Silver Overlord Chapter 638: He Shou

October 8th, in Pingxi City, the “Gossip” about the supervision of the Lord and the Princess of the Satu People is fermenting, and it has become a topic that many people in the city will talk about after dinner. This is also the day. On his birthday, Yan Liqiang, Qian Su, and Lu Wenbin, who received Lu Jia ’s invitation, were busy in their busy schedule and took the time to come to Lu Jia Zhuang again to attend the Lu Jia family banquet.

The Lu family ’s banquet was very low-key and there was no big show. Except for the family members and a few relatives and friends, there were basically no invitations. At the end of the meal, they were in the Lu family hall. There are only five tables in total!

Yan Liqiang, Qian Su and Lu Wenbin and Grandpa Lu sat at the main table, and the other Lu family ’s younger ladies and the like sat on the other tables.

Lu Wenbin was originally not qualified to serve as the main table in the Lu family, but now Lu Wenbin is lucky and highly regarded by Yan Li as a worker under the supervision and protection. At this moment, the status of the Lu family is not the same as before. The butler saw him very politely.

As for Yan Liqiang, it goes without saying that Lu is already the aunt of the Lu family. From the top to the bottom, from the old man to the servant maid of the Lu family, seeing Yan Liqiang is very kind.

Dinner dinner was lively and festive. Everyone at the dinner table did n’t talk about business, but about some interesting things and family life around them. , With family business, also sent a gift to express their hearts.

When it was Lu Beixin ’s turn, Lu Beixin came up and gave the old man a Qianshou map pierced with a needle and thread. The Qianshou map was unfolded and it was almost three meters long. There were all kinds of flower-like longevity characters in it. With joy, everyone in the hall stretched their heads to watch, and all were full of praise.

“Bei Xin, did you make this?” Master Lu asked in surprise.

“Of course, I used it for half a year in order to stab it. I also found a few sisters-in-law to learn the craft. You can ask a few sisters-in-law if you don’t believe it!” Lu Beixin said softly.

“This is indeed made by Beixin. This girl Beixin has been in charge of so many people in the woolen mill during the day, and so many people have to be obedient and obedient. When you come back at night, you will learn needlework with us. The picture is really made by Bei Xin! “Lu Beixin’s sister-in-law accepted the words with a smile, and glanced at Yan Liqiang sitting next to the old man,” Whoever marries Bei Xin in the future, that can Blessed! “

Yan Liqiang looked at Lu Beixin with a smile, but Lu Beixin turned his eyes, just like he did not see Yan Liqiang, completely turned a blind eye. After speaking with Grandpa Lu, he immediately returned to his place.

Yan Liqiang knows what Lu Beixin thinks in her mind when she reads the snake. Miss Lu has heard the scandals about him …

Other people in the Lu family seem to be surprised.

When the juniors of the Lu family finished speaking, all kinds of things were delivered, Yan Liqiang clapped his hands, and several family members of the Lu family raised the things he sent.

“Hahaha, Li Qiang, you are also kind to me. Come over for a meal, and bring a few boxes of gifts …” Looking at the three boxes that Yan Liqiang had brought, Master Lu suddenly smiled. He got up, but he was also curious in his heart. He knew that Yan Liqiang was not an exaggerated person. He gave three large boxes of gifts at once, which was too exaggerated. The contents inside must be a little strange.

“Hahaha, this is a message from Uncle Qian and Wen Bin, and Wenbin together …”

“Oh, the stronger you are, the more you learn, the better. This is a three-part gift!” Lu Pein quipped beside him, and everyone beside him laughed.

“Brother Lu doesn’t know, Uncle Qian and Wen Bin are now two big housekeepers around me, one for me and the other for building things. The ability, the things in this box, were not able to be made out so quickly, so these three boxes of things, that is, the three of us come today to celebrate the birthday of the old man together! “

“Oh, what’s inside?” Lu Pein suddenly became curious.

“You know it when you open it …” Yan Liqiang smiled and gestured. Several family members of the Lu family opened the box. In the brightly lit lobby, there was a flash of silver in the three boxes. All of the eyes were shaken in a single light, and there was an exclamation in the hall immediately.

