Silver Overlord Chapter 526: Meeting ceremony

The status of the Zhong family in the northwest is extraordinary, so Yan Liqiang did not care about it. After receiving the news from his family, he immediately left Gongdaoshe and returned to Yan’anbao ’s home. Zhou Guanjia saw Yan Liqiang return, He took Yan Liqiang directly toward the living room at home.

“Right, my dad, are you now with the Zhong family?” The servants and maids at home saw Yan Liqiang coming back and stood standing by the road one by one, giving Yan Liqiang salute, Yan Liqiang nodded slightly, As he walked through the porch of the house, he asked Mr. Zhou.

“Well, it was the old man who was accompanying him in the living room. The old man also knew the status of the Zhong family, and he did not want to lose the courtesy. The old man was still in the blacksmith’s workshop. In a suit, I went to meet the Zhong family. The old man asked me to wait for the young master here, and said that he should take the young master as soon as he came back! “Zhou Guanjia also walked quickly, almost trotting, and barely kept up. Yan Liqiang’s footsteps.

Yan Liqiang smiled softly. He knew Yan Dechang ’s temperament. His dad was not so eloquent, and he rarely accompanied any guests himself. With his acquaintances, Yan Dechang could chat for a while, say a few words, and Zhong ’s. When people are together, Yan Dechang may also be on his scalp. At this time, for Yan Dechang, it is estimated that he can’t go back early.

When he came outside the Yan family’s living room, Yan Liqiang heard a man’s voice inside laughing and laughing, “Senior Yan is humble, humble, and now in Ganzhou, who doesn’t know this The blacksmith’s craftsmanship is also perfect, and there is no adulteration at all. The Yan’s sword is a boutique. I am in Pingxi City, and I have collected two scimitars made by the old master … “

Yan Liqiang heard this person was active in the atmosphere, his dad is a blacksmith, it is estimated that the person will do what he likes, and chat with his dad about the things in the iron box workshop, so it will not be cold .

As soon as the man’s voice fell, Yan Liqiang had already crossed the flower bed and stepped into the living room.

There are four people sitting in the living room. Yan Dechang is sitting on the throne and sitting next to Yan Dechang. Without being introduced, Yan Liqiang knows that person is Zhong Hongzhong, Zhong Hongzhang, beside Zhong Hongzhang, sitting next to him The beautiful woman in the painting, next to it, sits a man with a round face and a smile on his face. It is estimated that the man just said that sentence.

Yan Liqiang looked inexplicably familiar when she looked at the woman. When she looked closely, she suddenly remembered that the woman was not the woman in the carriage that she met on the horse ’s head when she returned to Pingxi County. Well, at that time, the woman’s car was stolen by a thief, and he caught the thief named Shui Ma Snake Yang Si on the horse’s head, so he had a relationship with this woman.

Zhong Ruolan also clearly recognized Yan Liqiang, with a splendid flash in her eyes. She did not expect that the young man who had met on the horse’s head in Pingxi County that day was actually Yan Liqiang.

The eyes of the two men touched each other, and then each was okay.

As soon as Yan Liqiang returned, the four people in the living room stood up almost simultaneously.

Yan Deqiang, who saw Yan Liqiang, seemed to be relieved. Yan Liqiang just introduced the door and introduced Yan Liqiang to the person next to him. , This is the second head of the Zhong family, Mr. Zhong Hongzhang Zhong, this is Mr. Zhong ’s niece Zhong Ruolan, this is He Mancheng and the shopkeeper of the Chase Village in Pingxi County … “

“Long Yang, Jiu Yang …” Yan Liqiang smiled, facing the three archers, “I really didn’t expect the three drivers to come today, the home was poorly prepared, and I also asked the three to be surprised!”

“Haha, Yan Gongzi is polite and polite. When it comes to Jiu Yang, that should be our long-term respect for Yan Gongzi. We are not invited today, please be forgiving when there is a sudden outburst!” Zhong Hongzhang also smiled at Yan Liqiang Said.

“Cough … cough … Since Li Qiang is here, let me give you here. You and Mr. Zhong have a good chat … I … I will go to the workshop and see!” See Yan Liqiang and Zhong The three people from the family met and began to speak. Yan Dechang was relieved and immediately found an opportunity to slip away.

When Yan Dechang left, Yan Liqiang and Zhong Hongzhang looked at each other, smiled at each other, and then sat back in their respective positions.

After talking to each other for a while, Zhong Hongzhang has n’t even had time to formally enter the topic. Yan Liqiang, who has a snake in his mind, has almost no effort at all. He already knows what kind of thoughts Zhong Zhongzhang is turning in his head, Zhong The intention of the family and the people is completely clear.

Yan Liqiang was very surprised. After he didn’t go to Tianchi for a fight, Zhong Jiaran was so willing to bet on himself. This time, Zhong Jia’s ultimate goal was to marry himself, and the people who marry him were exactly The woman named Zhong Ruolan here, of course, is very particular about skills and strategies for marriage. Especially for a large family like the Zhong family, it is impossible to force a woman of her own family to face others Zhong ’s arms are pushing, so this time, the Zhong family is here to discuss business with themselves. In the future, Zhong Ruolan will act as the person in charge of the Zhong family and his business, staying in Pingxi City, looking for opportunities to contact himself for a long time. , Then everything will come naturally.

In order to find someone who is suitable for marrying with him, the Zhong family has turned over women of the appropriate age who are not married at home in the past few months. The Zhong family has a great career, a large population, and a complicated situation. This Zhong Ruolan In the past, the Zhong family was not the heir to the family owner, but the side branch of the Zhong family, but it was somewhat related to the family owner. The situation was more delicate …

After speaking with Yan Liqiang for a while, basically to praise each other for a while, Zhong Hongzhang reached into his arms, and then took out a box and placed it in front of Yan Liqiang, with a serious face, “Last transfer of the Yamen ~ ~ I would also like to thank Mr. Yan for the thinness of the Zhong family. What Jiang Tianhua and the transshipment agency did. To be honest, the Zhong family did not know in advance, nor did they agree with it in the future. It ’s too long, but Zhong Jia ’s family is big, and he ca n’t do many things without the support of the court and the local government. Zhong Jia and the transit agency also have some contacts. This is where they mediate. I hope everyone can live together and make money. , The things here are a little bit of the Zhong family’s regards to Yan Gongzi, and they don’t pay respect … “

Yan Liqiang actually knew what was inside, but his face still looked a bit stunned and curious, “Mr. Zhong, what is this inside?”

Zhong Hongzhang showed a smile on his face and touched his beard. “The stuff inside is the Zhong ’s contract document at Kangshan Iron Mine in Kangcheng County, Ganzhou. This Kangshan Iron Mine is Ganzhou. The large ore mine has many mineral deposits and high output, and can produce more than 10 million kilograms of iron per year. The iron ore pig iron purchased by the son’s home workshop and manufacturing bureau is basically produced by the Kangcheng Iron Mine. , This iron ore was given to Yan Gongzi, and it just happened to complement each other. Please also ask Yan Gongzi not to quit … “

Grandma, the first family in the Northwest is the first family. Sure enough, this is a big iron ore mine.

Yan Liqiang licked his lips, staring at the box on the table, his heart secretly shocked the bravery wrist of the Zhong family …

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