Silver Overlord Chapter 470: Prototype

On August 1st, all new students of Gongdao Society started their career at Gongdao Society from this day.

As a sign of the official establishment of the bow society, this morning, 2768 freshmen of the bow society all put on the black samurai uniforms of the bow society, and participated in the first time of the bow society at the performance hall of the bow society. Official flag-raising ceremony.

The first flag-raising ceremony was a bit rudimentary. Under everyone ’s attention, Yan Liqiang personally took out a banner of the Gongdao Society he designed, and then raised it to the tall one behind the podium. On a wooden pole.

The flag of Gongdao Society is a red background, and in the middle is a golden dragon and tiger totem similar to the symbol of the Yan sword. In the middle of the dragon and tiger totem, there are seven arrows that are condensed and crossed.

Originally, Yan Liqiang wanted to design the flag of Gongdao Society directly as a five-pointed star with eight one or two characters in it, but after thinking about it, the meaning of such a flag pattern is too obscure, except that he can understand the truth. No one in Gongdao Society can understand it. As an important part of Gongdao Society’s “visual identification system” to lead the continuous advancement of Gongdao Society, the obscure banner graphics cannot effectively convey the investigation and spiritual connotation of Gongdao Society. Unable to inspire the spirit of the enthusiasm of the students of Gongdao Society, he finally drew the flag of Gongdao Society after thinking about it.

The dragon and tiger patterns coiled in the middle of the flag are in line with the Yan ’s sword and the logo of the manufacturing bureau. The eye-catching people will know the relationship between the three at a glance. The condensed arrows in the middle of the dragon and tiger patterns are a representative. In recognition of the identity of Gongdao Society, the second one represents the discipline and unity that Gongdao Society wants to pursue.

After the flag-raising ceremony, all the students of Gongdao Society looked forward to the career of Gongdao Society. What made all the students stunned was that the first thing they had to learn after they came to Gongdao Society was folding the quilt and finishing. Housekeeping in their own dorms.

On the two days that the students reported, Yan Liqiang had already organized the veterans who served as acting company commanders of each company, and personally taught these veterans to fold the quilts and organize the housekeeping requirements. The veterans lived alone. In a dormitory, Yan Liqiang personally demonstrated to all veterans in the dormitory of the veterans how to stack the quilt into tofu pieces and the personal housekeeping standards in the barracks dormitory.

When I saw Yan Liqiang sorting the quilt on the bed into tofu pieces composed entirely of right-angled lines, all the veterans were dumbfounded, and the quilts were stacked so neatly. It is estimated that they had grown so big that they had not seen them.

To be honest, Yan Liqiang also participated in military training in the past, and he also folded such quilts during military training. At that time, he did not understand why there were such strict requirements in the army, and the quilts were so neatly folded that they could not kill birds. The enemy is also a waste of time, but as his experience grows, he finally understands the significance of doing so. Of course, stacking quilts and tidying up the housework ca n’t kill the enemy, but it can make people form a habit and style that is forbidden and united. Such a habit and style is the fundamental guarantee and a strong foundation for a unit’s combat effectiveness for a unit.

In addition to folding the quilts, Yan Liqiang organized the veterans and made a demonstration in person. He taught the veterans how to walk in a queue, walking forward, walking in parallel, running, turning left, turning right, standing, and slightly Breathing, sitting, standing and other military positions.

These veterans were all invited by Yan Liqiang to spend a lot of money. They have been in the barracks for a long time and they naturally know what is prohibited by orders. Even if they do n’t understand what Yan Liqiang taught them, there is no problem to learn.

Yan Liqiang took the veterans to practice for two days, folded the quilt for two days, and told the veterans their own standards and requirements. Then, the veterans taught the new students who took the bow.

Not only these veterans, but Shi Dafeng and Shen Teng, as well as Hu Haihe, also joined the training.

From August 1st, the students of Gongdao Society began their “military training” career in Gongdao Society one by one. Every day, from getting up to going to bed, they strictly followed the schedule of Gongdao Society. One by one tortured to death.

Yan Liqiang inspects the internal affairs of the veteran ’s dormitory every day, and then goes to each company ’s dormitory to inspect. Within a room, as long as one person ’s internal affairs are unqualified, the entire room cannot eat lunch. Later, Yan Liqiang will go to the Yanwuchang to see the training in the queue, make requests, and correct deviations. In many cases, Yan Liqiang will come to the venue to make a demonstration.

