Silver Overlord Chapter 332: Lingshan Keqing

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All meals are the same-what you eat is not the point, what you talk about, and who you talk to is the point.

This meal was eaten for almost two full hours, and the food on the table was changed several times. Lu Pein, Yao Guanshi, and the beautiful female disciple of the Lingshan School all became escorts at the dinner. The entire dinner was almost the same. Yan Liqiang and Zhang Yourong are chatting.

In the end, Yan Liqiang did n’t talk about the steam engine ’s conception and aura. After all, for Yan Liqiang, who was a man of the two worlds, he was not a 15-year-old boy who knew nothing about the world. If someone else gave him a little sunshine, he would be able to shine brightly Yan Liqiang believes that with the master’s mastery in machinery and manufacturing, as long as he reveals a little bit about the concept of the steam engine, Zhang Yourong will immediately be able to understand the joints and quickly make the steam engine.

What role the steam engine can bring to change Yan Liqiang knows better than anyone. This is a card in his hand. With his relationship with the Lingshan School and Zhang Yourong, it is not enough to let him put This card is given to Lingshan School and Zhang Yourong. This is not in line with the principle of maximizing interests. More importantly, although Zhang Yourong is a world-famous organ master, the title of the organ master speaks of his ability, not of people. What kind of person he is, what kind of character he is, Yan Liqiang knows nothing about it. In his last life, Yan Liqiang has also seen many shameless and inexplicable experts and professors. A mistake that can only be made — equating a person ’s career achievements and rumored reputation with his moral character.

When chatting with the master of the institution, Yan Liqiang was polite and always reserved, but even so, Yan Liqiang still let the host of the Lingshan School send him to the first place in life. Once, I finally understood what is a confidant, what is Jiufeng confidant and a thousand cups less. Every time Yourong said something, Yan Liqiang knew what he meant, and he could discuss it with him. The master of this institution said more and more happy.

Several people listening next to Yan Liqiang’s eyes slowly changed from surprise to admiration, and they made no secrets, especially Lu Pein, watching Yan Liqiang and the masters of the world’s famous institutions chatting at the dinner table, There is no stage fright, even when Yan Liqiang is talking, he can let Zhang Yourong concentrate on listening. His knowledge of Yan Liqiang will be refreshed again …

Yan Liqiang and Zhang Yourong discussed from sails to metal clockwork, then to the refraction and reflection of light, the density of matter, the principle of sound generation of objects, to the transformation of water in liquid, solid, and gaseous state, and finally to the measurement and measurement ……

“I think that if the way of the organs and the things wants to get greater development in the entire Han Empire, it is imperative that the unity of the Han Empire’s weights and measures be unified with the changes. There have been huge restrictions on the development of the way of organizing things. For example, the size of the volume, we have stone, dendrobium, bucket, liter, bean, union, yoke, etc. as the measurement, the smallest volume is yoke, and the two yokes are one. , Ten liters are one liter, four liters are one bean, ten liters are one bucket, five buckets are one hu, and ten buckets are one stone. These measures have not shown shortcomings in daily life. They are barely enough, but In the way of organizing things, it seems extremely rough and unbearable. For example, the volume of this glass in my hand is difficult to accurately measure and describe. For ten craftsmen, ten people may have ten For this answer, it should be noted that the way of the geological institution is like cultivating internal strength, and it is often misunderstood. The premise of the geological institution is to have great development, the premise is that everything in the world is as big as mountains, as small as dust, weight Geometry, length and width geometry, volume geometry, and measurable descriptions, let 10,000 craftsmen come, everyone can use the same standard, they can all get the same result, you can distinguish right and wrong at a glance, instead of saying each one … “

“Yes, yes, that’s the reason!” Zhang Yourong heard Yan Liqiang saying, and directly shot her thighs excitedly. “The first rule I set up in Lingshan to send Qianji Hall is to strictly use public tools. A thousand machine halls, all the measurements are not so. It is difficult for the craftsmen in the hall to make great progress. The measurement scales used by the Han Empire are indeed too rough. In addition to volume, there are also time measures, temperature measures, and angle measures. , Too rough, … “

