Silver Overlord Chapter 457: My Qinger

“You … Did anyone teach you the foundation building skills when you were at home?”

Feeling Yu Qing’s face turned red suddenly, her expression was a little tweaked, and Yan Liqiang suddenly released her hand and asked.

“No, before I saw my son, I had never been exposed to any exercises. What I knew was taught by my son!” Yu Qing looked at Yan Liqiang shyly and said.

“Then … did you eat anything strange during the past six months, such as the panacea given to you by others?” Yan Liqiang asked again.

Yu Qing shook her head, “I have been in town for the past six months. When the son was away, I was with Wu Ma and took care of Wu Ma. I hadn’t eat anything weird or a panacea!”

“Hey, this is weird!” Yan Liqiang frowned and thought about it. It shouldn’t be. A little girl who had never practiced any martial arts, how could she be an advanced warrior in just half a year. So it ’s so easy to advance a samurai, that ’s why it ’s easy to use the tendon to wash the marrow. If the average person is so easy to advance a samurai, then the samurai is worthless. Just look at the students in the Kung fu pavilion in Pingxi County. How difficult it would be for an ordinary person to advance as a samurai.

“Son …” Yu Qing shouted Yan Liqiang timidly.

“Ah, what’s the matter?”

“In addition to the advanced samurai, I have learned the” Nine Palace Wind Shadow Step “and” Flying Sword Technique “taught by my son. I have reached the sixth level of” Nine Palace Wind Shadow Step ” , And “Flying Sword” has reached the fifth level … “

“What?” Yan Liqiang was surprised again, “You said that you have learned the highest level of” Nine Palace Wind Shadow Step “and” Flying Sword Technique “?

“Hmm …” Yu Qing still nodded her head, the expression on her face was a little embarrassed, and there was a bit of tweaking, “I do n’t know what happened, I feel that the teacher taught is not difficult. As you practice, you will slowly learn! “

   “Go, let’s try in the courtyard outside…” Yan Liqiang said, and pulled Yu Qing out of the study again, and came to the small bamboo-filled courtyard outside the study, standing well Afterwards, he said to Qing, “We tried two tricks. You tried my best to attack me. Let me see how you practiced?”

   “Son… is it alright?”

“Relax!” Yan Liqiang smiled, “Come on!”

  Yu Qing took a deep breath, held her right fingers together, and pinched a sword tactic. The whole person used the “Flying Sword Technique” to move the hand style, flying Feiyan asked for directions and stood still, his eyes cleared , The temperament of the whole person became able and neat at once, “Master, then I’m here …”

Yan Liqiang nodded.

  The next second, Yu Qing’s figure moved flexibly and stepped forward, his fingers poked towards Yan Liqiang’s chest.

  Yan Liqiang took a slight step back. Then he also put his fingers together and used the sword tactics. Then he poked at Yu Qing’s elbows with both fingers. One of the tricks of Ruyan in the Law …

   Yu Qing quickly moved, stepped on the ninth house under her feet, stepped on one foot, and walked around to the third house to become left-handed. Under the armpit, Yan Liqiang of course also moved immediately, walking under the foot of the “Nine Palace Wind and Shadow Step” to the position of the kun, walked around to the four palaces and turned right, with a stroke of flying Yan Xiangyun’s shoulders pointing to Yu Qing …

   It is more than ten seconds. Yan Liqiang and Yu Qing have gone through seven or eight strokes in the small courtyard outside the study. Of course, among these seven or eight strokes, Yan Liqiang did not come up with his own. Strength, but only accompany Yu Qing in the move, confirm Yu Qing’s cultivation behavior.

The last move, Yan Liqiang flew in a double-fly style, holding both hands and turning his fingers into palms, and gently held Yu Qing ’s wrist, let Yu Qing stop suddenly, then Yan Liqiang took it and took it, Take a step back gently, “Okay, come here, let’s talk in the study!”

Yu Qing obediently followed Yan Liqiang into the study.

   Yan Liqiang, who entered the study, looked at Yu Qing with burning eyes, seeing his feet from his head, and his head from his feet.