The food and hygiene of the entire Gongdao Society did not invite outsiders any more, but adopted rotation. One company was responsible for the food and hygiene of the Gongdao Society for seven days. The food eaten by Gongdao Society can be purchased directly in several villages and towns outside Gongdao Society. Those villages and towns are all food growers, but there is not much else, that is, there is a lot of food. There are still some troubles, at least it has to be transported to the county or wait for the market to be able to exchange some money for food and eggs at home. It may not be able to sell for a good price. As soon as the Gongdao Club is on the ground, it will completely let the surrounding villages Food, vegetables, meat, eggs and other things are sold without worry. The Gongdao Society not only has a large demand, but also gives a very kind price. The villagers in the surrounding villages are all happy and smiling.

In the course of running in and out, Gongdao Society is gradually on the right track, and various systems have been gradually improved.

Of course, Yan Liqiang, even in Gongdao Society, did not relax his cultivation. It was in the underground practice chamber of the courtyard where he lived, from August 1st, every few days, at night, that In the secret room, there will be the glory of heavenly initiation …

In the eyes of Shi Changfeng and others, the breath of Yan Liqiang’s body is getting deeper every day.

On the morning of August 21st, when the sun rose, Yan Liqiang once again stood on the podium of the Yanwuchang, watching the rhythmical whistle lined up neatly, shouting “one two “One one two one” slogan, the trainees who entered the Gongdao Society on the Yanwuchang in a uniform pace, finally showed a smile on their faces.

After more than 20 days of hard training, the mental outlook of all the members of the Gongdao Society has been completely renewed. The scene of the two thousand people who lined up in front of the scene is very different from that of 20 days ago. The different sense of power has already been revealed from the young people of that team.

The pace of two thousand people entering the venue is firm, strong, and uniform. Even if you stand on the podium, you can feel the ground underneath your feet trembling slightly.

Shi Dafeng, Shen Teng, and Hu Haihe are in the team. Shi Dafeng and Shen Teng each carry a company of horses, and Hu Haihe is in the team. His face was tanned, but it was even leaner.

Twenty-eight teams who came to the Yanwuchang, without being instructed by Yan Liqiang, came to their respective areas and began to practice the queue

Shi Changfeng stood beside Yan Liqiang and looked at the admitting team, a glint of light flashed in his eyes. In Shi Changfeng ’s eyes, although the teams in front of him were still young, he had already seen a strong team The rudiment of the army, in the neat steps of the team and the loud slogan, there is already a different spirit of gestation.

“Last night, students from Sanlian and Seventeenth were caught and fought!” Shi Changfeng narrowed his eyes and looked at Yanwuchang, but he was talking to Yan Liqiang.

“Is it closed already?”

“Closed!” Shi Changfeng nodded. “These young people are too energetic and easy to be impulsive. Although the more skillful games promoted by the Gongdao Society are very popular with them, they are also vented. Most of their energy, but this kind of fighting still happens often, and it has gradually increased in the past seven days. It seems that Guan is closed after being caught, not enough … “

Several thoughts flashed in my mind, which were the pictures of some movies and documentaries he had seen in his predecessor. When he came, he hesitated to say some of the measures implemented in the Gongdao Society. “Then prepare for these two days. From the day after tomorrow, everybody in the Gongdao Society will use half of the people after hearing the wake-up number. Heibu blindfolded himself, and he was not allowed to open one day. On this day, the half of the blindfolded people should do whatever they want to do, eat, drink, lasa, or even train. , It wasn’t until the lights went out that the blindfolded person could untie the cloth. The day after tomorrow, the two sides changed roles. After completing this training in the company, two days later, the company will change between the companies. Come today, blindfold all Yilian and Erlian together, let Erlian help to assist in training and living in Gongdao Society for one day, tomorrow Erlian will blindfold all, let Yilian people assist in living in Gongdao Society for a day … ”

Shi Changfeng looked at Yan Liqiang stunnedly. I didn’t expect that Yan Liqiang came up with this method. This method is novel, but what’s the use …

When Shi Changfeng was thinking about the intention of Yan Liqiang, he saw a worried family member of the Yan family came to the Yanwuchang. After seeing Yan Liqiang, he quickly ran to Yan Liqiang. “Son, my old man was injured by someone …” “

As soon as he heard this, Yan Liqiang changed his face …


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