Silver Overlord Chapter 541: Blood edge

“Only about 500 people can eat!” Yan Liqiang’s eyes came back from a distance and said to Shi Changfeng next to him.

Shi Changfeng just nodded, and then pulled up his black cloaked hood, covering his face, only showing a pair of eyes, and then took the bow on the saddle in his hand, the hip under the hip Ryoma is already eager to try.

Shi Changfeng ’s retreat still failed. He did n’t rush into the realm of the great martial arts master. Many things for Yan Liqiang made sense in one go. For other cultivators, it was a daunting practice. Passages are like cliffs and broken walls, and the vast abyss can never be easily crossed. After converging qi into the bones and entering the martial arts advanced stage, to become a great martial arts master, you must establish a strong energy cycle in your body to allow the true qi, bone qi, and blood qi to blend and promote each other, and use the true qi to support the bone qi and the bone qi Strengthening blood qi, turning blood qi to true qi, when passing this level, Yan Liqiang completely rushed past, but Shi Changfeng was stuck on the transformation of blood qi and true qi, and finally in this retreat Without breaking through the barrier realm of the Grand Martial Artist, this closed-door practice was ended early.

However, after this retreat, Shi Changfeng’s temperament as a whole became deeper and calmer. In his words, experiencing failure and then recognizing his own shortcomings is also a required course of practice. Practice, especially the practice of martial arts, is by no means easy. You can be invincible in the world by confining yourself in a small room. The main reason why he failed to attack the master martial arts this time was because it used to be the national martial arts museum. Zuo Shi, he has experienced too little fighting and tempering. Between the transformation of true energy, bone energy and blood energy, he is too stagnant and lacks the sharpness of a warrior. The relaxed environment before it will become a huge obstacle in later practice.

So this time, Yan Liqiang originally wanted Shi Changfeng to sit in Gongdao Society, but Shi Changfeng insisted on coming, to make up for the lessons he lacked in the past in the battlefield and fighting.

“Let me say, we must kill it anyway, we don’t need to pretend to be robbers anymore!” Zhou Yong whispered, seeing Yan Liqiang’s eyes, he shut his mouth and turned his black Hood pulled up.

“Remember, when we put on this clothes, we are a group of wolves. I will take you to tear our prey completely. Many of you have not killed anyone before, and you have never seen it. What is the scene on the real battlefield, today I will take you to see, Seven Shatu, ungrateful, wolf ambition, you are all people of Pingxi County, naturally know what the Han Empire has done to them before Daen, also know what the Shatu people have done in Pingxi City and Ganzhou before. The people of the 7 Shatuo people bullied men and women in Ganzhou, rampantly dominated, and dressed up as a black wind thief slaughtering my Han people. The caravan, no evil, no evil, for decades, there are countless Han people who died in the hands of the seven Shatu, and such tribes are not worthy of living in the world. All the people of the seven Shatu can kill them. What I ’m doing is to protect the home and protect the country, to fight for the sky, and to kill the thieves on behalf of the sky! “Yan Liqiang spoke murderously, turned his horse’s head, and looked at one of the members of the Gongdao Society who participated in this operation in front of himself. Going on, the sword has no eyes, and death and injury are inevitable. Now I ask one last time, who dare not go, can now dismount and stand aside! “

“Kill, kill, kill …” No one dismounted. All the people riding on the rhinoceros horses looked at Yan Liqiang with a firm eye, one by one clenched the war bow in their hands, and screamed out three. Words.

Yan Liqiang turned his head and glanced at the caravan of the Satu people who had entered the gap of the ridge two kilometers away, pulled his hood, raised the horned python bow in his hand, and snarled, “Kill “”, And then with a horse’s belly, the black cloud covered snow hissed, and Yan Liqiang took the lead to rush down the hillside …

Shi Changfeng, Shen Teng, Zhou Yong, Shi Dafeng and others also rushed down with Yan Liqiang. Behind them, a large crowd of black horses rushed down the hillside like a tide, toward the distance The caravan of Sardinians rushed past.


When the smoke on the **** suddenly rose, Adebe also glanced over there. The black horses rushing out from behind the **** made Adebe stunned for a moment, Adebe The first thing in my head is the black wind bandit, but the black wind bandit is his own, these people are …

The strange thought has just risen in Adebe ’s head. An arrow flying from more than two thousand meters has penetrated through Adebe ’s head as a caravan. The head of Adebe, like a watermelon under a heavy hammer, burst out at once, splitting into pieces, sprinkling a piece of red and white things everywhere, and the body of the lost head shook immediately at the rhinoceros After a while, I fell down …

Until this time, the sound of the arrow ’s ghost crying wolf howled into the ears of everyone.

The speed of the arrow is faster than the sound—but most Satu people have not noticed this, only the noble of the Uli Ministry who was talking to Adebe just now His management reacted, his face suddenly changed, and he didn’t care about the spattered brain or plasma on his face. He didn’t care about wiping his face. He turned and turned around and ran away.

“There are robbers …” The other Satu people finally reacted. Someone shouted, and there was a panic among the caravans, but the panic did not last long. I saw the “robbers” rushing from the hillside. “The Shatu people in the caravan did not run away, but instead aroused their ferocity. They pulled out their scimitars, picked up their bows and arrows, and yelled at them, and danced the scimitars on their hands into a bunch of flowers, I rushed towards the “robbers” …

The team led by Yan Liqiang rushed down the hillside, and the originally neat team was divided into two. They were separated at once. Some people followed Shi Changfeng and the other followed Yan Liqiang. The two teams were like two teams. Giant pliers, left and right towards the caravans of the Satu.

Yan Liqiang, who was leading the rhinoceros immediately, swept over the rushing Satu people, raised the hundred stone strong bow in his hand again, and opened the bow again …

Four arrows flew out, and the three archers who rushed over fell simultaneously with the archer holding the war bow, and another arrow, but passed through the rushed sand People, after flying a few hundred meters again, shot a Satu who turned on the rhinoceros horse and fled from the horse …

The teams of both sides reached the distance of ordinary war bows in the blink of an eye, and did not wait for the Satu people to open their bows there. Yan Liqiang ’s team had nearly 800 dense arrows at the same time. Flying, like a migratory locust, shot towards the Shatu people …

Although there are a lot of people in ~, there are less than 30 cavalrymen carrying war bows on their bodies. These 30 people, after Yan Liqiang opened a few bows, At this time, there are less than ten people who can still draw the bow on the horse.

In terms of numbers, the comparison between Yan Liqiang and Satu people is about 800 to 500. The number advantage of Yan Liqiang is only half of that of Satu people, so those Satu people dare to rush in.

But in terms of the number of war bows owned by both parties, the comparison between Yan Liqiang and the Shatu people is eight hundred to ten …

The Satu people who rushed over never imagined that they would encounter a “robber” who was all equipped with a sophisticated war bow, because the high cost and manufacturing cost of the war bow determined that this weapon was even in The army can only be deployed on a small scale, so that all teams equipped with war bows are almost unheard of.

The first batch of arrows rained down, and the Satu people turned their horses upside down. The cavalry team of more than 500 people was instantly reduced by one-third. >

Yan Liqiang did not directly rush up, but they made an arc, and they rushed over from both sides of the Shatu people who rushed over. , More than a hundred people instantly fell into the Malay ……

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