Silver Overlord Chapter 519: 1 cloud

On hearing the opposite voice, Yan Liqiang recovered his gaze from the gathering area of ​​the Shatu people outside the window and looked at the man who suddenly sat opposite him.

From the appearance, this man is a standard Northwestern man, tall and burly, just sitting opposite Yan Liqiang, he almost occupies the entire table, the man’s face is dark, and his face has been weathered for many years. The peculiar roughness and traces that have been honed, but this man is not vulgar, he has sword eyebrows and eagle eyes, his nose is tall and his eyes are flashing, and there is an arrogant sense of danger among the intrepid.

Of course, this man did not carry a sword, but just sat opposite Yan Liqiang. With some aggression and scrutiny, he looked at Yan Liqiang, from the hair to the nails on his hands, and did not let it go an inch.

If you are an ordinary person, at this time, when you face such a man who suddenly sits opposite his table, you will be amazed and surprised. Ninety-nine percent of them will probably ask about the name and origin of each other. But Yan Liqiang was neither stunned nor surprised. He didn’t even ask the other party’s name. The snake in his head had already told Yan Liqiang all the heart activities of the man opposite him when he looked at the other person for the first time.

So, just after facing the man for two seconds, Yan Liqiang wanted to know what he wanted to know, and he knew everything without that person.

The man opposite is exactly the boss of the largest nest of thieves in the northwest, which Fu Changde once mentioned with him, Situ Feixing, one of the old departments of Qi Yundu’s guard house.

“For a long time, no one has been drinking alone, so I don’t feel bored, but feel very relaxed!” Yan Liqiang smiled at Situ Feixing, “I don’t know you are here, I just went from the county guard house When I came out, I came to Jiulongqiao to relax. My friend and I visited this restaurant once. At that time, we happened to meet the drugstore next to the Shatu people and wanted to occupy the pharmacy next to it. The mouth of Xicheng. “

Shock, except shock is shock!

Situ Feixing came to Pingxi County this time just to see Yan Liqiang, but what he did not expect was that he had just arrived on a street near the entrance of Pingxi City and saw Yan Liqiang in his place Entering the restaurant first, Situ Feixing was suspicious for a long time. His whereabouts were erratic and impossible to leak out. This restaurant is also a secret stronghold of a cloud. It is also impossible for Yan Liqiang to know that the prophet knew he was coming today, and later found that Yan Liqiang was alone. He drank himself in the restaurant and had no appointments with him. He took the initiative to come out and meet Yan Liqiang here. He wanted to test Yan Liqiang’s ability, and it was not worth the trust of his brothers.

As soon as Yan Liqiang spoke, Situ Feixing froze for a while, and then looked at Yan Liqiang with a strange eye, “We haven’t seen it before, do you know who I am?”

In this era of no camera, even if Situ Feixing felt that Fu Changde would tell Yan Liqiang his appearance, he did not believe that Yan Liqiang could recognize him at a glance, because Situ Feixing had no obvious features on his face and body. And defects, this time when he came to Pingxi City, he also changed his clothes, his personal image changed a little, just relying on one’s oral and language description, what does someone look like, Situ Feixing does not believe that Yan Liqiang can glance at a glance Recognize yourself.

“Did I say who you are!” Yan Liqiang blinked. “As you said, we haven’t seen it before. Since we can meet here, all the brothers in the four seas are better to come together.” It’s okay to have a drink, second, give this uncle a glass and add a pair of tableware!”

Situ Feixing suddenly felt that Yan Liqiang was unfathomable and extremely old-fashioned, which was not like the performance of his age.

Since Situ Feixing has reached the fourth floor, no one has come up from the staircase. Hearing Yan Liqiang ’s voice, the fat shopkeeper in the downstairs store ran over to give Situ Feixing. Bringing a wine glass and a pair of chopsticks, after carefully watching Situ Feixing, he got the signal from Situ Feixing’s eyes and then quietly retreated.

