Silver Overlord Chapter 3: Heavenly Meteor

After smoking, he vented his mood, and Yan Liqiang walked towards the old city in the distance, thinking about his plans for the future while walking.

He does n’t want to stay in this city anymore.

His job at that company, he had quit yesterday. This is not entirely because of Lu Jiaying, but he already had this idea. Now that the conditions are ripe, he can jump out of the company and fight for himself.

He is a department manager in the company, and he is very powerful, and he is pressed everywhere. That is a wonderful PPT that even Yan Liqiang made to go to the company’s OA system. I am afraid that the boss knows that the PPT was made by Yan Liqiang.

But even if someone presses, Yan Liqiang is still very popular in the company by virtue of his excellent ability.

Especially this year, Yan Liqiang achieved the first in the company for four consecutive quarters, the customer praised him well, and the customer wrote a thank-you letter to the company headquarters. He has completely stood out and his name can no longer be suppressed. Yan Liqiang’s salary increase and promotion have already been determined.

But Yan Liqiang chose to leave because a boss he knew greatly appreciated his ability and personhood. The boss wanted to invest in a large mobile phone comprehensive store in another city. He has a lot of shares, which can make him jump from a wage earner to a shareholder and a partner.

Yan Liqiang did n’t want to go before, and hesitated, because he had a bright future in this company, and his income would have to be improved several times. But in order to hold Yan Liqiang and show his sincerity, the boss even wanted to invest The names of all mobile phone stores have been changed to Liqiang Communications.

Everyone else has done this, what can Yan Liqiang say.

Everything started anew, Yan Liqiang was confident that he would make some achievements. With this force installed today, there may be a trace in the future that may become a reality, even if he ca n’t do the rich second generation, it is still possible. For the second generation of his rich father, Yan Liqiang had to fight hard for the slightest possibility.

If you do n’t struggle, how is it different from salted fish? This is Yan Liqiang ’s second motto in his life.

These days, Yan Liqiang is actually no longer suffering. The most painful time was the few days when Lu Jiaying found that he was carrying his leg on his back. Such a blow almost made Yan Liqiang helpless, and even some extreme thoughts came out of his mind. But after a few days, he found that he really didn’t need to hurt more people for a woman who easily betrayed and loved vanity. This was really not worth it, and it was over.

If Lu Jiaying did not do too well, if the two were really unmarried, Yan Liqiang would not have made such an out today. This out today is a lesson for the woman who loves vanity.

Thinking about the pressure she put on today, thinking about the woman ’s feelings of remorse and remorse, Yan Liqiang could n’t help laughing, and the satisfaction of the mischief in her heart gradually relieved the depression in her heart. .

Yan Liqiang felt that he had acted for so many years, but today this is definitely the pinnacle of his career.

took out the mobile phone that was turned off, took out the old mobile phone card, and threw it directly into the stinky ditch beside the road. Yan Liqiang put in another mobile phone card, then turned on the phone, and dialed a number.

“Hey, Li Qiang, how is your company’s affairs handled?” There was a warm voice of a middle-aged middle-aged man over the phone.

“Mr. Zhao, it has been dealt with. I will arrive at Yang Airport City at four o’clock tomorrow afternoon!”

   “Don’t call Mr. Zhao in the future, just call me Huange!” The middle-aged man on the phone was very serious, and he was generous. You catch the wind and wash the dust, and introduce a few friends to meet you. Those friends are very energetic on the side of Yangcheng. They heard me talk about your business and said that in this era, there are very few people who like you. , I really want to know you … “

“Okay, thank you, brother!”

   “Thank you, don’t be so kind to me in the future. If you weren’t enthusiastic to help you last time, I almost got pitted by those Korean sticks for more than 100 million yuan. It’s nothing to lose this money It ’s just a few houses, but this face ca n’t be lost. My old face is Li Qiang, you keep it for me. I appreciate Li Qiang, a person who has character, ability, and loyalty. What will you do in Yangcheng tomorrow? Do n’t worry, your house has been found for me, and the car is ready. You do n’t have to worry about anything when you come, just concentrate on doing things. I ’ll give you all the sales, I will only arrange a financial manager , The rest is up to you. The store is just a small business. I count it as my own investment. I will transfer you to a group company to help me when you get the store up and make some grades. Other shareholders will not have any opinions! “

Ending the call, Yan Liqiang exhaled a long breath, the depression in his heart dissipated a lot, he felt that his life was like a seesaw game. Although he was frustrated in love, his career, because of his extensive knots in recent years Good luck and hard work, but at this time quietly embarked on a higher brand new platform.

Even if you do n’t pretend to be this force today, Lu Jiaying will regret her choice if she knows Yan Liqiang ’s current situation, but Yan Liqiang still chooses to pretend to be this force. Nothing else, just a word-cool!

He is not a man who ca n’t live without a woman. Yan Liqiang can accept Lu Jiaying ’s departure, but he ca n’t forgive her betrayal. Naturally, there is no need to be sincere to the betrayal.


“Sell radios, insoles, needlework …”

After making Huan’s call, unconsciously, Yan Liqiang had come to a street in the old city, and the sound of a bargain under the street lamp beside him immediately attracted Yan Liqiang’s attention.

   It was an old couple with gray hair and a stall on the floor at this time. The couple was dressed neatly and cleanly. There was a little shabby little wheel parked beside the old man. Sitting on a tricycle with a few pieces of rags to cut the insoles, their stall was placed under a street light, which was just enough to light up his stall at night.

Yan Liqiang could n’t help feeling sour when she saw the two old men posing on the stall.

stalls like this, maybe many young people living in big cities have n’t seen them in their entire lives, let alone those things that can be taken out for stalls.

