Silver Overlord Chapter 574: Football

The green skins didn’t notice themselves, and Yan Liqiang walked past those green skins just like they didn’t notice them.

Dijing City is not a completely strange place for Yan Liqiang. He knows that places like Dijing City are those green skins squatting on the street, with complex networks behind them, and those inconspicuous green skins, many people The background of each is opened one by one. Most of them are the eyeliners of the various government offices in the Imperial City, and even the officials of the dignitaries. Even the one in the Imperial Palace has many such eyeliners in the Imperial City.

If you will not be noticed by these green skins while walking on the street, it means that in the future, no one will notice you in the Imperial City.

The image this time seems to be very successful. Yan Liqiang smiled in his heart, and then walked toward the front while nibbling the pie.

The prices in the Emperor Jingcheng are very expensive. No matter what you eat or live in, it is not affordable for a newly arrived Maotou kid, so Yan Liqiang did not enter the city, just like an ordinary Maotou kid. Wandering around in this town, after the big cake in his hand was finished, Yan Liqiang had come to the door of an inconspicuous inn. After looking at the inn for a few moments, he went to the inn and asked for the house price. Then I asked for the cheapest room.

“Tenpu in our inn sleeps ten people in a room, six copper coins per night, ca n’t bring people, no quilt, if you want to add a quilt, you need to add two more copper coins every night, I will tell you in advance Take care of your own things in the room of the shop, you have to lose things, but our inn does not matter, you are useless to report to the officer, are you clear? “The man of the inn walked into the inn while carrying Yan Liqiang. While telling Yan Liqiang the rules of staying at the inn.

Yan Liqiang listened and nodded.

The aisle in the inn is full of debris. Most of the people who live here are foreigners who have just arrived and have little money. During the day, almost all the people who live here go out to find work. , So there are not many people. Several people who live in the inn are playing chess in the yard. When they saw Yan Liqiang, they only took a look at it, and then they were no longer interested.

In the blink of an eye, the inn of the inn took Yan Liqiang to the room of the sleep pass shop.

The pass is really a pass. In a room of more than 20 square meters, there are only two wooden beds connected from the door to the corner. There is a narrow aisle between the two wooden beds. The wooden bed is covered with straw mats. There were a few broken bags, nothing else, and a strange smell of sweat, feet and feet smelled in the room.

“Well, there are only seven people living in this room now. You can just find a place to sleep.” Shop 2nd pointed to the bed at will and turned away. This place, even Shop 2 didn’t want to stay longer.

“Brother, may I ask where can I find money-making jobs in this emperor capital?” Yan Liqiang took Xiao Er’s sleeve and stuffed a copper plate in Xiao Er’s hand, pretending to know nothing. It looks like, with a smile on his face, “I’m just here, please let me know what to do!”

Dian Xiaoer picked up the copper plate in his hand and stuffed the copper plate into his arms, then patiently told Yan Liqiang several places in the capital of Beijing to find a job, and finally left with Yan Liqiang’s gratitude.

Looking at the room, Yan Liqiang threw the parcel that he carried on the headboard of the wooden bed, and instead of staying in the inn, he went out directly and followed the instructions of the shop ’s second child to the nearest place. One of the places where people can recruit people came back in the evening.

When Yan Liqiang came back, several other people who lived in this paved room also came back. They were chatting in the room, exchanging news about job hunting, and one of them had a short-term job. Raising horses for a large family, several others have not yet found a job.

Yan Liqiang looked like a dull gourd. He listened next to him and rarely interrupted. A group of people chatted for a while and then fell asleep.

While sleeping, Yan Liqiang checked his baggage and found that the baggage was indeed turned over by someone. In the baggage, there were two pieces of broken clothes, as well as a “fake” family book, and the other one. None, Yan Liqiang pretended not to know, so he took the burden as a pillow and fell asleep.

Sleep into the middle of the night, the room is dark and wintery, you ca n’t see your fingers, only the snoring sound is floating in the room one after another, Yan Liqiang feels that there are a pair of hands quietly touching his body, reaching into his arms carefully, want to come Touching something in his arms, Yan Liqiang kicked over with his eyes closed, a mumble sounded, and then the hand was retracted, and there was nothing overnight.

Early in the morning the next day, the person who found a job yesterday collected things and left the inn. The others looked as usual. After pouring water on the inn of the inn to wash up, they went out separately.

When washing his face, Yan Liqiang hit the water from the well, looked down at the face reflected in the bucket, and Yan Liqiang laughed-the face on the water, which is the same as Wang Baoqiang Six or seven points are similar, full of rustic flavor, anyone who looks at this face will probably not associate this face with any master. And this is exactly what Yan Liqiang wants.

For four consecutive days ~ ~ Yan Liqiang returned early and left late, acting exactly like an ordinary person, and also joined the army of “North Drift” in the Imperial City For a few days, there was nothing to gain. It was in the inn where he lived. Two nights later, two green skins and criminal arrests wandered around. Several people who were sleeping in the Tongpu room were called out, but The green skin and torture that came to the inn looked at Yan Liqiang, but they just glanced at it, without even asking the word, and passed.

On the fifth day, Yan Liqiang still left the inn early in the morning, and then bought two buns on the street. While chewing, he went directly to the Baijiapu outside the west gate of the Imperial City. He was wandering around Baijiapu, which is the place where Yan Liqiang hired Xu Enda on the same day.

It was just dawn. On the open ground by the river of Baijiapu, on the grass, and under the trees, a lot of people have come here to find work. Yan Liqiang came to Baijiapu and also found one. Place, waiting for the arrival of “customers”.

Today is February 24th, February 24th of the 16th year of the Yuan Dynasty in the Great Han Dynasty. This is the date he agreed with Fang Beidou.

As the sun came out, people came to Baijiapu one after another to recruit people. Yan Liqiang also joined together for a while, and when the sun gradually became higher, Yan Liqiang finally saw Fang Beidou …

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