Yan Liqiang picked up the jug, filled Situ Feixing with a glass, and filled himself with a glass, and then picked up the wine and sighed, “This first glass of wine, we are honored to meet here. Come on, it ’s the same wanderer in the world, why should you meet each other when you meet, please! “

“A good one is a stranger in the world, why should he meet each other when he meets?” Situ Feixing glanced at Yan Liqiang, picked up the wine glass, and drank together with Yan Liqiang.

“I didn’t let Fu Changde go to see you. Since you came to Pingxi County, it must have been Fu Changde’s visit to you. Tell me about you. Fu Changde went to see you. If you did n’t come with you, it means that you did n’t know that you came to Changde this time. We have n’t seen each other before. I came to the restaurant and you know me again, so it should be when you are in Tianchi on January 1st. Seeing me once, Fu Changde may be with you at that time, do you think I am right?” Yan Liqiang said with a smile.

Situ Feixing was silent for a while, “Then you might guess, how many people did I bring to Pingxi City this time?”

“Why don’t you guess, you are the only one in Pingxi City this time!” Yan Liqiang continued to pour two glasses of wine. “Others don’t have this guts, but you must have this guts, and for you , The less people around you, the less you will be exposed, I also know the purpose of your coming, you are a little hesitant and can’t make up your mind, so I want to come and see me once, to see who I am in person, and make a decision. The real Qi Yun governor is not a hairy kid who can only bow and shoot big eagles! “

Situ Feixing, who had just been calm, was already restless at this time, and Yan Liqiang had been very calm, but Situ Feixing felt like he was wearing no clothes in front of this teenager. Yan Liqiang just looked at him lightly He could see through his whole person. In such a role, Stuart Feixing met for the first time. Even the former Qi Yun supervision did not make him feel so cramped.

“This second glass of wine respects the great righteousness between heaven and earth. Heaven and earth can be combined, rivers can be exhausted, mountains can be edgeless, summer can fly snow, and winter can be thunderous, but heaven and earth can never be destroyed. Qi Yun, once The ancient house of the Duhufu House has already passed away. If you can come this time, it means that you still have this meaning in your heart. It is enough for you to have this heart. No matter what your final decision is, I will respect your choice and wish you The future has a bright future, unlimited glory, and no hatred until death!” Yan Li, who looked solemn, raised his glass and drank again.

Situ Feixing’s eyes turned red for a moment, and he looked fierce. His breath was also quick. When Yan Liqiang drank the second glass, he also picked up the glass and swallowed it all at once. , And then put the wine glass on the wine table, shaking the dishes on the table.

Yan Liqiang continued to fill two glasses with a third glass of wine ~ ~ and then took it up, “I was talking about the first two glasses of wine, you can ask me a question about this third glass of wine, I must tell you the truth! “

Situ Feixing also picked up a third glass of wine, staring at Yan Liqiang almost blindly, saying, “I will only ask you a question, if I lead all the brothers in a cloud to you, you Would you like to avenge the guardian and the brothers who died? “

“If you and all of your men surrender to me, you can only listen to my orders from now on. I will not explain to you what I want to do, and there is no need to explain. Whether you can take revenge depends on the time, the geographical conditions, and the conditions. Opportunity and the strength of both sides, I have everything to say. If you are stunned by hatred and dare not follow my orders for revenge, I will cut you off if you do bad things, and I will never appease!” Yan Liqiang finished, one The third glass of wine was exhausted.

Situ Feixing stood up from the chair, his red eyes were rounded, and his eyes were shining, just like eating humans, watching Yan Liqiang deadly, and sitting after drinking the third glass of Yan Liqiang On his chair, he just looked at him with calm eyes, and the two sides looked at each other so calmly for almost half a minute. Then, Situ Feixing picked up the wine glass on the table and drank the third glass in one bite, and then He threw the glass on the floor of the restaurant fiercely and smashed it. Then the whole person knelt down on one knee in front of Yan Liqiang and raised his face. Qi Shidu, the longest guardian of the governor’s residence, has seen the hero … “

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