Silver Overlord Chapter 736: Eradicating

The leader of the White Lotus Rebellion Army ’s injury last night was not fatal, but only lost his ability to move. Now he is being put in. The head of the body is still the same as last night, wearing a white lotus hood on his head, only the shoulder injury. After being dealt with briefly, my body was **** with rope, and a sack of cloth was stuffed in my mouth. I was speechless …

“Senior Yan, who is this person?” Grandpa Jiang’s eyes stared at the person in custody with an ominous premonition in his heart.

“This person was one of the leaders of the Bailian Rebellion Army last night. I was captured after being injured. Last night the team was busy rushing to the road so I never had time to interrogate. Now I have a rest and I can just ask you in front of everyone. Where did he know about us! “Yan Liqiang said calmly.

Liu Xitong took the man into the tent, kicked at the corner of the leader of the white lotus chaos army, and pressed the shoulder to let the man kneel down.

“These white lotus gangsters are lawless, how can they trust their words?” Jiang Gonggong said excitedly, “If this person will die wisely, he will bite indiscriminately, should Master Yan listen to him?”

“Father-in-law doesn’t have to be excited, it doesn’t hurt to hear what he said first!”

The man’s eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, his beard was messy, and he looked at the people in the tent with his head up, his face was not too scared, but he was somewhat resolute and unconvinced.

Yan Liqiang took a look, and Liu Xitong removed the burlap from the mouth of the Bailianjiao leader.

As soon as the sackcloth ball on the mouth of the white lotus leader was taken away, before Yan Liqiang waited for someone to speak, the man ’s eyes scanned the circle of the camp and he asked in a rough voice, “Last night, the monster Where is the man of Fa, can you let him come out and see me, and use the demon to win over the man, what kind of hero is he? “

“Fuck, what a demon!” Liu Xitong scolded angrily, “Senior Yan Xiu bowed to the realm of heaven and man, and an arrow was shot, and the arrow came out like an arrow. The adult’s martial arts realm was brought to you. , But it has become a demon law. You gangsters of the White Lotus Sect, really, are generally Wuhe people who have never seen the world. They actually dare to attack the convoy of adults and find themselves dead! “

“Bao Dao realm, arrows come out like that? That’s the case …” The leader of the White Lotus was stunned, and then the whole person exhaled with some comfort and frustration, “Then I don’t know who is here to shoot me down Of? “

“It’s me!” Yan Liqiang calmly looked at the leader of the white lotus gangster.

“Who are you?”

“Yan Liqiang!”

Hearing the name of Yan Liqiang, the leader of the white lotus froze for a moment, and looked at Yan Liqiang with incredible eyes, “You are the guardian of the Qi Han of the Han dynasty, the master of the Shaofu Tiangong, who invented the wool cloth and the four Yan Liqiang of the carriage? “

“Oh, I didn’t expect you to hear my reputation …” Yan Liqiang nodded. “Yes, I am Yan Liqiang. I asked you a few questions, and I hope you can answer it truthfully!”

The leader of the white lotus gangster licked his lips, “If I tell the truth, can you let me go?”

“The crimes you have committed are not to be forgiven. If you honestly answer, I will give you a whole body today, and then give you a pit to let you enter the soil by the river. If you want to be safe Fortunately, nonsense, I will let you survive today, not death, regret coming to this world! “Yan Liqiang said coldly, looking at the leader of the white lotus gangster with both eyes, let the white lotus The leader of the gangster was in shock and shivered, and his face was disheartened, knowing that he would never survive today.

The head of the white lotus gangster lowered his head and remained silent for more than ten seconds. Then he looked up and looked at Yan Liqiang. He said awkwardly, “I lost it to you today, and it is not wrong, I hope you can say Do it! “

Yan Liqiang nodded, “What is your name?”

“My name is Cheng Daqiu!”

“Are you from Wuting County?”


“What do you do for living in Wuting County, and where do you live among the white lotus?”

“I am a post in Wuting County, and it is also the head of the Holy Religion in Wuting County!”

Just by saying this sentence, Grandpa Jiang’s face changed completely, and the faces of other people in the camp also moved a bit, and I suddenly thought of the reason …

“Nonsense, nonsense, …” Grandpa Jiang suddenly jumped out, screaming and spitting at the leader of the white lotus gangster who was kneeling on the ground, “That Wuting County Although the post office is not a big official, it is also a court official. How can he participate in the white lotus gangsters when he eats royal salaries? You honestly say, who instructed you to talk nonsense here? “

“Wow …” The leader of the white lotus gangster who was kneeling on the ground spit blood toward Jiang Gonggong, almost spitting on Jiang Gonggong’s face, let Jiang Gonggong be embarrassed, and quickly pushed away , And then the white lotus gangster with red eyes started scolding.

“Your dead **** gets a little farther away for Laozi. Laozi Cheng Daqiu ca n’t change his name or sit and change his surname. The official post of this post is still passed on by my father. Is this an official, a fart, It can only be regarded as a court dog, not even a dog. At that time, a member of the dynasty brought a family member to pass through Wuting County and lived in the post. It was because the dog brought by their son was bitten by the post. My dad was killed with a stick, and the servant’s guard of the clerk severely wounded my dad, fell ill, and died of coughing up blood within a few years. Laozi inherited my dad’s position, that is, one day you The dog **** and the **** killed a clean person, to be fair to the poor people who were bullied by you. Why do you, dog eunuchs and eunuchs, be able to do great things and have a wealth of wealth, and they still oppress the people? Suffering from poverty, confessing that your fat and anointing and being bullied by you, this white lotus religion is just for the people to preach justice. The sweetness of Lao Tzu is more interesting than this post. Now that your court is over, see your dog eunuch. How long can I be happy … “

“Then how did you know that Concubine Rong and King Min were in our convoy?” Yan Liqiang asked.

