Silver Overlord Chapter 806: Coincidence

“Oh, what is the origin of this Qiyun tavern?” As soon as he heard the disciple’s words, Feng Qinghe put down the newspaper in his hand and handed it to Mo Ziye next to him, begging Mo Ziye to see it.

“This Qiyun tavern was led by the Shi family and the Shen family in Qiyun County. The disciples of the Shi family and the Shen family are all celebrities around the governor Qi Yun who guarded Yan Liqiang. At the Qiyun Tavern, the artisans in charge of the Qiyun Governor ’s workshop also personally participated in the construction. Behind this Qiyun Tavern, I am afraid that Qi Yun ’s supervisor Yan Liqiang did not participate in it. The Qiyun Tavern ’s shopkeeper, management and other important things The positions were all sent after training in Qiyun County, and the guys were recruited locally. Just now I went down and saw the convoy carrying wool cloth from Yananbao in Qiyun County directly into the outer warehouse. Both sides It seems that the relationship is very strong … “Enran really succeeded, but after a while, he heard all the news he could find out.

Elder Feng Qinghe nodded with satisfaction, “So it turns out, I also think this Qiyun tavern is not made by ordinary people. Since Qi Yun ’s guardian Yan Liqiang is behind his back, then everything is good to say, here There is still a long way from Qiyun County. This Qiyun tavern can be opened here. Are there any other places? “

“Yes!” Enron nodded, “I just chatted with a dartsman of the dart board, and the dartsman said that this Qiyun tavern has now opened 16 in Ganzhou, where there are people who travel to and from Qiyun County. On several main official roads, there is one every 100 miles or so. In the past, they used darts to Qiyun County to find a place to deal with on the road. Now with this Qiyun tavern, they come to Qiyun County to do darts as much as possible. Find a rest in this Qiyun tavern, this Qiyun tavern is reasonable in price, and provides a warehouse for them to store things for pedestrians everywhere, so it is deeply trusted by the dartsmen, and the wool, wool cloth from Qiyun County is also A convoy of various materials also likes to settle in this Qiyun tavern and transport it to the northwestern states. I heard that Qiyun tavern is still being built along the way. If you come next year, there will be more Qiyun tavern … “

Although Feng Qinghe elders still couldn’t figure out the final intention of Yan Liqiang to make this Qiyun tavern, he felt faintly that Yan Liqiang made great plans. This Qiyun post is absolutely not as simple as it seems on the surface. The post house is convenient for information transmission and personnel rest, but the Qiyun pub that Yan Liqiang made out of, in a certain way, has the full capacity of the court post and the post, and it is far beyond. On the one hand, this Qiyun Tavern can make money continuously. On the one hand, it has set up foundations in various places and arranged lower eyeliners to gather people. At the same time, it also facilitates Qiyun County ’s foreign trade and personnel circulation. Since the warehouses here can store goods from the team ’s body, then, Of course, you can also store things like money, food and weapons.

When I came to this Qiyun tavern, the elder Fengqinghe noticed it. In this Qiyun tavern, except for some servants, the number of the young and sturdy servants of the young man was 200 at first glance. Many people, these people, once they took the weapons on the ground, it was a big force. I heard that the Qidao County’s Gongdao Society is now blooming all over the territory of Ganzhou. This Gongdao Society plus this Qiyun Tavern, it is not a single one. A soldier station …

Elder Feng Qinghe was shocked by his thoughts!

At this moment, with the sound of the wheel of the cart outside the screen, their twenty-odd tables of meals finally came.

These meals are all ready-made in the kitchen below. The disciples of Ming Wangzong chose them and watched the following people put the dishes on the back. It ’s fast and convenient. More importantly, the people who come and go When eating, the people in front of it are fine, so it is impossible to appear any tricks specifically aimed at Ming Wangzong and his party, which is more reassuring.

The food was served, and the fragrance was pungent. Although it was not a precious mountain treasure, it was also really refreshing. Ming Wangzong and his party, who had already been hungry and hungry, saw that the elder Fengqinghe started to use chopsticks.

This Qiyun County and Yan Liqiang are not simple, there is a big weather, it seems that the establishment of the Ming Wangzong branch in Qiyun County must be accelerated!

