Silver Overlord Chapter 816: Dare to try

“This is the process of selecting the county magistrate in Jia’an County. Everything went smoothly, and there was nothing wrong in the middle, but what surprised me was that in the end, Yigan, a villager in Jia’an County, voted the most for Wang Shao. Let Wang Shao be the county magistrate … “

After busy with the selection of the county magistrate in Jia’an County, Shi Changfeng and his party returned to Pingxi City, and it was already late. However, Yan Liqiang was still in charge of the official affairs and interviewed officials at this time, so Shi Changfeng also I went directly to Yan Liqiang to report on the process of selecting the county magistrate in Jia’an County during the day.

Neither of them ate dinner, and Yan Liqiang and Shi Changfeng were in the back garden of the Duhu Mansion, chatting while eating.

Yan Liqiang poured a glass of wine to Shi Changfeng, then asked with a smile, “Do you think that Yigan Xiangxian in Jia’an County will choose Su Youlun in the end?”

“How do adults know how to know?” Shi Changfeng looked at Yan Liqiang with some surprise.

“The same qi and the same branch, the same response, you and Su Youlun have known each other before, have had contact, and have personal contacts, you feel that others are not bad, naturally hope that he wins!”

“Is it possible that Master Duhu has long guessed that the winner of Jia’an County is Wang Shao?”

“Guess a little bit in advance, the Wang family is the ancestor of Jia’an County, the family is wealthy, Wang Jiu as a local squire, before building bridges and paving roads in the local area, helping the widowed, reputation is not bad, Wang Jiu is also smart, he Knowing that the local people hate the most is the corruption of officials. If the officials are greedy, the people will lose one point. Every penny of the officials is actually scrapped from the people, so you see that he voted in your hometown Previously, the mantra vowed to say this. He is now asking for fame, not wealth. With the confidence of his royal family, he is indeed qualified to say that those Xiangxian people have no fools. They all know that the post of county magistrate, as long as If you are not greedy, even if you are incompetent, you will only follow the rules. In fact, it has little effect. It is the good officials who can let the people in the county live a stable life. There are naturally many people who voted for him. At this point, Shao Yuanjie and Su Youlun both Everyone is a little worse than Wang Shao … “

“It turns out so!” Shi Changfeng shook his head and smiled, clinking his glasses with Yan Liqiang and took a sip of wine. “There is another thing. I learned this time in Jia’an County. There are also some problems. In some places, the township sages, that is, the local pavilion chiefs and long-term leaders, have not been elected by the people. The rights of the township sages in Jia’an County have been greatly increased in the next four years. These people have picked a bargain … “

“It is normal to start making people pick up bargains, because at first people in Jia’an County did not know that the name of this township sage could influence the selection of county magistrates, and not many people paid attention to it. After the county magistrates were selected, the people in Pingxi County knew that the name of this township was not false, but a real power. They could select and supervise the county magistrate. We wo n’t be fooled by a few people if we fight for it at the meeting. Then we will set rules for the local people to refer to the local sages. Everything will come naturally. The rules will be fixed. At the beginning, there will always be frauds. Let’s grab a few, kill a few, and support the people a few times, and no one would dare to be clever … “

Listening to Yan Liqiang, Shi Changfeng suddenly understood that it turned out that Yan Liqiang had already known that some of the townships elected by the four counties were problematic and not very standard, but Yan Liqiang did not care, because this The selection of the second election is to throw a brick and attract the jade. The purpose of Yan Liqiang is just to let the people in the county know the importance of the position of Xiangxian, let everyone pay attention to it, and also know that the county magistrate can do so.

“Do n’t adults have to fully promote the selection of county orders in Qiyun County?”

Yan Liqiang shook his head, “This is not anxious, let’s take a look first. Even if the four counties have been piloted this time, let’s see what’s wrong with this and summarize the experience. If the effect is really good, At that time, it can be considered for promotion. Now, the system of the Han Empire has been handed down for many years. Many people are used to it. It is unrealistic to want to completely deny a set of rules at once. Take small steps slowly. After the selection of the county magistrates in the four counties is over, I plan to make some changes in the four counties. I am afraid that you will have to trouble Teacher Shi at that time … “

When I heard Yan Liqiang say the familiar title of Teacher Shi again, Shi Changfeng smiled, “What else are you going to do, Li Qiang?”

