Silver Overlord Chapter 531: Layout

“I heard that there are many people here in Yan’anbao today. The cloth merchants in Ganzhou are here. You see, there are horses and horses on this road. I am afraid that Qinghe County is not so lively …” Wang Jian North sat on the carriage, looked at the crowd on the road, sighed, then turned his head and looked at Yan Liqiang, “This Yan’an Fort connects the official road, I think it is also newly built, it is spacious enough!”

“It is indeed newly built. The original road has been for decades, and it is a bit narrow. It gets muddy and muddy on rainy days, which is very inconvenient. So taking advantage of the opportunity to build Yan’anbao, I let people make this The road was repaired again! “Yan Liqiang replied.

Today the woolen mill was officially opened, and there was an opening ceremony, and in the past few days, Wang Jianbei, who heard that the Yan family can turn wool into waste spinning cloth, faced this event in Pingxi County, Naturally, I did n’t go back and listen, but sent someone to Yan Liqiang to say that I would like to come and see it today. Since the county guardian admires his face, Yan Liqiang certainly wants it, so early in the morning, Yan Liqiang personally ran to the pier of Qinghe County Go to meet Wang Jianbei, and then come with Wang Jianbei in a carriage.

The people who greeted Wang Jianbei also had county magistrates in Qinghe County and officials in several places. Although the county magistrates were parents of a county, they were not eligible to travel with Wang Jianbei and could only sit Behind the carriage.

“This is a good thing, and it should be done by the local squires and clans. As you can see, this road has been repaired. In addition to the convenience of Yan’anbao, several villages and towns along the way are also convenient!”

“There is a saying that you want to be rich, build the road first, I do n’t know if adults have heard of it!” Yan Liqiang responded with a smile, and naturally said a slogan that he often saw in the past life in the countryside. “The road is open, the transportation is convenient, the Shanjia is convenient to travel, the things outside can be transported in, the things inside can be transported out, and the goods and money are exchanged. After the people travel conveniently, the days of local people will gradually get better!”

“Yes, if you want to be rich, build the road first. This sentence makes sense. The reason why our Han Empire is on the silver continent’s rich side is also due to the empire’s huge investment in officialdom. Zhu Zichang also proposed an ambitious plan that year. He wanted to use 40 years to upgrade the official routes of the Han Empire to straight roads that can connect all states and counties. Unfortunately, this plan is costly and many people do not Agree, in the end, only some straight roads were built in Gyeonggi and other places. After Zhu Zichang’s departure, the plan was also stopped. Although Zhu Zichang’s straight road planning was not completed, today the Han dynasty dominates the silver continent and is wealthy. , But also thanks to the officialdom of the entire Han Empire to connect the states! “

For the first time, Yan Liqiang heard that the Han Dynasty had the Prime Minister’s plan to establish a straight road two hundred years ago. The straight road, built on the basis of the official road, should be more advanced than the official road. Let Yan Liqiang think of the highway. People in this era have such a vision. It really makes Yan Liqiang admire the five bodies.

“The construction of straight roads is indeed a huge project, which consumes a lot of money. However, if one day, the way of the natural things can go further, maybe the wish of Zhu Zichang, a generation of the great empire of the Han Dynasty, can be turned into reality!” Yan Liqiang said calmly, steam engine It has been built, but it has not yet been popularized on a large scale. When the steam engine will be popularized in the Han Empire in the future, productivity will go up to a higher level, and steel production will be increased. It is not what makes transportation vehicles such as trains and cars. Difficult things, especially trains, this kind of thing really has to be created, the effect is greater than straight.

“Yes, now in Pingxi City, there are already two water-fire machine mills. I have seen the water-fire machine. It is indeed a good thing, saving time and effort!” Wang Jianbei nodded slightly, looking at the road outside the window The green farmland by the side, all the wheat planted in the green farmland, is now in April, when the wheat in the farmland has reached the ear of the ears, the breeze is blowing, the wheat waves in the farmland are rolling, even sitting in the car , Seems to be able to smell the peculiar and intoxicating field breath of wheat and flowers in the world, and this breath seems to make the master of Pingxi County think of something, and his eyes suddenly become deep, and some are beating , “The dream you had with me last time about the Satu people … is it true?”

Yan Liqiang thought that Wang Jianbei was no longer interested in this topic after the last visit of the county guard and his party. I did not expect to hear him take the initiative to mention it at this time. I was a little surprised. “If I do nothing, maybe it may be possible. It ’s true. For me, true and false are not important. I ’m just asking for a clear conscience, why do adults suddenly want to ask this? ”

“Actually, these days I have been thinking about what you said to me, so-called listening to their words and deeds, I found that you are now ready to hoard food, showing how bad your judgment on the future is, How can I turn a blind eye! “Wang Jianbei said with a sigh. Over the past few days, the entire Pingxi County and Ganzhou have been attracted by the news that Yan Liqiang made fabrics from wool. Even countless people chased Yan Liqiang’s tail and started buying wool everywhere. , Enclosure, ready to make a fortune with Yan Liqiang, but as the guard of Pingxi County, he knew that Yan Liqiang’s eyes had already turned to grain at this moment, Pingxi County’s largest grain merchant Tai Ruifeng The Grain Bank has quietly begun to buy grains throughout Ganzhou, build grain silos, and hoard in Pingxi County, Lujiazhuang and Yan’anbao.