Elder Feng Qinghe made a decision in his heart while eating, and because of the extraordinary skill of Elder Feng Qinghe, the grunts of several men in the partition outside the screen could not help reaching his ears.

“Brother, you read this newspaper, it was written in black and white, where is there any fake, I have long heard that Yao Er of Wu Niuzhai took the dozens of brothers in the village last month The expert went to Gulang Grassland and explored the way. Then Yao Erdang took his brother to the Heiqiren and made a vote. He cut more than 50 black brain shells and brought them to Baishiguan. Sure enough, he got the grass field. The title deed is nearly 600 acres. On that title deed, but covered with the big red seal of the mansion, Yao Er took the title deed back to the customs, and did not wait until Pingxi City. The price of the real estate deeds for the pastures and fields is only 10% to 15% lower than the current price of the pastures in Guannei, which can be realized at any time. By the way, as long as a thousand heads of Satu and Heiqi people are cut down, it will be 10,000 acres of grassland. Wuniuzhai will not worry about living in the future. We ca n’t be left behind … “

“That ’s right, brother, the business we ’re doing now is not a long-term business. Usually we go down the mountain and hold our heads to make a vote, but the money we have obtained may not have been hacked by a few Shatu and Heiqi people. The head comes with a high profit, and the brothers also have to go up and down, when the movement is too loud, and they are afraid that the officers and soldiers will suppress or offend any masters of the rivers and lakes. Anyway, they are cutting their heads. It is better to take our brothers out of the customs. Get a vote to cut the heads of the Satu and Heiqi people. They are famous and beneficial. If we are lucky, we will also make a big grass field. In the future, everyone will be a local fortune. If you make a good life steadily, why hide and hide as you do now, what Wu Niuzhai can do, we can do the same, but in terms of ability, the big master of Wu Niuzhai may not be stronger than your elder brother. There are just so many heads of the Capricorn and Satu people. If we go late, we ca n’t get anything … “

“Well, the two brothers made sense, but it ’s just the portrait of your brother and me, as well as several of your portraits, which are still hanging at the gate of Yinzhou City. There is no us in Wuniuzhai. The brothers attract people’s eyes. If we take our brothers to Qiyun County to catch a business and accidentally be recognized, wouldn’t we have caused all the brothers to be involved, and let everyone get the bamboo baskets out of the water, I see the head on the Gulang grassland It wo n’t be cut in a while, and brothers do n’t worry. This time, let ’s go to explore the water. If it is feasible, let the brothers come over, and be more assured that our brothers can come over safely in these years. Are you careful? “

“Big Brother makes sense, don’t worry, brothers, let’s listen to Big Brother!”

“Well, just listen to Big Brother!”

“If the eldest brother did n’t take our brothers to wash the Chengjiagou dog **** family outside that year, I ’m afraid that Yinzhou City will not care about the elder brother. With the elder brother ’s skill, where ca n’t be mixed Huwei School Captain Dangdang … “

“Fuck his grandmother, that old Cheng Cheng dog is not the most thing, occupying his son when he was in the county government office, he colluded with the fish and meat people in the government, and he did not do anything that was harmful to the heavens. There are not many people hanging up. Such a family of dogs keep him as eggs. Naturally, they are all chopped up. I think that the eldest brother is the most enjoyable with the ticket we made. The people of Chengjiagou still offer the elder brother. What’s wrong with my card … “

“Do n’t say this when you ’re away from home. Come on, let ’s drink, and continue to hurry in the afternoon after drinking …”

“Come, drink, drink …”

The words of those people in the outside compartment fell into the ears of Fengqinghe Elders without a word. Fengqinghe did n’t change his face, he did n’t even look back, but his heart was facing the situation in Qiyun County in front of him, and Two more points to know …

Ming Wangzong ’s people are very disciplined when they eat out. When there is a task, Zongmen ’s disciples are not allowed to drink alcohol, so they have the fastest food here, a few of the outside compartments. While the elder brother Cao Mang who was the king of Shanshan was still drinking and eating meat in large bowls, the party on the side of Ming Wangzong had already finished eating and was ready to leave.