The three boxes are the first batch of silver coins newly minted by the manufacturing mint. Each box contains 10,000 silver coins with an imaginary value of one thousand two, three boxes three thousand two, a total of Thirty thousand standard silver coins …

This is the first time the standard silver coins minted by the mint are displayed in front of outsiders, and the number is still so large. Everyone in the Lu family has seen such exquisite silver coins, and all of them have been calmed down. Flashing, not waiting for the following Ding Ding to take those silver coins, he rushed to the front all at once, grabbed a handful of silver coins and came back, to give Master Lu to appreciate on the table …

Grandpa Lu took the fine silver coin and rubbed it on the exquisite patterns carved by the artist. Rao Shi was proud to be very knowledgeable in his life. At this time, his eyes widened and he could n’t believe it. Look at the silver coins in your hands!

“This … what is this, how can it be so exquisite and delicate?” Master Lu asked, touching the edge of the silver coin.

“This is a silver coin. It was newly minted from the manufacturing bureau, and all of it has weight on it!” Yan Liqiang smiled. “I know that the old man has a long life today, so I brought it over and gave it to the old man. Hehehe … “Yan Liqiang said, and also took a silver coin, sandwiched the middle of the silver coin with two fingers, slammed it against his mouth, and placed it in the ear of Grandpa Lu. Grandpa Lu listened at once The silver coin that came to my ear made a sweet buzzing sound …

Not only Grandpa Lu, but everyone around me heard …

“Ah, it will still ring …” Mr. Lu looked at Yan Liqiang in surprise and found it very interesting.

“This high silver content sounds crisp and long, and the sound of high copper content blowing will be sharp, and the sound of blowing more lead is low, as long as you are familiar with it Holding this, as long as you listen to it, you will know that the silver coin is pure and impure, have you mixed other things … “

Listening to Yan Liqiang, not only Grandpa Lu, but everyone else on the table also took one silver coin curiously, put it in his mouth and slammed, and then heard the sound.

Lady Lu tried it, and found that it was so, all of a sudden, watching the others in the hall also looked at the three boxes of silver coins with curiosity, and Master Lu directly greeted the butler Lu, Let Lu Butler send those silver coins down as life money for his life today. Everyone in the Lu family has a share, that is, an ordinary handyman who can be divided into four or five. Other Lu family juniors, then More points, at least one hundred and ten …

With the exquisite silver dollar, all the Lu family went up and down, all smiled and filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

In a moment, the Lu family ’s hall was full of inhalation and insufflation sounds, and several grandchildren of Grandpa Lu shouted with joy in the hall, “I heard, I heard “”, causing Master Lu to laugh a lot…

When Master Lu wants to give Lu Beixin some life money, he finds that Lu Beixin has left the hall without knowing when …

“This girl …” Grandpa Lu shook his head helplessly.

“Cough … cough … I go out and see where Beixin is going …” Yan Liqiang took the opportunity to say.

“Okay, Li Qiang, you go, it ’s almost here ~ ~ You do n’t have to worry about it anymore. You and Beixin have disappeared for a few days. Have a good chat. There are some things I want to ask you here … “

Since the old man had said so, what Yan Liqiang could say, then he left the hall and walked towards the backyard of the landing home. On the way, the servants of the Lu family met him, and none of them stopped. It was a respectful stand on the side, smiling and saying hello to him.

However, Xiang Liqiang who came to the backyard did not go to the small courtyard where Lu Beixin lived, but went directly to the garden of the backyard. There was a big pond in the garden, which was filled with lotus flowers, and even landed directly. Lianhua Lake outside the village.

When Yan Liqiang came, Lu Beixin was sitting alone in the pavilion by the pond, playing a piano on the table in the pavilion. The sound of the piano wafted in the night, and the moonlight fell from the sky. Don’t have a mood …

Lu Beixin knew that Yan Liqiang was coming, but Yan Liqiang gave a blank look and did n’t speak. He was playing the piano intently, and there were still some grudges in the sound of the piano …

Yan Liqiang did n’t speak, just listening quietly next to him. He knew that Lu Beixin likes this tune, but he did n’t expect that this girl ’s accordion was so skillful to talk about. Qin Dao everyone, but it is enough to go to the elegant hall …

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