“Indeed, for example, the measurement of time and temperature, if these two measurements can be more accurate, just like the smelting and quenching of the weapons in our blacksmith workshop, it takes at least a few years for ordinary craftsmen to learn this. Control and rely on experience to see the fire, and if there is an accurate metric description, how long a embryo is placed in a furnace with a high temperature, and then how long it is taken out into a quenching solution To complete the quenching process, even if it is an apprentice, it will be enough to master this process for a few days. At the same time, many valuable experience skills accumulated by the predecessors, as long as there is an accurate measurement description, can be preserved in text. Thousands of people will see at a glance that they will not lose the word and need to teach by hand. By then, the institutional characteristics of the Han Empire will definitely have an unprecedented situation … “

The organ master of the Lingshan School kept nodding, Zhang Yourong was trying to say something, but someone knocked on the door of the room outside.

“What’s the matter?” Lu Pein asked in the room.

“Six Lords, the restaurant guys have been here several times and said that the restaurant was closed two quarters ago …”

Lu Peien looked at Yao Guanshi, and Yao Guanshi looked at Zhang Yourong, “Master Zhang, look …”

“So come here today, chatting with Li Qiang brother today, it’s really fun!” Zhang Yourong looked at Yan Liqiang, his expression was still unfinished, but he stood up.

“Haha, I can only benefit from Master ’s advice …”

“Brother Li Qiang does not need to be humble. If you are obsessed with organizing things, the title of the first organ master of the Han Empire must be yours. If you do n’t mind how old I am, you will call me Rong Lao. Brother, no need to be so polite! “

“Well, I will call you Rong Rong in the future!” Yan Liqiang hit the snake with the stick, and he was not hypocritical, and he directly called him Zhang Yourong.

Zhang Yourong groaned for a while, and took out a pure gold waist tag directly from the ruffles on her body, and handed it to Yan Liqiang, simply saying, “This is our guest mountain waist card sent by Lingshan to send Qianjitang, Li Qiang Brother, hold it, with Li Qiang ’s knowledge and being a guest of our thousand-machine hall, more than enough,->> , update the latest chapter of Silver Overlord as soon as possible!

This guest secretary ’s identity does not have any restrictions or requirements on the younger brother, but if you have any trouble in the future, you can show this waist card. The guest badge of our Lingshan school is on the rivers and lakes and this emperor capital. It’s still a bit of a weight. Friends from all over the world see that even the official family will give some face! “

Yan Liqiang glanced at Yao Guanshi and the beautiful female disciple of the Lingshan School, and he knew that the identity of the Lingshan School ’s guest secretary was not unusual. I am afraid that more than that, he laughed. I took over the pure gold waist tag, “Thank you Rong Rong!”


A group of people came out from outside the sky. There were few pedestrians on the streets outside. Although the rain in the sky had stopped completely, the sky was still gloomy, and there was no light in the sky. Zhang Yourong had to stay in the Imperial City for a while. During this time, he lived in the Lingshan School’s Imperial Palace. After inviting Yan Liqiang to have time to visit the Lingshan School’s Imperial Palace, a group of people took two carriages at the gate of Tianwaitian, and then the carriage They separated in different directions.

Under the light of the two carriage lights, the wheels of the carriage slowly drove on the wet streets of the Imperial City, and from time to time over the shallow water on the ground, the crisp horseshoe sounded through the pedestrians On the scarce street, within the carriage, Yan Liqiang took out the identity badge of Lingshan faction, and held it in his hand.

The waist card is gold and very exquisite. The words Lingshan Keqing are very eye-catching.

“Li Qiang, do you know that the Lingshan sent guest secretary’s waist card is an extraordinary thing!” Lu Pein, who was sitting in the carriage, looked closely at the waist card without concealing his eyes. The color of envy.

