Silver Overlord Chapter 233: Treatment

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Mo Ziye is gone!

After burying her brother, Mo Ziye said goodbye to Yan Liqiang. She left the grove alone, and she said she was going to merge with the same gates of several Ming Wangzongs and then return to Zongmen together.

She and the dead brother are just one of the groups. Others, above this wilderness, there are eight other disciples of Ming Wangzong who have the same tasks as them, and the other eight are composed of After three teams, just like hunters, they were either lurking or searching on the ground for thousands of kilometers.

After the priest of the Fire God was killed, Mo Ziye had completed all their tasks this time. They now need to return to Zongmen and report all the details of the operation to Zongmen ’s elders carefully.

Yan Liqiang also left. He was carrying Huang Mao again and collected more than ten arrows. Following the road that came last night, he returned to the Grey Family.

It ’s different from when I hurried on last night. On the way back, Yan Liqiang was not in a hurry, because he knew that Sun Bingchen and his party could n’t do without the Grey Family Set. Those who went to Ganzhou for help had not yet returned. The black wind bandits were still staring at them. These factors determined that Sun Bingchen would stay at least one more day at the gray house.

Since the time is not in a hurry, Yan Liqiang walks slowly on the way back. On the road, he has enough time to think while walking and think about it.

Yan Liqiang did not understand the tacit agreement and agreement between Sun Bingchen and Ming Wangzong, but it is obvious that if Mo Ziye did not deceive himself, then when he left Ganzhou, Sun Bingchen already knew that there was a black wind ahead The thief and a priest from the flame gods of the Shatu Alliance want to kill them.

This is a dangerous game. While Sun Bingchen used himself and a group of people as bait to attract the firepower of the black wind bandit, Ming Wangzong’s group was searching for the flame **** from the sandstorm alliance behind the black wind bandit. Priest.

Mo Ziye said that all of them want to find the priest of the flame god, they want to “confirm some news”.

Of course, the news that allows Sun Bingchen and Ye Tiancheng to be decoys is certainly not trivial, and Yan Liqiang can only infer that they know what they want to confirm?

It can be judged from the status of Ali Gujin in the Black Wind Bandit, the Black Wind Bandit is closely related to the Seventh Division of the Shatuo, and the entire Blackwind Bandit is basically likely to be composed of the people of the Seventh Division, and the Fire God Religion is the amount of power in the Saudi Alliance. In the past, because of historical reasons, the Seventh Division and the Alliance were always in a hostile relationship. This was also the reason why the Han Empire initially took shelter of the Seventh Division. The priests of the Flame God within the Alliance began to dominate the actions of the black wind bandits from the Seventh Division of Shatu. They wanted to send one to Dijing together to kill some unhappy people in Dijing. What does this mean?

The SATU and the 7th SATU began to converge, and it also colluded with the big men of the Imperial Han Dynasty. As long as you think about the joints behind this, it is enough to make people shudder. Perhaps such news and information are precisely the same Many people behind Mo Ziye wanted to confirm.

Yan Liqiang knows that people like Sun Bingchen can sit in this position among hundreds of millions of people, and none of them is simple. The political struggle is originally cruel. It is inevitable to use a little means and effort, but let Yan Liqiang Somewhat unforgettable, Sun Bingchen, while knowing what dangers would be in front of him, also ran into the head with a dry man. If this is not the case, the guards of yesterday may not need to sacrifice and die without cause.

Thinking of Sun Bingchen’s reminder to himself yesterday, it now appears that Sun Bingchen already knew exactly what to face, so he said those words to himself.

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bsp; For himself, Sun Bingchen released enough goodwill and care, but for those ordinary guards, Sun Bingchen behaved almost ruthlessly.

Yan Liqiang just returned to the Grey Family with a complicated mood.

When he came to the gray house, it was already noon, the sun was shining overhead, and the gangster raging outside the gray house last night was gone, and the door of the gray house was closed, There were more people patrolling the soil wall than yesterday.

Yan Liqiang has not yet reached the gray wall of the gray house. There are thousands of kilometers away from the gray wall of the gray house. The door of the gray house is opened. Yan Liqiang sees Liang Yijie and several guards, riding a rhinoceros horse He rushed towards him quickly.

Yan Liqiang can see the people of Tubishan, and naturally the people of Tubishan can also see him.

Just a moment, a few rhinoceros horses rushed from the gray family rushed to Yan Liqiang.

“Li Qiang …” Yan Liqiang’s Liang Yijie was more excited than before. When the flying rhinoceros horse was more than ten meters away from Yang Liqian, Liang Yijie suddenly took the rhinoceros horse, and immediately Leap down, walk quickly to Yan Liqiang, grasp Yan Liqiang’s arm tightly with both hands, and look at Yan Liqiang from head to toe, with an excited expression, overflowing with words, “Are you okay?”

Yan Liqiang at the moment, ragged and wounded, is exactly like a soldier returning from the battlefield. Even the pair of shoes on his feet are torn, exposing two rows of toes, “Brother Liang, nothing!”

Yan Liqiang smiled. In addition to being a little weak, he hasn’t recovered completely, plus a little injury, Yan Liqiang doesn’t think he has anything to do.

“What happened last night …”

Yan Liqiang licked some dry lips, “Brother Liang, let’s go back and say, my stomach is hungry…”

“Okay, go back and say, get on the horse …” Liang Yijie waved, and a guard had brought a rhinoceros horse.

Yan Liqiang did not refuse to say that, first put Huang Mao on the saddle, then he also got on the horse, then rode the rhinoceros horse, and returned to the gray family set together with Liang Yijie and several guards.

From the expressions on the faces of Liang Yijie and the guards, Yan Liqiang knew that they probably already knew what they did last night-they might not see it when they dived out last night, but Aligujin They were shot with a single arrow, and then the black wind bandit retreated. They all saw it in their eyes. As long as they think about ~ ~, if they find that they can’t find their own figure, it is estimated that they can do it themselves.

When he came to the gate of the Grey Family, Yan Liqiang found that many guards beside Sun Bingchen were standing on both sides of the gate, and each one was silent, but they all looked at themselves riding on the horse with admiration.

The normal old man in Lujiaji’s home, and a group of men and men with fierce expression in the gray family, are also on both sides of the road, their eyes widened, and they looked at themselves with amazing eyes.

At this time, Yan Liqiang really felt a bit like a lonely hero returning triumphantly.

The hips of the rhinoceros just stepped into the gray house set, slowed down a little bit, and immediately an active guard standing at the gate of the city came over, holding the reins of the rhinoceros and walking in front to lead Yan Liqiang … …

Yan Liqiang had never thought about such treatment before.

Yan Liqiang didn’t look back just after he walked out, but he heard the sound of amazement from a bunch of men in the Grey Family.

“I did n’t expect that there would be such a hero next to your grandson Sun. One person would scare the hundreds of black wind robbers with one bow …”

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