Silver Overlord Chapter 826: Fighting battle

Jianghu means like Mi Yan are definitely not visible in the army, but among the rangers, it is not uncommon to see this kind of means of the Jianghu means. These rangers and the third-class people When dealing with each other, there are a lot of skills in meeting. Naturally, it is just pediatrics.

There is a saying in the ranger, the old way is a good way. The thing that has been passed down for a long time, such as the smoke, can still be preserved today, and it has strong vitality. This The means will never be outdated.

Jia Lang ’s smoke is the most widely used agarwood in rivers and lakes. This is a very domineering smoke. According to his statement, let alone a human, even a cow, he will be dizzy after taking a sip.

A breath of smoke spit into the closed tent. The tent became a gas chamber in Yan Liqiang ’s eyes. As long as he entered after five breaths, the person who had slept in the tent was like a dead pig. The sword and axe were unconscious.

Zuo Yuquan carried the sword into the tent, and Mao Taishun also carried the sword into the tent …

Jia Lang and Yan Liqiang were the only ones staying outside. Jia Lang was blowing smoke in the tents, and Yan Liqiang was still alert outside. In the dark, he could still hear the rumors in the surrounding tents. The slight muffled noise from the chopping of meat and bones came, and all the breath of terror was shrouded in those tents.

Xu Meng came out first from the tent. When he lifted the tent curtain, a **** smell came out of the tent. A few drops of blood splashed on his face and hands. One was carrying a bulging sack, which was opened from the shape of the sack. There were about four heads in it. There was a continuous blood donation dripping from under the sack. In the other hand, he held a **** knife and his eyes A flash of cold light flashes …

Jia Lang beckoned at him and pointed to another tent that was blown into the smoke by him. Xu Menggao laughed and walked over quickly with his big knife, and then got in again …

Xu Meng just drilled in here, and Zhao Bing has been drilled out of his tent. Like Xu Meng, Zhao Bing also carried a bulging **** sack in his hand. , Jia Lang beckoned, Zhao Bing quickly went to the second tent …

The headhunting team has a clear division of labor. Like the mushroom-picking workers, the tents are constantly and quickly harvested.

But the accident still happened. Just when Jia Lang came outside the seventh tent, just when he drew the curtain of the tent with a dagger and was about to spit smoke, a sudden rumbling suddenly appeared in the tent. , “Bang Guru …”

Bang Guru-This is what someone in Satu means.

As soon as the words started, a sharp long knife was punctured directly from the hood. The tip of the knife was pierced from the tent fiercely before the copper tube in Jia Lang ’s hand. Jia Langmeng ’s When he tilted his head, his body fell backwards, and the tip of the knife pierced his ears. He almost stabbed him directly in the face and pierced his head …

No, it was discovered!

It is estimated that the Shatu people in the tent slept more alertly, and Jia Lang was found as soon as he approached the tent over there.

“Halusa …” In a scream of “There are enemies” in the Satu language, there was a clatter, and a shaggy man with a beard and a beard in his pajamas split the tent with a knife and rushed out to see When Jia Lang is still on the ground, a knife is like Jia Lang hacking over. The knife is sharp and sharp, and it is not a mediocre …

But the sword of the Shatuhan did not cut Jia Lang’s body, because when Jia Lang was found, Yan Liqiang, who was on guard abroad, rushed over.

Yan Liqiang came out with a knife, and the knife was as bright as a line. The knife against the Shatuhan was chopped off with just a knife, and the Shatuhan ’s head flew up, and blood was sprayed directly from his neck. on the ground.

“Hurry up …” Yan Liqiang and Jia Lang whispered, then rushed into the tent.

There were three Satu people living in that tent. In addition to the Satu man, there was a 20-year-old man and a 17- or 18-year-old man. When Yan Liqiang rushed in, they still turned up in their pajamas, each of them had picked up a weapon, one had a short dagger in his hand, and the other had only one Wooden stick …

The man holding the dagger yelled directly, stab at Yan Liqiang, and the man holding the stick raised the stick and smashed towards Yan Liqiang.

Compared to the big guy just outside, these two Satu people are ordinary people, and naturally it is impossible to hurt Yan Liqiang.

