Silver Overlord Chapter 790: Father and son

Yan Liqiang went to the imperial capital alone this time. It has been half a year since he left home. The first thing to go home is naturally to ask his old father Yan Dechang to ask for peace.

Fortunately, Yan Dechang was still awake at this time. Yan Dechang, who had returned from Yan Liqiang, also breathed a sigh of relief. Then the father and son were in Yan Dechang ’s bedroom, lighting the lamp, drinking tea, and talking. It took a full hour.

Yan Dechang naturally spoke about the situation in Qiyun County and Yan Liqiang over the past few months.

In general, everything is normal in Qiyun County and Yan’an Fort. The manufacturing bureau, the first factory in the world, and the Qiyun Governor’s Mansion are all in order. There have been no messes, which also reflects those arranged by Yan Liqiang. The officials were relatively reliable. The only change, which was only in the past two months, was that Yan Liqiang let Fang Beidou ’s craftsmen and their families from Emperor Jingcheng all arrive in Qiyun County one after another. There was a little mess when they resettled these people, but it was quickly resolved. Yan Family, Huanglong County, Manufacturing Bureau, and Pingxi City have all placed a lot of them, and some people directly found a free one. The military camp was set up, and many of the craftsmen and craftsmen who came to Qiyun County had some savings and savings, and few were empty-handed, so they began to buy a house and buy property after they arrived in Qiyun County. Qiyun County is quite lively.

The only problem is only in recent days, because of the changes in the situation of the Gulang grassland, the wool trade between the seven branches of Shatu and Baishiguan was greatly affected, and they were transported from the Gulang grassland. Wool fell by 80% all at once, the price of wool began to rise, and the supply decreased significantly, even the production of the world’s first factory was affected.

Yan Liqiang also briefly talked with Yan Dechang about what he saw and heard in the Imperial Capital and what happened when he returned along the way. However, in order not to worry about Yan Dechang, Yan Liqiang also underestimated his dangerous experience. In the past few months, Yan Liqiang is like traveling abroad.

“What, even the emperor and the prince are dead, and the Manchu dynasty and martial arts have not survived much. The millions of people in the entire Gyeonggi region have become human walking dead, and those rumours are true? “After Yan Dechang listened to what Yan Liqiang said, the whole person’s face changed, and his face was unbelievable. The hands drinking tea shook and spilled some tea on the table without realizing it.” How … how It will be like this … Isn’t this the Han Empire … Isn’t it over? “

Yan Liqiang shook his head, “This court is over, but the Han empire is not over yet, but I feel that the future will be very chaotic. Bailian teaches this matter to calm down, maybe it is not as easy as before The situation is not optimistic … “

“I heard people in Yananbao the first two days that Gulang Grassland said this time that they should not be taken by the Heiqiang people. The Heiqiang people are aggressive and aggressive, and they want to occupy the Gulang Grassland. Qiyun County will be the first to invade the Great Han Empire. Those people said that our Qiyun County might not be able to keep it … “Yan Dechang looked at Yan Liqiang worriedly, his brow furrowed and his voice lowered a lot.” Our family in this crisis … … Can you survive it? If those Heiqi people really want to invade Qiyun County, the strength of the Qiren County horses and horses is not enough to resist? ”

Yan Liqiang smiled slightly, “I just saw Master Shishi two days ago, and I made a bet with Master Shishi!”

“What bet?”

“I will take back the Gulang Grassland within a year, and insert the banner of Qi Yundu’s Hufu throughout the Gulang Grassland!”

“Ah, is the Hei Karen so easy to deal with, Li Qiang you …” Yan Dechang looked at Yan Liqiang, his mouth gaped, and he could not speak at all. If this was not said from Yan Liqiang, Yan Dechang said Maybe I think people who can say this are crazy, but looking at Yan Liqiang’s look, it doesn’t seem to be a joke …

Yan Liqiang gently took over the tea cup in Yan Dechang ’s hands and placed it on the table. He poured a cup of tea to Yan Dechang in a hurry. “Do n’t worry about the old things in the Gulang grassland, those black capricorn people In my eyes, it’s just some fools who put the label on the top. They will never be able to pass the Baishiguan step. The so-called time-shifting, many things that could not be done before, are now very easy to do, dad. You just look at how I got the Gulang Grassland back. I have one thing here, I want to please you Dad! “

“What is it, Li Qiang you say!”

“I want to build a steel plant!”

“Steel plant?” Yan Dechang froze for a moment. This so-called plant, if Yan Dechang didn’t understand it before, has now understood that this plant is the meaning of a super large workshop. The steel plant, as the name suggests, is to produce steel. ‘S workshop, “Li Qiang, do you want to make a steel factory?”


“Isn’t the production bureau and Yan’anbao workshop enough now?”

“Of course it ’s not enough, but it ’s not enough. Daddy, look at this Qiyun County sergeant. There are a few armor that can wear armor. This ordinary person except the pot is iron, the kitchen knife is iron, and the sickle **** is iron. The family still has a few irons, and all these ordinary things can be kept in the heirloom. If the pot is broken, it needs to be repaired, and if the knife is broken, this steel is enough! “

“Do n’t ordinary people live like this, it is good to find these four pieces of iron in the family. When it comes to armor, in the army, the captain can wear a set of half-length fish scale armor, armor They are all worn by generals. There is no armor that ordinary sergeants can wear in this world. The better elite sergeants can wear leather armor, cloth armor, and cardboard armor. Most sergeants are just clothes, and a protective mirror can be passed down from the ancestors. You can save your life at a critical moment. How can there be armor? “Yan Dechang shook his head. As a senior blacksmith, he certainly had a say in these things.

