Silver Overlord Chapter 669: Panic

Yan Liqiang can also be regarded as a person who has broken through the blood of the corpse mountain, but at the moment, after rushing into the alley, he smelled the indescribable body odor in his nose, and then looked at the red insect repellent on the ground, Yan Liqiang still felt a chill in his back, and he almost vomited for the breakfast he had just eaten.

The corpse is too disgusting and disgusting to describe. It’s like rotten pickles that were just pulled out of the jar.

The weather in Emperor Capital has warmed up a bit in the past few days, but it is still a bit cold overall, and it will never let a corpse rot like this before being discovered. Especially the red maggots are even more creepy. Under normal circumstances, even if the corpse rots, with the maggots, the color of the maggots is by no means the scary blood red. Only the legendary maggots on the corpses in the place where the corpse blast broke out are this color. Once the corpse plague breaks out, it is an incurable disease. Those who suffer from it will die. In severe cases, everyone in a city can die. This corpse plague is the most disturbing thing.

Those who paled and vomited on the street outside were probably the “melon-eating masses” who came in and watched with curiosity just now. At this moment, all the melon-eating masses were scared away.

Yan Liqiang covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves. His sharp eyes scanned the corpse deep in the alley, and his head was also flying. The appearance of this corpse in such a place would never be an accident.

“Who are you … hurry up … hurry away from here … vomit …”

A voice came from behind, and just after two sentences, the voice became nauseated.

Yan Liqiang turned his head and saw a pale forty-year-old torture arrest, not far away, holding a wall to retort while waving his hand to let him leave quickly.

Yan Liqiang turned around and walked towards the criminal arrest. Before waiting for the criminal arrest to open, he pulled out an identity badge on his body and let the criminal arrest look carefully.

“Ah, I’ve seen an adult …” The torture saw Yan Liqiang’s waist tag and forced Yan Li to force him a gift.

“Who found this body?” Yan Liqiang asked in a low voice.

“The hard work of a night pot, this alley is deeper, and there are fewer people walking here. The night pot just pulled the dung car through this alley and smelled a bad smell. I was scared not too lightly when I saw it. Hurry up and report to Yamen … “The criminal replied honestly.

“Did that person see it yesterday?”

“No, the man in this alley walks every morning. He said that when he passed by yesterday morning, he didn’t find anything unusual!”

“Okay, I know. I will block this alley first. The families around the alley will immediately be moved away, so that everyone should not be near here, nor should you come close at will, and do not have contact with the corpse. Can’t handle it, report it to the Admiral’s Mansion immediately and let the Admiral’s Mansion send someone to … “

“Sir, we have sent a brother back to the Admiral’s House …”

“Remember, cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel when approaching the corpse. Be sure to put something on your hand. Don’t let anything on the corpse get on your hands and your skin. Go home at night and get dressed today. It must be boiled in boiling water. You first go to the neighborhood to see if anyone has anything like quicklime, realgar and salt, and get it right away … “At this time, Yan Liqiang is also welcome. Instead, he directly gave orders to the catcher.

Hearing Yan Liqiang ’s order, the catcher seemed to have the backbone of his heart, and immediately got up, “Adult, wait a minute, let me go and see …”, said, the catcher immediately Just ran towards behind, Yan Liqiang stayed here and watched, not let people approach.

After waiting for less than two minutes, the torture arrest and another torture ran over, carrying a few bags, “Adult, we found a little lime, a little realgar and some salt …”

“Okay, bring it to me!” Yan Liqiang took the bags, and then took the two criminal arrests toward the corpse deep in the alley, not far from the corpse, Yan Liqiang Resisting nausea, he first grabbed a salt from one of the bags, took it in his hand, and waved it vigorously. The salt in his hand immediately seemed to be like thousands of tiny hidden weapons, with howling The sound flew out, and the red maggots crawling on the ground and the wall around the corpse were immediately hit by large swaths, stopped wriggling, or fell off the wall…

The two criminal arresters who came with Yan Liqiang watched behind Yan Liqiang heartily, and found that the little salt had such power in Yan Liqiang’s hands. Both of them looked at Yan Liqiang with great respect.

After sprinkling all the salt as concealed objects, within 10 meters of the corpse, you can no longer see the creeping things. Then Yan Liqiang took the lime and realgar again and sprinkled on and around the corpse. Two protective measures were taken to isolate the corpse, disinfection was initially completed, and after finishing these, Yan Liqiang retreated.

“Please note that apart from people not being able to come, do n’t let the cats, dogs, and cockroaches of cats and dogs run over and come into contact with this corpse …”

“Sir, we remember!” The two criminal arresters looked at Yan Liqiang respectfully, their eyes full of gratitude.

“You are here waiting for the people in the Admiral’s House to clean up, I’m going …”

“Thank you for your help …”

“You are welcome, we eat public meals, this is a matter of share!”

Yan Liqiang and the criminal arrest in the alley resigned, and then left here. When Yan Liqiang left, there were several more criminal arrests outside this alley, enclosing the alley, and even the people living around Several households were also evacuated and moved out of the house. The whole street was bustling ~ ~ The onlookers looked at the alley, and there were fears in their eyes, what Yan Liqiang heard in his ears, all It’s a word like “red maggot” “cadaver” …

Too many onlookers have seen the corpse before, so this kind of news, the seal is too late to block, it has spread quickly …

There is no doubt that someone like that was definitely put there deliberately.

Thinking of the warning that Hua Ruxue gave to himself before, Yan Liqiang had only one thought in his head at the moment-this must be a good thing Bailian taught! Could it be that the white lotus killer mentioned by Hua Ruxue is a way to make corpse plague. If this is the case, then the court may be in serious trouble …

After leaving the alley for more than ten minutes, I crossed two streets and walked for thousands of kilometers. Near a market, Yan Liqiang saw a large number of criminal arrests enclosing the alley, many people On the sidelines of the street, casually asked someone on the street to ask, and Yan Liqiang realized that a body was also found in the alley on this side, which was also rotten and the same red maggots, which alarmed the surrounding neighborhoods … …

On this day, just one morning, five similar corpses were found in the entire Imperial City, and the entire Imperial City was suddenly overwhelmed with great fear …

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