“What I am going to do is also related to Xiangxian!”

“Related to Xiangxian, don’t you think Liqiang is still not powerful enough in four counties?”

Yan Liqiang did n’t answer directly, but shook his head and asked, “The Han Dynasty” of the Han Dynasty consists of 32 volumes, including the first volume, the second volume of the official law, the seventh volume of the household law, the second volume of the etiquette, Five volumes of military law, twelve volumes of criminal law, and three volumes of work law, with only one volume of law, including five penal branches, rods, apprentices, stream, death, ten evils, treason, conspiracy, rebellion, evil rebellion, no Dao, great disrespect, unfilial piety, disharmony, unrighteousness, civil unrest, eight deliberations, deliberation of relatives, deliberation, deeds, meritorious deeds, devotion, devotion, diligence, deliberation, and deliberation. “Almost can be said to be perfect, with no omissions.” The Great Han Law “not only takes the essence of the previous law, but also has been compiled by countless talents and wise men of this time. Looking at the silver continent, there are so many national races with such complete laws. The protection of the people of the world in this “Great Han Law” is not inadequate. The punishment for the gangsters who commit crimes in adultery is also not strict. Since the Great Han Empire has the “Great Han Law”, why are there so many? People want to rebel and want to join the white lotus religion. There is a slight change in the world. Why do people everywhere flock up and no one believes any more laws? “

Shi Changfeng put down the wine glass in his hand, frowned, and pondered for a moment, “The reason is that this” Great Han Law “is good, but below, it is too difficult to enforce justice impartially, so that the people at the bottom have difficulty in reaching out, It ’s hard to justify it, and if you have deep grievances, you can only use violence to control violence … “

“Yes, that’s exactly the case. If the” Great Han Law “of the Han Empire can be implemented, the local governments can handle the law impartially, so that goodness can be protected, evil can be punished, weak can be supported, and strong can be feared. To keep the bottom line of jurisprudence and justice in people ’s hearts, where there will be so many extravagant and arrogant and arrogant people in the world regardless of the lives of the people, and where there will be so many stubborn people, who want to kill officials to rebel against the people who change the world. How can Bailian Sect respond to all these things, so that the great turmoil in the Han empire has been rolled up. After all, everything in this han empire today is mostly due to problems in the implementation of the law! “

“But what does this have to do with Xiangxian?” Shi Changfeng hadn’t figured it out yet.

“Of course it does matter ~ ~ And it matters a lot. Ninety-nine percent of the people in this world and 99% of the legal issues encountered in their lifetime are all within one county. It can be solved. In the past, as long as there were so many one or two corrupt county magistrates in this county, the whole county was utterly exhausted, and all laws were empty, and all cases could be decided by them. Once the people entered the government office, just like the fish on the board, there was no room for struggle. I plan to implement the jury system in the four counties in the future. All the courts in the four counties must be tried by seven townships. Xian participates in the trial of the master ’s case, and the final result is invalid if it cannot obtain the consent of more than four of the seven people in the township. One hundred townships in each county participates in the trial of the lawsuit within a county by taking turns. It cannot be pre-ordered. After the case is heard, the file of the case, the decision of the trial chief, the opinions of the jury, and all the opinions of the Xiangxian, are all publicized and published so that the public can see that this method, although it cannot completely prevent anyone from corrupting the law, However, it can eliminate and reduce the harm caused by corrupt law to the greatest extent, increase the cost of corrupt law, and minimize the number of unfair trial lawsuits, so that public opinion can be truly reflected … “

Shi Changfeng was stunned. I never thought that Yan Liqiang could come up with such a method, but think about it carefully. This method is indeed a hundred times stronger than the current system of the Han Empire. If it can be promoted In the future, perhaps it is really possible to achieve goodness protection, evil punishment, weak support, strong fear, as the Yan Liqiang said, no longer let one or two corrupt officials corrupt a county completely Rule of law and people ’s trust in the imperial court …

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