Silver Overlord Chapter 295: Mysterious character

, update the latest chapter of Silver Overlord as soon as possible!

Save the world from fire and water?

Yan Liqiang ’s eyes flashed, and he looked at the Taoist person in front of him. I did n’t know if this person was a liar or wanted to escape. So, such a big hat, Yan Liqiang did n’t even think about it when he was dreaming. Wearing them on their heads, these outsiders who walk in rivers and lakes can often describe the living as dead, the dead as living, and they are particularly good at trying to figure out the minds of others. She Ji, as well as all kinds of unpredictable means, let you know the way unconsciously, led them by the nose, the scammers of the previous life in front of these people, is scum.

It ’s just … Xu Lang, if they arranged such a person to set themselves up, they really did n’t know what to do, and they were too fancy with themselves?

“Do you know Xu Lang?” Yan Liqiang asked suddenly, and then stared closely at the expression on the Taoist’s face, especially the subtle changes in the pupil. This is also a “little trick” that Yan Liqiang mastered in his life. It can be judged whether a person is lying by the changes in a person’s pupils and subtle facial expressions.

“Who is Xu Lang? I have n’t seen the poor, but I have been in Dijing these days, but I heard that a person named Xu Lang is dueling on the life and death platform, but he was injured by a dark arrow and caused Boasting! “The Taoist smiled slightly and said calmly.

From the changes in the expression and pupil of the Taoist, Yan Liqiang found that the Taoist was not lying, or that the Taoist’s way of lying had far exceeded his imagination.

Yan Liqiang thought about teleportation. After looking at the Taoist, he suddenly let go and turned and walked out of the alley without saying much.

The Taoist was slightly stunned, and quickly followed.

“Don’t follow me again, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind to you!” Yan Liqiang didn’t turn his head, just stopped a little, then said coldly.

The footsteps behind him stopped suddenly. Yan Liqiang just walked a few steps out of the alley. Suddenly, the Taoist’s voice rang again behind Yan Liqiang.

“Is it true that the son is indifferent to the catastrophe four years later?”

This is the sentence that made Yan Liqiang’s body look like he was electrified. Yan Liqiang stopped and slowly turned his head to look at the Taoist, who was still standing in the same place, his eyes calm. Yan Liqiang looked like water.

“What did you just say?”

“I said, is the son really indifferent to the catastrophe four years later?”

Yan Liqiang’s mouth twitched, and then pointed at the Taoist scolding, “Neuropathy, dead hairs, is your brain confused by the panacea, what a big disaster is not a big disaster, you dream, you know me What is your identity, who eats the food, and dare to talk nonsense with me, here to deceive people, be careful that I will send you to see the officer, and let people cut your head! “

Yan Liqiang turned around with a scolding of the Taoist priest, and kept walking, walking quickly towards the alley.

“The poor Dao lives in Bailongguan, Xiaoyunshan, outside the Imperial City. If the son wants to see me, he can come to Baiyunguan at any time to find me!” The Taoist was still behind Yan Liqiang, but Yan Liqiang’s footsteps did not stop Down.

“The young man in the blue shirt holds the calendula,->> , the latest chapter of the silver overlord is updated as soon as possible!

Twenty-eight in the afternoon to enter the West China, the heavens are impermanent, the right way on earth is vicissitudes! “

When Yan Liqiang walked out of the alley, the strange song of the Taoist prince still floated in Yan Liqiang’s ear. When Yan Liqiang turned around, the Taoist priest was no longer in the alley.

Yan Liqiang looked at the shirt he was wearing today, and the calendula in his hand. Although the surface was calm, in his heart, he had already turned over the river and the sea, and there was a strange feeling, if Yan Liqiang was also wary of saying that before the Taoist, then when the latter Taoist spoke of the catastrophe four years later, Yan Liqiang’s heart could not be kept calm anymore, and in the last song of the Taoist, the first two The sentence seems to say that he was wearing a green shirt and marigold from Xihuamen to Dijing in the afternoon today, but the last sentence “the right way on earth is vicissitudes” is somewhat unusual, because this poem is a poem by Yan Liqiang .

Who is this Taoist?

How did he know the sky-tribulation four years later?

Also, what does he mean when he meets himself today to say those words? There is also a great ancestor’s poem, is it a pure coincidence, or do you want to suggest something?

Countless questions appeared in Yan Liqiang’s heart, making Yan Liqiang’s heart a mess.

Yan Liqiang stood blankly on the street for a while, and finally cleared his thoughts, suppressed those doubts and priorities, took a deep breath in the climate, recognized the direction, and walked towards the Ganzhou Hall go with.


Ganzhou Guild Hall is located on Qianju Street in Dijing. The whole hall covers an area of ​​more than ten acres and is divided into several huge quadrangle courtyards. It is a bit like the combination of the Beijing offices of various states and the chamber of commerce. The officials and businessmen who come to Dijing from each state can live in this hall as long as they have a little identity and relationship. In addition, this hall can also Entertaining guests and inquiring about various news from Dijing. For many strangers who come to Dijing, the state halls are the places they trust most in Dijing.

Beside the gate of the Ganzhou Guild Hall, there are four guards. Yan Liqiang came to the gate of the Ganzhou Hall ~ ~ looked up at the signboard of the Ganzhou Hall, and then walked towards the hall Go in.

“This little brother, here is the Ganzhou Guild Hall. If you want to sell flowers, please go elsewhere!” The four guards looked at Yan Liqiang, and a 20-year-old guard stepped forward and politely stopped Yan Liqiang. Down.

Yan Liqiang itself is young and tender, a 15-year-old boy has not yet performed the gift of adulthood, plus he has a large hand of calendula in his hand, and he is also well-dressed, not outstanding, actually Several guards at the door thought it was to sell flowers, and Yan Liqiang did not know whether to cry or laugh.

“I’m here to find someone!” Yan Liqiang said.

As soon as Yan Liqiang spoke, the familiar Ganzhou accent suddenly stopped Yan Liqiang ’s guard, and the expression on his face was relaxed, “I do n’t know who this little brother is looking for?”

“I’m looking for …” Yan Liqiang just started to speak, but unexpectedly a familiar voice suddenly appeared behind him, “Li Qiang …”

Yan Liqiang turned around and saw that a gorgeous carriage had just arrived at the gate of the hall, and Lu Pein showed a surprise face from the carriage window …

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