Blade flashed, the heads of the two people flew at the same time …

Yan Liqiang turned around and rushed out of the tent. Jia Lang had already quickly rushed towards the place where everyone left the horse before. In his hand, he also grabbed the head of the Satu man who had just been cut off by Yan Liqiang.

Zuo Yuquan, Mao Taishun, Xu Meng, and Zhao Bing heard the movement outside and knew that they had been quickly rushed out of the tent when they were found by the Shatu people. They turned around and ran without asking anything. This At that time, you must not be entangled by the Shatu people …

“Hurry up …” Yan Liqiang yelled at the four people, but he rushed towards a tent with a knife.

“Halonza …”

“Halonza …”

The tents around were all agitated, and there were constantly Satu people shouting out of the tent …

The Shatu people in a tent next to them just rushed out with a scimitar. Yan Liqiang had stabbed in the past with a knife. He directly pierced the chest of the Shatu people with a pair of piercings, and then kicked out with one foot. The Shatu people flew back into the tent again, knocking out the people behind and flew out. There were several sighs of Shatu people in the tent.

“Hoo …” An arrow flew past Zuo Yuquan’s head, and surprised Zuo Yuquan who was evacuating quickly. As soon as he turned his head, he saw a place more than fifty meters away. , A Satyon holding a bow rushed out of a tent, and just now that Satyon shot an arrow at him in a hurry, but fortunately he didn’t hit it, just because this Satu wanted a second time Pulling the bow, when Zuo Yuquan’s heart was slightly cool, a scream, an arrow flew past, directly across the neck of the Shatu, and shot the man down to the ground, around the tent, and Shatu The people rushed out with the bow, but they didn’t wait for them to see the situation around them and opened the bow. Hey, hey, after the three arrows, all three Satu people holding the bow fell to the ground, all killed with one arrow … …

Zuo Yuquan looked at it, but it was Yan Liqiang ’s arrow. At the moment, Yan Liqiang had put away his knife and took off the bow on his back. After breaking for them, he was shooting down a few archers from the Shatu people. .

In such a blink of an eye, the movement of the Satu camp was even greater, and there was a blaze of fire everywhere, and the entire camp was clamoring. The patrols of the Satu were quickly running towards this side. come.

“Quick …” Zuo Yuquan carrying a sack shouted, and the whole person ran to the place where the horses were. With this, everyone really took out the strength of feeding milk and was running. In the ears of the moving people, only the sound of Yan Liqiang’s bow strings and the screams of the Shatu people were heard. Not only did Yan Liqiang break them, they also deliberately made a movement, and took the Shatuo Zuo Yuquan who rushed out of the tent. He ran in the direction of the other side behind him, which was at an angle to Zuo Yuquan’s direction. .

In the dark, visibility is not high. After Zuo Yuquan’s figure rushed out of the camp 100 meters away, not many people could see them. The Shatu people who had just rushed out of the tent faced the darkness And chaos, but just instinctively chased in the direction of Yan Liqiang.

The Shatu patrol team also chased them, but just after chasing out of the camp, the horse lantern in the patrol team was directly shot by Yan Liqiang.

When Zuo Yuquan ran to the place where the rhinoceros horse was parked ~ ~ Behind them, there was no one chasing soldiers, and all the chariots chased out were in the other direction, away from them, at least still There are four or five hundred meters, and those people are the pursuers who are biased by Yan Liqiang.

At this time, many Satu cavalrymen had chased out with torches and rhinoceros horses.

People pulled up the piles and forks on the ground, and hung the sacks with their heads on the saddle one by one, and quickly got on the horse.

“Brother Wang hasn’t come …” Mao Taishun, who was on the rhinoceros horse, screamed.

“I’m here …” The grass next to him shook, and Yan Liqiang had rushed out and jumped to the horseback of the dark clouds with the fastest speed.

Not far away, those Shatu who were led by Yan Liqiang yelled and chased Yan Liqiang, rushing towards this side, and the Shatu cavalry who rushed out of the camp also rushed towards here and mounted The crowd of rhinoceros horses glanced at each other and found that everyone was there. Zuo Yuquan called out “go”, and with a whip, the six rhinoceros horses snorted and rushed towards the distance. Behind them, there were more than two hundred Saturnian cavalry, one with red eyes, one crying and howling, waving the weapon in his hand, and chasing it with his teeth …

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