On the green plastic cloth, the old man on the stall placed a few things that did n’t look like first-hand goods—a few old radios with some old paint, a few old tungsten light bulbs, and a pair of gray **** Old gloves, a box of old screw nails, a few pairs of insoles, two used nail clippers, a box with needle thread, rubber bands and buttons, a few old cell phone batteries of unknown model, two patch panels , And a pile of old books and other debris …

For many people, even if these things are thrown into the garbage dump, no one will pick them up, let alone sell them for money, which is simply funny.

But Yan Liqiang knows that these two old people are not funny, for many old people who are old and laid off and live in the old city but have no source of life, they are really stalling. I hope that this thing can change some money.

It is not the first time that such an elderly person has seen Yan Liqiang. During the daytime, the urban management is strictly checked. These elderly people dare not come out. They will only come out to set up stalls at night. Many times, Yan Liqiang saw it. The old lady who set up the stall took out half a bottle of soy sauce, half a noodle, a few beer bottles, half of the cold medicine, a pair of worn chess and the like … for these old people, this is The only way they can think of is to earn more dignity than begging.

Yan Liqiang did n’t feel how noble he was, but every time he saw the helpless old people who came out for stalls at night, Yan Liqiang would buy something from these old people, even if he did n’t need to.

Yan Liqiang came to the old man ’s booth, squatted down in front of the old man ’s booth, and looked at the old man ’s booth.

The old man looked at Yan Liqiang with a hint of anticipation and cramped eyes, “Boy, look at what you need, these things are cheaper than in the store, and you can use …”

Yan Liqiang does n’t know what he can buy, but every time at this time, Yan Liqiang pretends to force his talent to break out again.

Yan Liqiang flipped through those old books, and I saw an interesting old book among them— “The Theory of Enhancing Yijin Washing the Inner Power”, this is an old book, Zhongzhou Ancient Books Publishing House The original version was priced at only 26 yuan for something published 20 years ago.

Yan Liqiang was shocked when he saw this book. He did n’t expect it to be such a recipe for Yi Jin Jing. Before, he thought it was just a fiction in novels and movies. He did n’t expect it to exist in reality. Under the light of the roadside, he picked up the book and reiterated it slowly, and found that in addition to a few prefaces and a small amount of text, the book was a picture of practice exercises.

Looking at this book in the old books pile, besides lamenting that the Chinese culture is profound and profound, he can find a book of cultivating secrets on the old book stand, but he can’t find any other emotions.

Take care of him, let ’s just have fun. When I ’m old and okay, I will go to the park every morning to practice according to the contents of this book, just like radio gymnastics. Forced, others are dancing square dance, I am practicing Yi Jin Jing, which is different in terms of grade.

holding this thought in his heart, Yan Liqiang yelled with exaggerated voice, “Ah, I finally found it, I didn’t expect to see this kind of thing here …” Yan Liqiang’s face showed a joyful expression, He raised the old book in his hand to the old man who sold things, “Uncle, how much is this book for you?”

“This … ten dollars for this book …” After all, it is an old book. The old man seems to feel a bit embarrassed to call the price of this old book high.

   “Ten dollars, so cheap?” Yan Liqiang was shocked, he touched his body directly, took out five red money in his pocket and handed it out, “Uncle, I want this book It ’s 500 yuan … “

“Ah, so many …” The old man was taken aback and quickly waved his hand to Yan Liqiang without borrowing money. “Not so much, not so much …”

Today, I spent a lot of money to pretend that I was forced, so at this time, Zhang Tie did n’t care about spending an extra 500 yuan. This kind of money is a bit pretending to be comfortable. For some people, Money is not enough for them to come to a big health care, but for these elderly people, this money may be their monthly living expenses.

   “Uncle, you don’t know, your book is not a normal book, it is very precious…”

“Well, this … I checked it online, and it is also sold online. The full set of new books is only fifty or sixty dollars. I found this book from the scrap buying station. I ca n’t use so much money … “This uncle who sells things is not the kind of person who sees money.

“Uncle, you do n’t know, this book is just like wine, stamps and other things. It depends on the year and the version. This book was published early, very scarce, and has a special collection value. Maybe this book will be more valuable in a few years … “

   “Is it right?” Uncle Yan Liqiang was also fooled into I don’t take advantage of your uncle, just 500! “Yan Liqiang said seriously, that tone almost made him believe. After he finished speaking, he directly put five red tickets into the old man’s hand, and he didn’t wait for the old man to say anything, just took the book. Gone.

The old man on the stall has been watching Yan Liqiang leave with grateful and complicated eyes, half a ring, and then looked at the five red coins held in his hand, sighed, turned his head to look at his wife, “My wife, there are still a lot of good people in this world. We can meet good people today…”


On the street, there were few people on the street, and the street lights were bright. After leaving the old man’s booth for more than ten minutes, Yan Liqiang, who was walking while turning the book in his hand, heard an excitement from someone in the distance.

“Ah, there are meteors, flying towards here …”

Yan Liqiang walking on the sidewalk stopped, looking a little surprised toward the sky, he just raised his head, he felt that the streets around the space suddenly brightened, everything was enveloped in a circle In the light, before he could react, a roar rang around him, and Yan Liqiang instantly lost all consciousness …


Yan Liqiang disappeared. On the sidewalk where he was, a large pit with a diameter of several meters was left. After a few minutes, the city ’s fire trucks, police cars and whistling arrived, pulling the cordon at the scene The reporter is here …


A week later, there was one more piece of missing population information in the Archives Office of the Municipal Public Security Bureau—Yan Liqiang, male, Han nationality. Born on a certain day in a certain year in a certain year, reported missing in this city on a certain day in a certain year in a certain year …


ps: New book upload, welcome everyone to collect!

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