Silver Overlord Chapter 70: Report

Until he left the Warlord ’s Mansion, Yan Liqiang ’s head was a little dazed. Yesterday, he saw bravery once at the gate of the city. It was only one day that he let him be in hatred with the Shatu people in Pingxi County and let him suddenly Became the personal soldier of the Pingxi County Warlord, this experience was like a roller coaster, and the abyss suddenly came to the cloud, giving him a sense of unreality as he dreamed.

pinched the soldier ’s soldier ’s badge hidden in his arms. The cold and hard touch of the iron soldier ’s badge finally let his small heart flutter away from the cloud. It fell and returned to the swaying carriage.

“Two of Master Overseer’s personal soldiers are Junjie who were advanced samurai who were picked at Pingxi County Guoshu Museum. Today, Master Overseer chose you to be their own soldier, which is a chance to give you an amulet. This opportunity , But it’s hard to come by. I didn’t expect you to encounter such an opportunity when I took you to the Warlord’s Palace today, but you must not be complacent. If you take good care of it, you must work harder and strive for an advanced warrior as early as possible. Lord Warlord’s love and fancy for you!” Shi Changfeng told Yan Liqiang in the car.

“I know, thank you teacher for reminding!”

“Well, every student who enters Guoshu Museum can study in Guoshu Museum for a maximum of six years. After six years, regardless of whether they are advanced samurai, they must leave Guoshu Museum. You are now 14 years old or a teenager As a personal soldier of Lord Overseer, you can also walk horses for Lord Overseer, and no one will say anything. If you can’t advance as a warrior within six years, after 20 years old, you think you can go for Lord Overseer again. Walk the horse? “

  Yan Liqiang shook his head, “Naturally, it’s really that time. I’m afraid that even if Master Warlord doesn’t say that, I have no face to continue to do this kind of thing as a personal soldier beside Master Warlord!”

“You just know!” Shi Changfeng nodded, his face dignified, “And the Shatu people are reckless and cunning, if they really want you to take revenge, even if they know you are an overlord I’m afraid to start with my own soldiers. At most, I’ll only be more careful, and people will not be able to catch the handle. I won’t give you the opportunity to sue in front of the Warlord. Protect you, so everything depends on yourself…”

Yan Liqiang suddenly sighed in his heart, “Teacher, do you say those Satu people dare to kill in Pingxi City?”

“How have you seen the Satu people at the city gate? In a city as large as Pingxi County, I do n’t know how many cases of missing persons are to be received from the criminal arrest agency in Pingxi City every year. If you One day, somehow disappeared, who can find their heads? So, do n’t forget what you said just now, only those who are constantly striving for self-improvement are eligible to cover up. “

   Yan Liqiang nodded solemnly.

“Also, it’s a reminder to you. In the Guoshu Museum, if you feel that your strength is not strong enough, if it is not necessary, you should not let too many people know that you are the warlord’s personal soldiers. Identify the identity of the people who enter the National Museum of Art. Sometimes, it is inevitable that the good and bad are uneven. Not everyone will be happy to see others who are better than themselves. Jealousy. In many cases, it will make people terrible…”

   “I know, except when I go to the Warlord’s House or when necessary, I will not show my identity!”

   “Well, Mu Xiu Yulin, the wind will destroy it, your identity as the top three in Qinghe County has been very eye-catching, and sometimes it is appropriate to be low-key, no harm!”

   “Teacher, I have a question, I don’t know if I can ask…”

   “Are you asking?”

   “This time, Pingxi County Guoshu Museum recruits so many people at once, and those with the talent of bow training also allow special moves. Are you going to prepare for war?”

