Silver Overlord Chapter 338: Involve

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When sitting in the carriage, Liu Gonggong felt the thoughts in his heart. Yan Liqiang gave Liu Gonggong the whole story about his three meetings with Xu Lang.

The first time I met, in the class room, Xu Lang and others took the initiative to provoke, almost involving Yan Liqiang, and finally made a contest with Liang Yijie’s life and death platform.

The second meeting was the day when Xu Lang and Liang Yijie battled each other.

The third meeting, that is, the time when Xu Lang and others came out of the restaurant a few days ago, Yan Liqiang also talked about the conflict with Xu Lang and others. As for the murder, Yan Liqiang will never admit, because he knows It is impossible for anyone to see that they killed Xu Lang, even if they stepped back 10,000 steps, and someone saw the passing of Xu Lang and others, then what they saw was just a mountain wind, not themselves. In this regard, Yan Liqiang has absolute confidence.

As for the witness plaintiff mentioned by Chen Langzhong of the criminal department, it was just an excuse and a scare to use, because that person can only prove that the conflicts between Yan Liqiang and Xu Lang and others at the entrance of the restaurant a few days ago. Nothing can prove that, Yan Liqiang is not afraid.

When in the car, Yan Liqiang even replaced the reason why he and Zhang Yourong from the Qianshan Hall in Lingshan sent him to Liu Gong Bus, just because he had several “little inventions” in Ganzhou and was the master of the first organ in the world. Having a little interest in myself, I found a fellow Lu Yan who knew Yan Liqiang in the Ganzhou Guild Hall, and then asked Yan Liqiang to have a meal in Tianwaitian. By the way, Yan Liqiang also got himself a newspaper with Fang Beidou these days. Give Grandpa Liu a base in advance.

After hearing Yan Liqiang explain these causes and consequences, Grandpa Liu watched Yan Liqiang in the car for a long time, as if he had just met Yan Liqiang, he was both relieved and surprised, “What is the Dahan Empire Times you are talking about?”

Yan Liqiang explained it, but after listening to Grandpa Liu, he only commented, “This idea is also interesting. It is rare that you can come up with such a fun gadget for people to come out!”

Seeing that Grandpa Liu did n’t value this newspaper too much, he just regarded the newspaper as a gadget, and Yan Liqiang did n’t explain anything anymore, “I also thought that it ’s fun to get this thing out, and I ’m not jealous, maybe I can Earn a little money and spend it, so I went to get it, but the sales volume of the first issue is not very good, the total number of newspapers sold is less than twelve silver … “

Grandpa Liu shook his head, “This thing is just like other people admiring the flowers and walking birds. You should pass the time for fun. If you really want to make money, there are ways in this world. As long as you practice your skills, find a good one in the future. Errands, being a human being, yelling afterwards, the money is all lined up to send you to you, so why bother with such effort! “

“The father-in-law said yes!” Yan Liqiang didn’t argue, but nodded. “I don’t have much money to invest. If the money is lost, it’s okay. If it can be done, it’s a career.” ! “

Listening to Yan Liqiang, Grandpa Liu nodded slowly, “I didn’t expect Li Qiang that you have such a skill and thought, you can make an organ that will make Zhang Yourong amazed. You can rest assured that this time, Our family will never let the people in the criminal department come to you … “At this point, Grandpa Liu’s voice has become colder.” You are the person recommended by Master Sun, and you have made great achievements when you are with Master Sun. Now in Luyuan, it is on the side of Your Majesty. Listen to your words, because of the relationship between Master Sun, those people have long wanted to deal with you, but they are suffering from no chance. This time, they finally found a starting point … “

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“By the way, the last time I saw Xu Lang and others at the door of the restaurant, Xu Lang and others were together with a man named Lin Gongzi. At that time, I felt that Lin Gongzi paid special attention to me, watching me My eyes make me hairy … “

Grandpa Liu frowned, “Mr. Lin? What is that person like?”

“It doesn’t have any characteristics when it looks like it has a black mole on its mouth, it looks arrogant and a bit gloomy. When they were with Xu Lang’s people, Xu Lang’s people seemed to be very stupid!”

“No wonder, it turned out to be him!” Liu Gonggong’s eyes flashed a cold light, “Our family began to wonder why the people in the criminal department jumped out so quickly this time, so Meng Lang, dare to come to Luyuan to catch people. Someone is pushing behind … “

When Yan Liqiang had seen Chen Langzhong in Luyuan before, he already knew the identity of Lin Gongzi from Chen Langzhong ’s head, but at this time he heard Liu Gonggong say, Yan Liqiang continued to ask, “Grandpa , Who is that son Lin? “

“The son of Lin is called Lin Zhe and he is the nephew of Prime Minister Lin Qingtian. The emperor Jingcheng’s famous government office, because Lin Qingtian has no children, so that Lin Zhe is the nephew of Lin Qingtian, but he is almost the same as his son , All day long, linking up everywhere in the capital of the emperor, doing things unscrupulously … “

“Who is that Chen Lang?”

“What kind of person can it be, just a dog who wants to balk Lin Qingtian …” Grandpa Liu said disdainfully.


The Ministry of Criminal Affairs is on the north side of the Imperial City, not far from the Royal Palace. The entire courtyard of the Ministry of Criminal Affairs is a dark red wall paint on the outer wall. As we approached the criminal department, we found that the flow of people on the streets around the criminal department was much rarer at once. Then there was already some damp air. When we arrived at the criminal department, it seemed to be even colder.

As a violent institution of the Han Empire, the entire Penal Department’s organization is very large, just in Dijing, the institutions under the Penal Department have the Criminal Arrest Trial Department, Reduction Division, Interrogation Division, Prison Division , Treasury Department, Penalty Department, Criminal Law Department, etc. In addition to the Criminal Department Shang Shu and the servants, the Criminal Department also has Langzhong, Yuanwai Lang, and all levels of principals, officials, Ling Shi, Ting Chang and other officials, as for the first criminal arrest And so on, not to mention.

Yan Liqiang came here, only to find that the Punishment Department was stupid. It is reasonable to say that the signing he took to the Punishment Department was an interrogation. According to the procedure, the witness, who claimed to have accused him of killing him last night, was in trial The Secretary waited to confront him, but when he arrived, he discovered that no witnesses or plaintiffs on the interrogation department were at all. When he waits for him to arrive, he will be taken into custody, and an untrial case will be taken first …

This should be the old way of dealing with cases on the side of the penal department, and this time, I do n’t know if they are not fully connected or the people who are working are too used to it. I did n’t care about these details. Yan Liqiang and Liu Gonggong arrived Interrogation Division, the lapses here are leaked out at once …

Liu Gonggong, who saw the problem at once, was furious. He grabbed the tail and used the title to play. After the hearing of the trial department, he immediately threw his sleeve away, took Yan Liqiang and left the penal department, went straight to the palace to sue ……


ps: Ask for monthly tickets!

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