Silver Overlord Chapter 272: Superior

, update the latest chapter of Silver Overlord as soon as possible!

Early in the early morning of the next day, after finishing the morning class, Yan Liqiang no longer went to the arrow field training as usual, but wore a set of clean clothes and cleaned himself up. Then he came to the arrow field alone. Back mountain.

Houshan, the arrow field of Luyuan, is a forbidden area. Except for a few specific servants in the arrow field, ordinary people are prohibited from entering the Houshan area at will. The reason for this is not other than that, because Houshan lived there With a few special status figures.

The characters, with special identities and high skills, lived in seclusion in Luyuan, and even Liu Gong had to give a three-point courtesy on the fair day. The reason was none other than that, because his emperor was practicing martial arts in Luyuan. At that time, those people were guided by His Majesty the Emperor, and he was regarded as his teacher.

Why did those people hide in Houshan of Luyuan? Yan Liqiang did n’t know. Those people ’s surnames were n’t. Yan Liqiang did n’t know. Yan Liqiang did n’t even know that there were a few such people in Houshan in Arrow Field, but there was a little Yan Liqiang knew it, that is, he seemed to be shit.

You can learn skills from these people, but you may not be able to buy it if you have money, but after seeing Grandpa Liu, Grandpa Liu gave him two bronze medals and told him to hold them , He can go to the back hill of the arrow field to find the people hiding there and learn the corresponding skills.

The two bronze medals given by Grandpa Liu to Yan Liqiang look very ordinary. Each bronze medal is only half the size of a slap, full of years. One of the bronze medals is engraved with a war bow and a Ji, and the other bronze medal is on it. Carving a spear and a Li character, Liu Gonggong told Yan Liqiang, holding the bronze medal with the Ji character on it, he could go to Houshan to find an old man with the surname Ji to learn archery and archery, holding the Li character. He can go to the old man surnamed Li to learn gunmanship. As long as he sees the two old men, he will take out the bronze medals and the two old men will teach him the skill. As for whether Yan Liqiang can learn Yes, it depends on Yan Liqiang’s own ability and understanding.

As for why Liu Gonggong gave himself such a precious opportunity, Yan Liqiang also asked yesterday, and Liu Gonggong told him that because he felt that Yan Liqiang was a material that he could make, he wanted to complete Yan Liqiang, so he gave it Yan Liqiang this opportunity.

Grandpa Liu ’s words Yan Liqiang could n’t pick out any faults. The two bronze medals given to him by Grandpa Liu were also regarded as a special privilege by Grandpa Liu as the person in charge of Luyuan, so he did n’t think much about it.

So, this morning, Yan Liqiang came to Houshan of Jianchang with the bronze medal engraved with a Li in his arms. He wanted to see what he could learn.

Grandpa Liu already told Yan Liqiang the terrain of Houshan yesterday. Although Houshan is quiet, there are still repaired gravel roads that can lead to many places. Yan Liqiang followed the gravel path after leaving his residence. In just over ten minutes, he came to a secluded place in the back hill of Arrow Field.

A waterfall that is one or two meters wide flows down from a mountain stream in Xiaoshan, Houshan, along the steep rocks on both sides. The height is not high, it is only more than thirty meters, and the water flow of the waterfall is not turbulent. There is no such thing as a galloping horse. Looking from a distance, it hangs like a curtain of water. When the mountain wind blows, the water droplets of the falling waterfall are divided into water mist. Pale, it fell like a rain, misty.

The waterfall that washed down from above formed a green waterhole, and beside the waterhole, there was a thatched hut.

The thatched house is half-fell. It seems that the wall on one side is about to collapse, but it is supported by a few wooden sticks at will. A small vegetable plot, but the vegetable plot is also deserted. The bitter cauliflower grows one meter high, mixed with a pile of dogtail grass, leek and green onions, and two broken **** And two broken wooden barrels were thrown in the middle of the weed, and there was a nest in the broken wooden barrel where a cat star.

If such a scene is not seen in Luyuan, Yan Liqiang will probably think that it is a beggar, not a hermit.

Yan Liqiang who came outside that thatched house->> , update the latest chapter of Silver Overlord as soon as possible!

Looking around the surrounding environment, he thought that it was the same as Liu Gonggong said. It should be here. He cleared his throat and was about to speak. In that hut, an impatient rude voice came from him all at once. “Go away if you are okay. Come here less and affect Lao Tzu’s sleep …”

Yan Liqiang looked at the sun that had jumped on the thatched roof, and said nothing more. Instead, he took out the humble bronze medal directly, and said to the thatched house aloud according to Liu Gong ’s teaching. “I have a bronze medal here, please elder Li to give art!”

After speaking, Yan Liqiang stood outside the fence and waited quietly.

After a full five minutes, the door of the broken hut was pushed away from the inside with a crunch, and then one was wearing a ragged shirt and a straw rope was tied around the waist with a white hair like a hair The old man with the bird’s nest on top of his head came out and strode directly to Yan Liqiang. Without a word, he snatched the bronze medal that Yan Liqiang held in his hand and carefully recognized it. After a while, he put the bronze medal in his arms, and a pair of glittering eyes looked up and down Yan Liqiang through the gap of the messy white hair. “Are you going to learn gun skills?”


“What is your name?”

“Yan Liqiang!”

“Your surname is Yan?” The old man seemed a little strange.


“Okay, I ’ll tell you about the rules of learning gunfire with me. I ’m only responsible for teaching. I only say everything once. You can learn, do, and understand, that ’s your skill. If I said you ca n’t do it, you ca n’t comprehend, then you can get out early! ”The old man said fiercely to Yan Liqiang.

“I know!” Yan Liqiang nodded calmly.

“If you want to learn something from me, you must pass basic gun skills. You must have completed level 3. Have you passed the basic gun skills? Practice without them …”

“My basic shooting skills have passed …” Yan Liqiang said calmly.

“It ’s over?” The old man gave Yan Liqiang another serious look, and then pointed at a huge stone mill on the edge of a pine forest hundreds of meters away, “See the hillside over there, when can you Without using tools, just rely on your own hands to roll the stone from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, put the stone on the top of the mountain and put it away, then come to me, if you accidentally get killed by the stone, then you He thought he was unlucky … “After saying this, the old man no longer looked at Yan Liqiang, but directly yawned, and continued to return to his thatched house, and he never said anything more to Yan Liqiang …

Yan Liqiang looked at the stone mill in the distance ~ ~ Without saying much, he walked straight over.

There was a weed around the stone mill, a layer of moss grew under the stone mill, and the ground below was pressed into a shallow pit that was half a foot deep. In front of the stone mill, there is a hillside that is five or six hundred meters long. The hillside is full of large and small rocks, and the ditch is flat without any inch. Seeing the hillside, Yan Liqiang I remembered the good man **** he had climbed when he went to the open car with a group of off-road vehicle enthusiasts. Such a hillside is a huge test of the performance of off-road vehicles. In front of him, the old man named Li wants to let himself use his hands to put the front The big stone roller rolled from below the **** to the top of the hill.

Yan Liqiang pushed it with his hand and tried the weight of the big stone mill. It was found that the weight of the big stone mill was just over two tons. This weight was exactly the same as the weight of a Wrangler.

An ordinary person wants to push such a big rock from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain. This is basically impossible. Even on flat ground, if it is not Hercules, one person wants to push such a rough rock. It is also very difficult to run away for hundreds of meters, not to mention pushing the **** uphill on this rugged mountain road. Perhaps it is impossible to exercise such strength for a lifetime.

Looking at the top of the hillside, and then at the big rock in front of him, Yan Liqiang laughed …

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