   Shi Changfeng looked at Yan Liqiang for more than ten seconds, and then nodded slowly, “Your feelings are indeed keen. This Han Empire and the Silver Continent are indeed becoming more and more calm. Last year, we almost fought against the Shaman people in the north. Although they did not fight, the Shaman people had just threatened the power of the country. They would definitely not stop there. It is estimated that after they have completely digested the Silla Kingdom, it is still possible. Do it again, and the Heiqi tribe in the west has been moving more and more frequently in the past year. The cavalry of the Heiqi tribe is invading the border between Ganzhou and Fengzhou more and more times. This is not a good sign, so Fengzhou Both Ganzhou and Ganzhou have increased the enrollment of Guoshu Museum at the same time this year…”

“Can’t we take the initiative to hit them, can we only wait for them to fight?” Yan Liqiang deliberately asked a question that could be asked by a boy his age.

Shi Changfeng smiled bitterly, shook his head, and sighed, “A lot of things are not as simple as you think. The so-called” before and after the outside must first be settled inside. There are many disturbances in the Han empire now. Clearly, when you grow up, you may be able to understand it slowly. If it was put a hundred years ago and gave the Shaman and Heiqi people ten courage, they would not dare to brush our teeth to us, and now, the situation But it’s a little different. Now, you are still the best to focus on cultivation. Others, it is useless to know now … “

was chatting with Shi Changfeng, and the carriage finally came to the outside of the National Art Museum in Pingxi County.

“You just get off the car and report according to the process. I won’t go down with you anymore. I have to go to the curator of the dragon and report on your affairs today …”

“Okay, teacher walk slowly!”

bid farewell to Shi Changfeng, Yan Liqiang took his suitcase and jumped off Shi Changfeng’s carriage.

The driver of the carriage shook the reins, and the carriage walked directly from the side road. Yan Liqiang raised his head in front of the gate of the National Museum of Art and looked at the magnificent height of the Pingxi County National Museum door.

The gate of Guoshu Museum is at the foot of a mountain. The red courtyard wall and the blue glazed tiles are lush. The mountains are lush and full of pine and cypress. The ancient Chinese buildings are hidden in the mountains. Among those woods, it looks like a forest park from the outside, or it is a kind of high-end resort villa, not to mention anything else, just being able to occupy such a place in Pingxi City. The status and strength.

Pingxi County Guoshu Museum’s vermilion door is open, and there is a table at the door. There is a long queue in front of the table. The teams are all 14 to 18 years old. Young people, it looks like the students who are reporting today.

Yan Liqiang walked over and consciously ranked at the end of the team.

It was only ten minutes, and it was Yan Liqiang ’s turn.

“Name? Where is it?” The receptionist at the door did not raise his head, but asked two questions mechanically.

“Yan Liqiang, from Qinghe County!”

Yan Liqiang finished ~ ~ The man quickly flipped the roster in front of him, and found Yan Liqiang’s name in the blink of an eye.

“Qinghe County, Sanjia first, Yan Liqiang?” When he saw the records on the roster, the talent raised his head in surprise, looked at Yan Liqiang more, and his attitude improved a lot. , “Well, you left your handprint here!” The man handed over a box of red ink pad.

Yan Liqiang is not unfamiliar with this program. He simply left a fingerprint behind his name. The man looked at the fingerprint that Yan Liqiang left now, and what Yan Liqiang left before. The one compared, nodded, and then took the book to an old man next to him. The old man quickly glanced at the two fingerprints, signed a few words in the back, and returned the book to the previous one. People, then took out a half-slap-sized metal identity card from the drawer and handed it to Yan Liqiang, “This brand is your voucher for going in and out of the Guoshu Museum in the future. On September 1st, the Guoshu Museum is officially taught. The time and location of the monthly lectures can be seen in the front of the course bulletin. On these three days, you can find a place to settle in Pingxi City…”

received the sign, it means that the report is completed, everything is simpler than Yan Liqiang ’s imagination-there is only one lesson per week in Guoshu Museum, and the rest of the time is arranged by students themselves. For the meal, everything is done by the students themselves. In six years, the Jackie Chan goes to heaven, and the Snake goes to the grass.

Yan Liqiang is still in a daze, a voice suddenly rang behind him, “Yan Liqiang …”

Yan Liqiang turned around and saw that Shi Dafeng was jumping from a rhinoceros immediately, and he was waving with himself with excitement …

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