“If this steel plant is completed, it will not be a problem for ordinary sergeants in Qiyun County to wear armor!”

Yan Dechang was stunned once again, “Then the scale of the steel plant you said is bigger than Pingxi City, and the artisans in Qing Dynasty are not tens of thousands, or where can produce so much steel, and this Armor is produced, where ordinary sergeants can afford it, even if you have two manufacturing bureaus and the world’s first factory in your hand, all the money you make is used to arm the sergeant, and there are not many people armed … “

Seeing Yan Dechang is still traditional thinking, Yan Liqiang is not surprised, just smiled, “Daddy, you are talking about ordinary iron smelting workshops. A workshop ca n’t produce much steel a year, which is tens of thousands of pounds less. , Hundreds of thousands of more catty, I said this steel plant, the efficiency is thousands of times that of ordinary iron smelting workshops, the annual steel output, at least more than 100 million catties …… “

“What, one hundred million pounds?” Yan Dechang was frightened by Yan Liqiang’s words. He looked at Yan Liqiang. He couldn’t help but reach out and touch Yan Liqiang’s forehead to see if Yan Liqiang had a fever because of Yan Liqiang. This number has exceeded Yan Dechang’s imagination.

One hundred million catties, very much, that is only 50,000 tons. If it was put in the past, this is nothing more than the output of a small township iron and steel plant. In Yan Liqiang ’s head, do n’t say one hundred million catties. The plan and design drawings of a 100 million-ton super steel city are there, but the current productivity conditions are not yet available. This 100 million-jin capacity has been relatively conservative made by Yan Liqiang considering the realities of Qiyun County. The decision was made, but even then, this number scared Yan Dechang who was a blacksmith, thinking that Yan Liqiang was nonsense.

“Dad, what I said is true, not nonsense. In my dream, the gods and men taught a special method of smelting. With this method, it is possible to build steel with an annual output exceeding 100 million pounds. Factory … “In order to convince Yan Dechang, Yan Liqiang had to move out his” gold finger “again …

Listening to Yan Liqiang, Yan Dechang’s expression changed slightly, and his tone became serious. With a hint of curiosity, “Is there … a way to produce 100 million pounds of steel a year?”

“Of course, can this be fake? If this steel plant is built, it will be the first plant in the world. Gee, who wants to build such a plant, it is really a legacy!” Yan Liqiang said while picking up the tea cup and took a sip of tea lightly.

“It’s just, Li Qiang … you see … you see me, I can do both iron and steel making, and I can do iron making, but I don’t understand anything about what you said, I … Will it be messed up … “Yan Dechang has already moved a little, but he still lacks confidence.

“Relax, what I should tell you is, step by step, with my dad, what are you afraid of, with your skills, and so many people to help you, and then recruit a bunch of craftsmen, absolutely not successful Question, Dad, you are still young, not old. When this plant is built, Dad, you will be the director of this plant, and you will be in charge of an iron and steel plant with an annual output of 100 million catties. I’ve gotten you … “

Yan Dechang was finally ignited by Yan Liqiang ’s eyes, his fists clenched tightly, and his ambition was raised. “Nan Liqiang, what do I say now?”

“Haha, from now on, Dad, you are the leader of the Northwest Steel Plant Project Team. Dad, you have a good night ’s sleep tonight. Tomorrow, I will bring a few capable disciples to the Manufacturing Bureau and recruit A group of powerful craftsmen, I asked Uncle Qian to send you a few competent stewards to listen to your assignment, and then … “

Just talking about how the steel plant project started, Yan Liqiang spoke with Yan Dechang for half an hour. After finishing the speech, Yan Dechang was too excited to sleep, and went to find several of his apprentices overnight. Yan Liqiang returned to his yard.

This steel plant is of great significance to Yan Liqiang, and when he looked around Qiyun County, Yan Liqiang found that he really could n’t find a better person than Yan Dechang. First, Yan Dechang knew technology, and second, his father, It has a prestigious status in Qiyun County, and there is a green light everywhere. Yan Dechang came forward to do this. Being the project leader of this steel plant is the most suitable.

Sure enough ~ ~ As soon as he heard this, Yan Dechang’s whole person, like being ignited, burst into great passion at once.

This man, no matter how old he is, still has something to do, he has dreams and pursuits, and life is interesting.

As soon as she returned to her yard, with a shout of “People …”, a pretty figure flew up, hugged Yan Liqiang tightly, buried her head in Yan Liqiang’s chest, and burst into tears Wet the clothes on Yan Liqiang’s chest …

I have n’t seen it in a few months. Yu Qing ’s figure has developed better. While holding Yan Liqiang tightly, she can already make Yan Liqiang feel the obvious sense of squeeze coming from her chest.

Yan Liqiang froze, then put his hand on Yu Qing ’s hair and touched it, “silly girl, what are you crying for, am I not back?”

“I heard news from Emperor Jingcheng … that scared me to death. I thought my son had an accident and wanted to find a son, but I was afraid that I would go out. If something happened to me … the son I won’t see me again when I come back … “Yu Qing was crying screamingly …” Young Master, after you … can you take me with me when I go out … I can cook for you, serve you tea and water … Some bad guys come Now, my son taught me the skills, I can beat them, and I will never drag my son … “

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