As a parent official, Wang Jianbei paid special attention to the flow of food, which is an important material for the stability of people ’s livelihood. Tairuifeng ’s food purchase in Pingxi County was very careful, and almost did not cause great fluctuations in food prices. The reason why Wang Jianbei noticed the action of Tairuifeng was still from the news from Shifu. The food that Tairuifeng acquired in other counties in Ganzhou this year far exceeded the previous ones, which only attracted the attention of the county government. , And then passed the news to the side of the Pingxi County Shoufu House for attention. Wang Jianbei asked people to find out that the big shopkeepers of Lujia and Tairuifeng in Huanglong County were the relatives of their children and a daughter of Grandfather Lu. Tai Ruifeng’s grandmother and grandma, and Yan Liqiang, through the Lu family, provided a lot of silver in the back. In cooperation with Tai Ruifeng, Tai Ruifeng began to pay for food.

If only someone else had paid for the food, but Yan Liqiang had told him that **** and terrible dream before, Wang Jianbei could n’t help but drum. Except for a few places affected by natural disasters, food is not scarce in the prosperous world, and there is no need for a large amount of hoarding. Only when the world is chaotic, people will hoard a lot of food, and the preciousness of food can be reflected. During the heyday, it is not a problem to buy a few carts of food with one or two golds, but when the time comes when there is a turmoil, one or two golds may only buy a few buns.

The expression on Yan Liqiang ’s face did not have any confusion, but a calmness. He looked at Wang Jianbei ’s eyes frankly, “This Pingxi County is just a place for officials for adults, and it is one of the careers of adults. Point, a period of time, after leaving Pingxi County, adults can be guards everywhere, and may even continue to rise in the future, but for me, this Pingxi County is a place for me to support me. The mountains and rivers here Water, the old folks here are all connected with my blood, and I ca n’t let go. I will never allow anyone to turn this place into a dead zone. Since I have the ability now, no matter whether the dream I said to adults When it appears, I have to make the worst plan in advance. After the autumn harvest of this year, Tairuifeng will increase the intensity of grain purchases, and will continue to increase next year, and it will continue to be the same in the following year. Even if the money for grain purchases is for me I do n’t care if it ’s all floated, I can afford it … “

“Even if I disagree, you have to prepare to deal with the Shatu people, don’t you?” Wang Jianbei asked Yan Liqiang’s eyes.

“How about the Shatu people in Pingxi City, the adults have the final say, but if something happened to those Shatu people leaving Pingxi City, it has nothing to do with the adults!”

“If I am willing to help you drive away the Satu people in Pingxi City, how can I clean up the remaining mess in the Satu people gathering area in Pingxi City? Now the Pingxi County County Guard House, the annual tax minus There is not much surplus in various expenses, and I can’t afford so much money to clean up the mess! “Wang Jianbei suddenly asked.

“If adults can drive away the Shatu people in Pingxi City, and the mess in the Shatu gathering area in Pingxi City, I am willing to buy them with two million two silver!” Yan Liqiang said decisively.

“Two million two?” Wang Jianbei asked immediately.

“Two million and two!” Yan Liqiang nodded.

“That’s good, the deal, the mess of the Shatu people in Pingxi City, I’ll leave it to you! A smile suddenly appeared on Wang Jianbei’s face, and he said intimately,” If you don’t have so many silver coins for a while It does not matter, I said to Master Shishi, you can use the future income of the saltworks to mortgage it! “

“Adult, can I repent!” Yan Liqiang rubbed his nose and looked at his palm, his face was weird. “How do I feel that the Shatu people in Pingxi City seem to have grown up with your way , I paid the money, the Satu people in the city were packed and sold to me by dozens of silver per person, etc … wait … Is this idea from Master Shishi … “

“Cough … cough … the Satu people are indeed my big confidant!” Wang Jianbei’s old face turned slightly red. “I just talked to Master Shi Shi about your idea …”

Yan Liqiang stared at Wang Jianbei for a while, then suddenly said, “I heard that our county magistrate in Qinghe County will be released in a few months because of his age. How can I recommend a new county magistrate to adults? ? “

Wang Jianbei also froze for a moment ~ ~ just one? “

“Two, the county magistrate of Qinghe County plus the county magistrate who patrolled Yamen in Huanglong County!”

The two people in the carriage looked at each other for a few seconds, then raised their palms together and patted each other …

The deal!

“I want to ask, who is the Qinghe County magistrate you want to recommend?” The county officer Wang Jianbei of Huanglong County was too lazy to ask, it must be from the Lu family, he was just curious about the Qinghe County that Yan Liqiang wanted to recommend The candidate for the county magistrate, even if Yan Liqiang pushed his dad out, to be honest, Wang Jianbei was not surprised. If Yan Liqiang asked for two county magistrate positions, to be honest, Wang Jianbei might be a little hesitant and a little unhappy, but one The county magistrate added a county magistrate, but it was just within his acceptable range. It was regarded as a takeover of this transaction and a soothing to Yan Liqiang.

“Adults are assured that the seniority and prestige of that person will not embarrass them!”

Wang Jianbei nodded …

The carriage has arrived at Yan’an Fort, and the entrance of Yan’an Fort at this time has been blocked so that the water can’t escape ……

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