   “Young Master…” Yu Qing lowered her head, a peach-like crimson color appeared on her ears and neck, and a mosquito cried out.

“Does anyone other than me know your current spiritual progress?” Yan Liqiang asked.

“No!” Yu Qing shook her head. “Except for the son, no one else knows. When I passed Ma Buguan and advanced samurai, I was in my own room, with different merits and demerits. Elephants are born, but none are seen! “

“That’s good!” Yan Liqiang nodded and looked serious, “You remember, your progress in the future, don’t tell others, keep it secret!”

“Son … Is … Is there any problem with me?” Yu Qing asked anxiously.

   “There is a problem, of course there is a problem!” It was when Qing Qing changed her face slightly, but Yan Liqiang had already laughed, and hugged Yu Qing in a hug, and hugged her in the room and threw a circle, “I didn’t expect my Qing’er to be a genius at practice, ha ha ha, I can earn it now, um …”

Yan Liqiang, excited, saw Yu Qing ’s lovely look, and took a sip directly on Qing Qing ’s face.

Yan Liqiang was of course excited. What he did n’t expect was that Yu Qing was actually a real martial arts genius. Just now he and Yu Qing had passed, and found that Yu Qing had really put “Nine Palace Wind Shadow Step” and “Fly” “Yan Jian Fa” reached the highest level, and they merged with each other. Not only that, he also found that the little girl’s on-the-spot combat strain was simply awesome. At the beginning, the girl was a bit jerky, but in the blink of an eye, two tricks After that, it became more and more sharp. Such qualifications and talents are simply amazing. If you give this girl a long sword, an ordinary samurai and seven or eight strong men, I am afraid that she is no longer her opponent.

“Young Master …” Yu Qing’s face suddenly turned into a red cloth.

“Well, Qing’er, go back first, wait for me to think about what you can do next, I will teach you, and wait for you to practice, you can be my bodyguard in the future, ha ha ha ha … … “

“Hmm!” Yu Qing nodded cleverly, and then left Yan Liqiang’s study.

  Looking at the leaving Yu Qing, Yan Liqiang was sitting on the study chair, rubbing his face, and he was talking to himself, “The next step is to teach this little girl what skills, “Ten Dragons and Ten Elephants “No, this is not possible. The master said that this method is not suitable for women to practice. If a woman ca n’t practice it, she will grow a beard …” Thinking of Yu Qing ’s cute and pretty little face with a beard , Yan Liqiang himself hit a jerky spirit and shook his head ~ ~ So what else would he do besides this Kung Fu, Wing Chun? No, Wing Chun Boxing has not yet been practiced, there is no way to teach her, maybe you can try it in the future, and Wing Chun Boxing is not an internal skill, and you ca n’t practice real energy. If you want to continue to go further in martial arts, you must To practice internal power, in addition to the spiritual power of “Ten Dragons and Ten Elephants”, what other internal power will you have? “

Yan Liqiang was scratching his head and thinking, suddenly, the image of a cheat suddenly jumped into his mind-“He Jianshu”-this is the Sword God Sect he obtained in the Heavenly God Realm One of the top secrets of the world, in “He Jianshu”, there is a corresponding internal power mental method “Hejian Xin Jing” ……


“My Qinger …” In the hallway outside the house, Yu Qing gently touched her face that Yan Liqiang had just snapped, and her eyes suddenly became confused, and gradually, on her pink cheek, there was A different layer of beautiful brilliance …


Yan Liqiang did n’t stay in Liuhe Town for many days, because on the third day he had just returned home, the county guard Wang Jianbei of Pingxi County had already personally sent someone to send him a letter to assassinate Shireshi, please He went to Pingxi County to “discuss major events”, and Yan Liqiang naturally knew what “big events” Wang Jianbei had to discuss with himself, because in the past six months, “Uncle Lei” who had been thinking about money and madness had already put Pingxi County’s The matter of the saltworks is done, just wait for Yan Liqiang to come back and make some money, and then make big money together…

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