Silver Overlord Chapter 796: Transactions

“People from the Seventh Shatuo Division in Qiyun County have caused a lot of trouble!” Yan Liqiang narrowed his eyes and looked at the newly-increased dignitaries in the opposite Uli Ministry with a serious face, “So this time even Shatuqi 7 The people of the Ministry have to re-enter Baishiguan to take refuge, and they can never settle in Pingxi City as before. Besides, in Pingxi City now, there is probably no place to accommodate more Shatu people … “

“What do you mean to protect adults?”

“People can come in, but the place where the foothold is not Pingxi City. I think I will find a place near Yingwei County. You can make a town fire gathering area or the like yourself!”

“It’s no problem, we entered Baishiguan this time, it was originally a refuge, as long as there is a place to stay, the people who enter the Guan can live!” Nico smiled, and the smile was more kind and friendly, “As for the construction of the town You do n’t have to worry about anything. The people of the seven Satu divisions can live as long as the tent is set up … “

“Yes, you are right!” Yan Liqiang also smiled. “But Qiyun County has a small area and a small number of people. It can’t accommodate many Satu people for a while. It can only temporarily accommodate 100,000 people. … “

“One hundred thousand, this is too few, we have more than one hundred thousand in a tribe …”

“It ’s a lot, if you have more people and do n’t eat, what kind of mess your clans might have!”

“We can bring cattle and sheep in …”

“Cows and sheep can be raised everywhere on the Gulang grassland, but in Baishiguan, there may not be so many pastures. Cattle and sheep should also eat grass. Without grass, those cattle and sheep ca n’t live, so you There can’t be too many people coming in at once … “

“As long as the overseers can allow the caravan to freely travel through the Baishiguan, the food for the people who enter the refuge can be solved by the caravan. You can see if this is the case …”

“100,000 people is the upper limit, no more!” Yan Liqiang shook his head resolutely, “and these 100,000 people can already allow the families of those nobles from your seven Satu divisions to come in, Hidden in a safe place, do n’t worry about it anymore. As for the ordinary people of your tribe, do n’t you still have to stay in the Gulang grassland and fight with the Heiqi people? If you all hide in Baishiguan, then what? If you do n’t just give the Gulang Prairie arch to the Hei Karen, it ’s not okay. Now that the enemy is now, let ’s work together to resist the Hei Karen. Qiyun County can be your solid rear, but you ca n’t just throw the Gulang Prairie Okay, let the Hei Capricorn rush directly to the Bai Shiguan, do you guys say … “

After listening to Yan Liqiang, Niko turned his head and murmured with a few Satu people sitting next to him for a while, before turning his head to say to Yan Liqiang, “Then I Lord Hu said that 100,000 people would be 100,000, but after our people came in, we also hoped that Lord Hu could let the trade of salt and irons be released so that our caravan could purchase in large quantities in Qiyun County. Now Gulang On the grassland, the two most missing things are these two things … “

“Haha, this is natural, do n’t we want to work together to fight the Black Capricorn? I ’m going to let go of the salt and iron, just buy it. The manufacturing bureau under my hand can still produce a lot of arrows. You can talk about weapons and weapons as long as you buy them … “Yan Liqiang also smiled.” But don’t let your wool trade fall. There is a shortage of wool in the customs. As for the purchase price of this wool, I can raise you up again. 30% … “

Nicholas smiled, his eyes flashing, “Thank you Master Duhu …”

“One more thing?”

“What’s the matter?”

“The upper limit of the number of people you enter the gate is 100,000. For each person who comes in, I will charge you a entry fee of five hundred and two silvers …” Yan Liqiang licked his lips and looked at him with a greedy look Niko and the Satu people across from him, “The entry fee of five hundred and two silvers per person can’t be less, and it must be paid in one go …”

“What?” Nicole’s complexion changed suddenly. He grunted in the Satu language and said to the other Satu people next to him, a group of Satu people sitting at the long table suddenly clamored, Others snapped the table, stood up and screamed, looking very excited …

The head of the coyote tribe looked at Yan Liqiang and asked aloud, “What does it mean to supervise the Lord?”