Just as they went downstairs in Fengqing River, a guy in this pub was taking four people up from below, and it seemed that they were also eating. The four people walking in front were a sturdy driver and driver. Followed by an ordinary-looking servant. Behind the servant is an old man in a long dress with an ordinary woman in her 20s who looks like an ordinary man. Looking like that, it seems that he is a father with his daughter and servants. Similarly, there is no slight difference.

“Our old man and young lady like to be quiet when they eat. You have to find a quiet place for us!” The driver who was walking in front of him went upstairs and yelled with his throat, his eyes looked down. The Ming Wangzong disciples at Lou glanced, but did not stop.

“Several guest officials are assured that there are quiet and elegant seats upstairs, which will surely satisfy several of them!” the leading guy said with a smile.

The two sides staggered in the corridor. Feng Qinghe glanced at the old man in the gown who was wearing the gown. The old man also glanced at Feng Qinghe. The two of them didn’t speak, so they passed by …

It wasn’t until I took the disciple of Ming Wangzong to ride the rhinoceros horse, left Qiyun Tavern and came to the official road, Feng Qinghe turned his head and said to a group of disciples around him, “You found it, we were just in the corridor The four people I met were all masters and easy to understand. The old man was as good as me … “

All Ming Wangzong disciples, including Mo Ziye and Mo Ziling, changed their faces, but they were very clear about Feng Qinghe ’s cultivation behavior. The elders of Jian Shenzong were at least the realm of King Wu, no matter where they were placed, They are all masters …

“Master …” Mo Ziye said, “Is it the other sect?”

“No, I know the elders of the other two great sects except the Jade Palace, and if the other two are to come to Qiyun County, there will never be only those people in front of me. I met a couple of years ago, and I realize that although he is easy to change his face at this moment, I can feel the anger in his body … “Feng Qinghe smiled slightly.

“Then we …”

Feng Qinghe shook his head, waved his hand, and said with some emotion, “You don’t need to be nervous. Qiyun County is gathering at the moment. It is normal when a master comes. They have nothing to do with my Ming Wangzong, so don’t pay attention. To say this, I just want to tell you that when you go out to walk in the rivers and lakes, you must be vigilant at all times. Those who have cultivated far more than you are not only encountered when you are desperately working with us. The seventh in the door commandment, Mo Yao bullying the bully and bullying, is not just talking about it, do you remember … “


Seeing that Feng Qinghe did not want to tell the origin of those people, the other Ming Wangzong disciples did not ask any more.

Feng Qinghe turned around and looked at the tavern. There was a figure. He was standing at a window on the second floor and watched his party leave. Feng Qinghe nodded slightly to the man, and the person also slightly to him. Nodded, it was a greeting …


In a quiet and elegant seat on the second floor of the tavern, the old man in a gown stood at the window, calmly watching Feng Qinghe’s group leave, and then turned their heads, smiling slightly, “The line was just the Ming Wangzong people The person who led the team was Feng Qinghe, the elder of Ming Wangzong. We have met once before, and he already knows our origin. “

The two dressed as a driver and a servant changed their faces all at once ~ ~ After glancing at each other, the driver looked like a whisper, “Will they …” /

“We and Ming Wangzong have always been in the same water as the river, no matter what, and when I met Fengqinghe, it was a bit of friendship. This time was a coincidence. I guess he went to Qiyun County and the people we met in Qiyun County. It ’s all alone! “

The lady next to him looked slightly sighed and opened, “That person just likes to make a big move!”

The sound, elegant and beautiful, is just like a flower …

“Now in this world, it is precisely the people who need to make such a big move …” The old man in the gown glanced at Qiyun County’s direction and sighed softly, “If I guess well, this can kill Hu Lingke Not because he came up with a whim, but when he invented the wool cloth, it was already brewing. Such a killing game is really terrifying. It can be called the first killing game in the millennium. Those stupid people of the Hei Karen people thought that this wool would make them rich, but they did n’t know that once this wool became cloth, it was what the man prepared to hang them. This soft wool kills people, and it is sharper and faster than any other peerless soldiers. This time, the Seven Divisions of Shatu are about to be annihilated this time. Those Black Capricorns can finally run back a few. … “

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