a huge asset, and these things are distributed by the two parties according to the proportion of the number of troops.


“Ah, I was just looking for the three of you just now. Where did you go? I almost thought you were in trouble!” Zuo Yuquan and Jia Lang were together, seeing Yan Liqiang with their horses and many When things came back, they came quickly.

Mao Taishun squeezed his eyes at Zuo Yuquan, and then quietly pulled Zu Yuquan aside, whispering a few words, Zuo Yuquan ’s eyebrows flicked up in an instant, a look of surprise, Yan Yanqiang, and again Look at Mao Taishun and Zhao Bing, “You …”

“Hehe ~ ~ There is no need to promote this thing. Anyway, I said that whoever got the loot belongs to whom. It is estimated that they will not care about such a thing on both sides. We do n’t want anything in the camp. Yes, but these brains and things were rushed out of the camp and recovered. No one can say anything, but also thanks to Brother Wang … “Mao Taishun said with a smile.

“What are you talking about?” Jia Lang asked next to him, puzzled.

Yan Liqiang pulled Jia Lang and said a few words in a whisper, Jia Lang immediately frowned, and a few people instantly understood …

I just made things clear here, and a guard next to Mr. Lu came over. The man saw Yan Liqiang, he was relieved at once, and walked over quickly, “It turns out that Brother Wang is here, our son still Send me to invite Brother Wang to come over, there are several brothers who were injured by arrows, and hope that Brother Wang can help … “

Yan Liqiang smiled, “Well, let’s go together …”


ps: Thank you for your old friend Yi Lubin from black iron to silver all the way to support …

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