“It doesn’t mean anything …” Yan Liqiang took his ears out of his hand and said, “I don’t panic,” “You people from the Seventh Division of Satu want to enter the refuge, you have to pay by the number of people. You have come to eat lunch for free. I ’m going to give you a place to settle and explain to the people in Qiyun County. You have a conflict with our people. I have to mediate. Our defender at Baishiguan also has It is not an easy task to be responsible for protecting your safety, and it is costly. I am clanking now. If you do n’t give money, I ca n’t handle these things … “

“Admiral, this entry fee of five hundred and two per person is really too high …” Nicole said with a gloomy face, “If we really want to enter the 100,000 people, is this not To take out 50 million ounces of silver, our Seventh Division of the Tutu did not have so much money at all. You are under extortion to protect your lord … “

“Do you want to blackmail, I don’t think!” Yan Liqiang looked at Nicole with a smile that made him want to make him flattened. “Besides I said, the number of 100,000 people is only the upper limit, you don’t necessarily have to be Really come to one hundred thousand. At this time, it is the family of the nobles of your tribes who took refuge in Baishiguan. Elder Niko, do you think your son, woman, grandchildren and others are 500 or two silver? Well, buy a little peace of mind at this point of money, leave yourself a way out, and you will never have to worry about the threat of the black capricorn after entering the customs, what’s wrong … “

“No, the price of 500 silver for each person is too high …” Niko shook his head. “Our Seventh Division in Satu is not subject to such extortion, and this is not something I can decide!”

“Aren’t your people here, you can discuss it now, you are not willing to pay this money, if the black capricorn calls, you will be willing to lose your money?”

“Then if the Black Capricorn occupied the Gulang Grassland, would you say that they would stop like this?”

For half an hour later, Yan Liqiang was like a businessperson doing business, constantly bargaining with the opposite Shatu people. Those Shatu people were also bargaining with Yan Liqiang while negotiating. Quarrel.

Finally, the two sides finally negotiated a result that each “can accept”-the number of 100,000 people who entered the refuge in the Shatu people remained unchanged, but the cost of entering the customs for each Shatu people became 100 two silvers, one day later, the Seventh Shatuo Department paid Yan Liqiang 1 million two silvers as a deposit, and the remaining money was given five days later, when the first batch of Seventh Shatuo People entered the customs. There are 50,000 Shatu people in Guan, who enter the customs at one time. It is considered to be the front stop. When they enter Baishiguan and settle down in Qiyun County, the people from the 7 Shatu people in the back will come in again …

After talking about this, agreeing to deliver one million or two silver tomorrow, the two sides will each leave the simple shed of negotiating neatly.


Waiting out of the shelter and riding two miles away immediately, Lian Wushuang who had been riding a rhinoceros horse and Yan Liqiang finally could n’t help but open his mouth, Lian Wushuang looked at it with a little contempt in a mockery With Yan Liqiang, “I originally thought you were a smart person, but I didn’t expect you to be so stupid. For the little profit in front of you, you actually made such a deal with the Shatu people. You are leading a wolf!”

When there were few people, Lian Wushuang’s voice reverted to her original woman’s voice. At this time, the two rode on the rhinoceros horse and ran to the front. People heard.

“Hehe ~ ~ Is this girl caring about me?” Yan Liqiang smiled at Lian Wushuang.

Lian Wushuang still has a sneer on his face, “Who cares about you, I just see that you are a little conscience about the people in the county, do not want to see the people in Qiyun County suffer again, remind you!”

“Thank you Lian Mai for reminding that you think those Satu people are dangerous, but I do n’t think they are just asking for me now, and they have a great chance to be in front of me and just kill and cut off those Satu people. A piece of meat comes, why should I have a soft hand, and those noblemen from the seven Shatu divisions who came to Qiyun County with their young children and settled in Qiyun County are almost my hostages. With these people in my hands, the seven Shatu divisions will become It ’s good to deal with. They can also let the Shatu people stand in front of us against the Heiqi people, take their money, and let them sell our lives. This is a double benefit. Although this condition is for the people in the seven departments of Shatu Not good, but compared to their ending in the hands of the Heiqiren, it is already good … “

“I hope you won’t regret it in the future!” Lian Wushuang glared at Yan Liqiang, and stopped talking, but just squeezed his horse’s belly with his feet and rushed forward.

Looking at Lian Wushuang ’s back, Yan Liqiang smiled meaningfully …


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