Silver Overlord Chapter 545: Blood and Fire Night

The fire was too fast and fierce. At the beginning, Yan Liqiang had n’t noticed yet, but in a blink of an eye, the fire became fierce. On such a night, the blazing fire was particularly conspicuous.

Yan Liqiang narrowed his eyes for a while, and then looked at Wang Jianbei, “Where is this place burning?”

“It is a big market in the gathering area of ​​the Ebony Department!” Wang Jianbei glanced at a distance, just like the unknown prophet, and a smile appeared on his face, “That big market is the lifeblood of the people of the Ebony Department. In addition to the various goods brought to Pingxi City by the Ebony Caravan, there is the most food in the Ebony Department. When the fire is burned, the people in the Ebony Department will become crazy dogs! “

“Hahaha, happy!” Yan Liqiang laughed, “Is Lord Warlord presiding over there?”

“Yes, it’s Yucheng watching over there, come, come, come, we continue to drink!” Wang Jianbei beckoned, and a servant brought up a pot of wine …


As the fire broke out, the entire area where the Satu people gathered was messed up.

The big market in the ebony department is connected with rows of houses of the ebony tribes. Those houses are all made of wood. The fire, together, will expand from all directions at a very fast speed. Come on, let a person from the ebony department rush out of the house with a yell and go to the fire!

There were people watching the market at night, and there were more than one people watching the market, but when the people in the ebony department rushed to the market, they realized that all the people watching the market had been killed. .

The corpses left near the market, in addition to the **** guarding the market, there are actually a few Uli people.

The corpses of the Ulibu people seem to have been killed by the ebony people, and some of them were completely destroyed. The most important thing is that they were found on the bodies of the Ulibu. In case of fire, and pine oil that I carry with me …

However, at this time, fire fighting is important, and when the people in the ebony department rushed to the nearby wells with various tools, they found that the wellhead had been thrown away by the boulder seal. If you die, you ca n’t hit the water at all. If you want to get the stones in the well and open the wellhead, it ’s impossible without a long time …

All the Satu people in the ebony department can only look pale as the fire in their residential area is getting bigger and bigger, spreading from the market to the surrounding houses.

In the past few days, there has been some small friction between the Uli Ministry and the Ebony Ministry. The people on both sides have been killed and injured. It has long been like a gunpowder barrel.

“The dog mongrels that killed the Ulibu …” Those in the ebony who wanted to fight the fire roared, with red eyes, dropped the bucket and the like in their hands, and took up various weapons instead .

In this case, the people in the Ebony Department broke out completely, as long as they can still hold the knife, they all took the knife and roared, like a torrent, towards the gathering area of ​​Uli Rushed past.


The bridge head of the Kowloon Bridge, wearing the body armor of the Pingxi County Governor Liu Yucheng’s horse gold sword riding on a rhinoceros horse, coldly watching the rising flames in the distant Shatu gathering area In the scene of chaos and roaring, the expression on the face of Liu Yucheng, the governor of Pingxi County, was sharp and cold, like steel and iron.

Beside Liu Yucheng, there are spears like a forest. A team of sergeants has been standing by here. On the road at Qiaotou, three rows of iron shields with a height of one person have been erected, leading in and out of the gathering area of ​​Shatu people. All the roads were sealed, and on the roofs of the buildings on both sides of the bridge, the crossbowmen were densely packed.

Firelight is the signal!

There was a trembling sound from the street, and the sergeants in the big camp in the city were coming quickly, everything was planned.

Not far away from the river, there was a slight commotion. A group of men in black in night clothes suddenly emerged from the water and landed on the bank of the river. Then the team quickly came to Liu Return to life in front of Yucheng!

“Sir, the task has been completed!” The team in black, led by a captain officer in Pingxi City, the whole team, are masters of the army.

Looking at the fire in the distance, Liu Yucheng nodded with satisfaction, “You have done a good job, take credit first, go down and change your clothes!”

“Yes!” The men in black quickly left.

Liu Yucheng ’s eyes were still fixed on the gathering area of ​​the Shatu people, but only a moment later, the riot in the gathering area of ​​the Shatu people suddenly became several times larger, and suddenly turned into crying and howling. The sound of hacking, and more and more fierce, Liu Yucheng knew that the task of the second team he sent should be completed, but the evacuation route of the second team was not from the Kowloon Bridge, but the city The East Gate …

In the gathering area of ​​Satu people, the people of Uli and Umbu were completely messed up at this time. In the flare of fire, both sides were on the streets of the gathering area, and flesh and blood were flying. Hacked.

Many people in Ebony still hold torches and pine oil in their hands. After rushing into the concentrated neighborhoods of Uli, they threw the torches in the houses where Uli people lived, and then poured pine oil. The entire gathering area of ​​Satu people was blazing with fire, thick smoke billowing everywhere, chasing the ebony and Uli people who were hacked and killed.

When the people of Umbu entered the gathering area of ​​Uli, a group of guards in Uli rushed into their chief’s house, but at that time, the house of Uli’s chief had long since There was no silence, no one was living.

At this time, both sides killed their red eyes, and the Uli Ministry suddenly had no heads, no unified command and scheduling, and they faced the people of the ebony department that they killed and wanted to not die. People can only instinctively pick up the knife to resist, and hack and kill the people in the ebony department, there is no other way.

There are already flesh and blood on the streets of the Satu gathering area, and there are fallen bodies everywhere, and on both sides of the street, there are lit buildings, and the fire is soaring, no one is fighting the fire, because those who hold tools Those who went to fight the fire, it was estimated that they had been cut by someone with a knife before they ran out.


There are anti-corner teams in Pingxi City. This anti-corner team is also the fire brigade in the city, because most of the buildings in the city in this era are wooden structures, and those buildings are still next to each other. The fires in the buildings caused unbearable consequences, so the government offices of each city organized a special firefighting team.

Seeing the fire in the gathering area of ​​the Shatu people, the Pingxi City anti-corner team pulled the waterwheel and rushed towards the Jiulong Bridge with the water dragon water gun, but when they rushed, they were dumbfounded. Here, Jiulong Bridge has been completely blocked. Knowing that Lord Overseer is sitting here, the captain of the anti-coupon team quickly went to see Liu Yucheng.

Liu Yucheng looked solemnly at the captain of the anti-courier team. “There have been riots in the Satu gathering area in the city. Uli and Ebony are hacking each other in the inside ~ ~ The sword has no eyes, inside People are dying at any time, you go in at this time, you are going to die, you first wait in the back, as a spare, wait until the riots in the Satu settle down, and then go in late, if you have something wrong, the officer is not good Tell Master Gunshou! “

Listening to the chaotic hacking sounds from the Satu settlement, the captain of the anti-corner team also shrunk his neck, nodded, and retreated …

Shortly after the captain of the anti-coupon team retreated, hundreds of Shatu people with swords, torches, and pine oil rushed to the bridge head of Jiulong Bridge, who were facing here at Jiulong Bridge. The sergeant who was waiting for Yan Zhen and Liu Yucheng riding on the rhinoceros horse suddenly froze.

Liu Yucheng looked coldly at the Satu people who had rushed here, and his eyes were full of murderousness. “Sure enough, as Lord Junshou said, you saints are so low-hearted, and the wolves have ambitions. Touching fish in muddy water, disturbing Pingxi City … “

As Liu Yucheng’s hand waved down fiercely, countless crossbows and arrows that had been prepared had been shot like raindrops at the Shatu people, who were crying and howling. , One by one shot over the ground …

Two rounds of crossbows and arrows passed by. On the east side of the bridgehead, no one could stand up except the corpses of the Shatu people …

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