“Brother Lu, do you know, please tell me!”

“I also heard the old man say that as long as he carries this waist card, it is equivalent to the protection of the Lingshan School. Those who are waiting for leisure will definitely not dare to provoke you. In addition, Li Qiang you know that you have this What is the biggest benefit of the guest secretary’s waist card? “

“What is it?”

“In the future, if Li Qiang, if you have blood and flesh, you can directly send to the Benzong Mountain Gate of the Lingshan School to become a disciple of the Lingshan School, and to practice the superior school of the Lingshan School!” When speaking of this, Lu Peien smiled bitterly, “This But the old man has tried his best for so many years, and has always been a hopeless and hopeless thing. Unexpectedly, Li Qiang, you just did it with a meal. This emperor capital is really a place for meeting, Li Qiang, you come here, it is really like a fish, Like a dragon, I have found that Li Qiang, you are becoming more and more invisible … “

“If Brother Lu likes this waist card, I will give it to Brother Lu!” Yan Liqiang said as he passed the waist card, as if he didn’t care.

Yan Liqiang was amused by Yan Liqiang, “You think that holding this waist tag is useful for me. This is something the master of the first organ of the Lingshan School gave you. The Lingshan School will definitely record it. That is to find yourself dead … “

Yan Liqiang smiled and received the waist tag back, “Yes, Brother Lu, let the carriage stop in front, just let me down, I ’m going out of town!”

“Now the city gate is afraid to be closed?”

“It should be a little while before Guancheng Gate. Brother Lu, you can just go home!”

“If I do n’t see you, if the city gate is closed, you will live in the Ganzhou Guild Hall tonight, and you will return to Luyuan tomorrow morning without delay!”

“I just stayed in the room for such a long time, and I was a little sulky. I walked down and walked through the air. If the city gate is closed and I ca n’t go back, I will go to Ganzhou Guild Hall to find Brother Lu!”

When I heard Yan Liqiang say this, Lu Pein no longer insisted. At an intersection in front, let the carriage stop, put Yan Liqiang down, and then the two sides separated at this intersection.

Yan Liqiang, who got off the carriage, took a deep breath of cold air. He did n’t have to look back, he knew that the tail was still following him, and he was on the street fifty meters away. Zi stopped and hid behind the signboard of a closed lantern shop on the street…

I have been staring at it all night, and I am really dedicated …

Yan Liqiang smiled coldly, and then walked toward the big step in front, followed by his figure, and then quietly continued to follow Yan Liqiang …

Within less than ten minutes, just turning around a street corner, Yan Liqiang’s figure disappeared into the sight of the person behind him, and the figure behind him hurriedly followed up, but came over and saw the street was empty In the distance, there were still a few figures of pedestrians and carriages, but Yan Liqiang’s figure disappeared all of a sudden.

The man panicked and hurried forward, but looking left and right, looking forward and backward, I really could not find Yan Liqiang ’s figure ~ ~ Shit, was it found, that kid Real oil … “The man muttered to himself and then spit at the ground.

“Are you looking for me?” A voice suddenly appeared calmly behind the man. The man was startled and slowly turned his head. The man standing behind him was not Yan Liqiang.

Yan Liqiang in the dark has only a pair of eyes shining, there is an inexplicable heart trembling and cold breath on the whole person, the person wants to call, but not waiting for him to respond, Yan Liqiang ’s hand Already landed on the spine of his neck, just squeezed gently, his whole body was numb, and he lost all his ability to move in an instant.

Yan Liqiang is like a beast of prey, holding the man ’s neck and dragging the man into a dark alley beside …

In the blink of an eye, a few low-sounding painful mumbles and screams came from the dark alley, but for a moment it was silent again.

After a few minutes, the mountain wind that was putting clothes slowly came out of the dark alley, looked around, and there was a cold smile on his face, and then disappeared. In the dark …

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