“I was in the post yesterday and someone came to deliver the letter and said that there was an urgent letter. I would like to use Fetion to send it to Xu Taizhong, the governor of Hualan County. The letter was later cut off by me. Concubine Rong, King Min and Princess Anping have escaped from the land of Gyeonggi and arrived in Wuting County. They settled on the earth to the east of the county. I want Xu Taizhong to send troops to respond when I receive the letter. After discussing it, there were originally many refugees in Wuting County. We wanted to start an incident in Wuting County. Now we just do it all the time. With the limelight of the incident, it is a great achievement to leave Rong Guifei and Min Wang. One, hahaha, the woman the emperor slept in, I also want to sleep … “

Princess Jiang’s face was blue and white next to him. Hearing finally, he finally ranted, and a bit of cruelty flashed in his eyes. “Bold …” As soon as the words fell, he raised his hand, and with a slight sound The sound of the machine sounded, and two hairy flying needles flew out of his sleeves, directly into the chest of the leader of the White Lotus gangster who was kneeling on the ground, and the leader of the White Lotus gangster screamed. , Fell to the ground all at once …

With a choke, Liu Xitong and the two sergeants who entered the tent pulled out their swords at once. King Min and several emperors were startled and screamed …

“Niangniang, you have to be the master of the old slave. The old slave has been serving the maiden faithfully for more than ten years, but I didn’t expect to be framed here today …” The murdered Jiang Gonggong kneeled to Rong Guifei In front of him, he cried with a snot and tears. Just now he suddenly shot a flying needle. Elder Liu flashed, and he was already standing in front of Rong Guifei. .

“Sir, this person is … dead …” Liu Xitong turned over the leader of the white lotus gangster thumping on the ground, only to see the blink of an eye, the person was dark, The Qiqiao bleeds, and there is no more breath. When you see it, you can’t help but feel cold in your heart. The poison needle in the sleeve of Grandpa Jiang is obviously quenched by the poison.

Yan Liqiang ’s face was calm. The last life-saving means of this dead **** hidden in his sleeves was clear. He could stop it just now, but it was not necessary. If it broke, he waved his hand. This man carried it out, dug a hole and buried it! “

“Yes!” Liu Xitong led the body of the leader of the white lotus chariot and left the camp.

Yan Liqiang looked at Duke Jiang, who was kneeling on the ground, arched his hand at Rong Guifei, and said seriously, “Mother, when I left Luyuan that day, I made three chapters with the mother. This team is engaged in military law, and violations of discipline are needed It was up to me to deal with it, and the truth is now clear. It was precisely because Jiang Yun violated the ban that he was self-righteous without any military discipline, and he revealed the whereabouts of the ladies and the two highnesses. His Royal Highness fell into Jedi, and just now, in front of me and my maidens and two His Royal Highnesses, he also openly murdered and killed his mouth, trying to quibble. Such a gangster must be sentenced to punish the army … “

Yan Liqiang ’s kung fu in saying this, Meng Hui has re-entered a group of sergeants from Luyuan into the tent, standing next to Yan Liqiang, staring down at Jiang Gongji kneeling on the ground.

“Niangniang, the old slave has been loyal to the maiden all these years. The white lotus gangster blew his blood. This is the situation that Yan Liqiang did. The old slave is injustice …” Jiang Gonggong is still shaking his head and shouting injustice. .

Concubine Rong looked at Yan Liqiang and then looked at Grand Duke Jiang who was kneeling on the ground. Her eyes started to be a little complicated, but in the end she turned into a decisive one. She sighed and stood up, “This palace is a little tired, thinking Take a break, everything here will be handed over to Master Yan, a few sisters, let’s go together!”

“Niangniang, Niangniang …” Grandpa Jiang knelt down on the ground, trying to hug the feet of the concubine, but as soon as he moved, Meng Hui and the two sergeants rushed up, holding him down , And then dragged directly out of the camp …

The dead **** did n’t do anything. The only way to save his life was the hidden weapon in his sleeve that shot the poisonous flying needle. Now that the flying needle was shot, he was like a snake with a tooth. The slightest resistance is only screaming ~ ~ was dragged out by Meng Hui and others.

“Niangniang, Niangniang, the old slave wronged, old slave wronged …” Until he was dragged out of the tent, Grandpa Jiang was still struggling and yelling.

Two minutes later, the indistinct grievances outside the tent suddenly stopped. After a few tens of seconds, Meng Hui with a knife in his hand and the murderous Meng Hui strode into the camp account. With a **** head, “Adult, Jiang Yun, a gangster, has been Fa-rectified!”

Just glanced at the head, Yan Liqiang waved his hand, “For the sake of serving the lady in the palace for many years, dig a pit for him, don’t let him be a corpse wilderness!”



After three hours of rest by the river, Yan Liqiang took the team to the road again. Grandpa Jiang ’s affairs had spread among the team. Everyone knew the whole story. Although it was only three hours later, he was on the road again. The spirit of the entire team suddenly changed. Sergeant Luyuan was inspired and inspired one by one, and the former guards of the imperial palace who were self-sustaining were everyone’s spirits, and they did not dare to be a little sloppy.

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