Silver Overlord Chapter 222: Enemies

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There is a large birch forest in the hills. There are many vegetation in the birch forest. There are large shrubs, some grasslands, sea buckthorn and a few wild walnuts.

Yan Liqiang put his bow on his back, holding a short knife in his hand, chopping through thorns and thorns, and carefully traversing through the hills. The area of ​​this hill is very large. The hillside is undulating and the ravines are vertical and horizontal. Although he saw the black spot of the owl falling into the hill from a distance, but after entering this area, he really I realized that if you want to find another owl or a hidden person in this hill, let alone find a needle in a haystack. At least it is similar to a needle in a pond.

At this time, Yan Liqiang ’s super vision has played a big role.

Under the faint light of the stars and the moon, others may have blackened their eyes in such terrain, but Yan Liqiang can still see the surrounding environment through that little light.

Yan Liqiang has been in this hilly area for more than an hour.

The soft legs have a little strength, and the burning lungs also slowly cool down, but Yan Liqiang still feels a little qi deficiency. After all, his physical strength is not infinite. This long-distance running, let his Physical strength is already on the verge of overdraft.

It is still inexperienced. If you come out this time, you should bring some food with calorie supplements …

Yan Liqiang was wandering in the forest while whispering in his heart. When he and Liang Yijie and a **** rushed out of the gray house set inn, he did not expect so many things to happen in the back Accidental situation, he would finally come here alone …

Yan Liqiang ’s clothes had already been damaged a lot after he had blocked Aligujin before, and he wandered around in the forest for a while. His clothes and pants were worn by those in the forest. The thorns and fine thorns rubbed several times. The clothes of this body already have the potential to be converted into beggars …

When passing by a stream in the forest, I saw that the stream in the stream was clear, and there were a few fishes wandering in the stream. Yan Liqiang rushed to the edge of the stream at once. In the stream, he grunted and drank.

Yan Liqiang’s exhaustion was washed away a lot by the cold water. This is the survival experience of his last life. When he is tired or hungry, as long as he drinks enough water, he can feel tired and hungry. The weight is reduced a lot, this is a way to restore physical strength when there is no way.

Drinking a gulp of water, the swollen and full stomach makes Yan Liqiang’s body suddenly have an illusion of fullness, and some of the minerals in this natural stream also follow the stomach. Absorbed and entered Yan Liqiang’s body, which brought Yan Liqiang a little bit of nutrients. As for the water, he quickly replenishes the water lost by Yan Liqiang’s long-distance running …

Yan Liqiang, who has recovered a lot of physical strength, is about to climb up from the creek. Suddenly, his two ears moved, and his face suddenly showed a surprised look …

In the silent night breeze, a voice came, and that voice seemed to … seemed to be … the call of yellow hair …

Yan Liqiang stood up all at once, he listened carefully, and then ran down the stream along the direction of the stream.

After running for more than two hundred meters, the creek flows down from a gentle hillside, and below that hillside is a large piece of yellow splendens splendens with a height of one person. stand up.

Yan Liqiang inserted the short knife into the scabbard, took the horned python bow in his hand, the cat leaned on the waist, and among the grass, crouched quietly and touched in the direction of the yellow hair cry.

A few minutes later, a tent appeared more than 50 meters in front of Yan Liqiang …

More than ten rhinoceros horses, and three large carriages parked outside the tent. Each of the three carriages has a carport, which looks gorgeous, used to carry people, and two The carriage is open, it should be used to pull goods, there are many things like salute on the carriage.

At first glance, these people appear to be a caravan of Satu people.

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sp; A group of Satu people are moving things on the carriage.

Among those things moved by the Satu people, there are a few iron cages containing animals. There are three eagles and a vulture in the iron cage. The owl that Yan Liqiang saw just now is also in the iron cage. And the eagles and vultures also gave Yan Liqiang a sense of similarity, which seemed to have been seen in the sky a few days ago.

Huang Mao was also in one of the iron cages, twirling anxiously, whining and whining in his mouth.

A Shatuo had just put his hand on the Huangmao iron cage. He wanted to move the cage to a bullock cart. He was bitten by Huangmao’s hand, and the blood was dripping with blood. With a scream, he withdrew his hand at once. In anger, he suddenly withdrew his machete from the waist. A Satyr next to him saw it and walked over directly. The face of the Shatu people with scimitar reprimanded loudly with Shatu words.

Yan Liqiang did n’t understand Sati, but from the loud reprimand of the Sati people, he barely understood a few words.

Sacrifice … found … strange dogs … vigorously … caught … to be brought back …

The reprimanded Shaturen did not dare to say anything, just nodded in horror, then returned the knife to the scabbard, and finally found a wooden stick, crossed the iron cage with the yellow face, and then and Another Satu people together lifted the iron cage into a carriage …

Sacrifice? What sacrifice? Did you hear it wrong or didn’t hear it clearly …

Yan Liqiang ’s small heart thumped, and he intuitively told him that he seemed to have caught a big fish here, but the fish was too big, and he would swallow himself if he did n’t. I dare to determine whether I can eat it, because the people who can find and catch yellow hair in the wilderness are definitely not ordinary people. Yan Liqiang feels that these sand people are extraordinary, even if they are standing outside the tent to guard Suddenly, in terms of breath, it is also much stronger than the black wind bandit he encountered today …

Yan Liqiang licked his lips, quickly turning various thoughts in his mind.

As Yan Liqiang turned around in various years, the curtain of the tent was opened at once. Two of them were dressed in dark red Satu costumes and covered with braids, one fat and one thin. The two Satu people came out of the tent. The two Satu people who walked out of the tent glanced around and saw that there was nothing abnormal around them. Then they each extended a hand and lifted the tent curtain again. Then one wore a black burqa, with a cold and mysterious breath, white hair tied with bleak white beads, skin on his face like a dry bark, and a strange flame on his forehead. The decorated old man came out of the tent …

The old man who finally walked out of the tent said two Satu words. A few Satu people around him started to pack up the tent and seemed to want to leave here …

The distance is too close, only more than 50 meters away. Once the first arrow is fired by yourself, if the Satu people react and rush over, they can shoot at most two more arrows and they will be surrounded by these Satu people. I do n’t know how the strength of the old man ~ ~ It looks like a cow. The two Satu people next to the old man seem to be very strong. They are definitely masters above the samurai. , I’m afraid it’s hard to escape …

Yan Liqiang did n’t expect to find himself in a dilemma while discovering what he was looking for.

Yan Liqiang in the grass gritted his teeth, looked at the yellow hair in the cage and the strange old man of the Satu, and was quickly analyzing the situation in front of him, deciding whether to do it or not. , How can you save your life after you do it …

Yan Liqiang just hesitated for a while, not far away, but suddenly changed suddenly…

A loud roar in the air, two arrows, suddenly flew out of a grass two hundred meters away, and at the same time went straight to the face of the old Satu man …

Just when the two arrows are about to pierce the brain hole of the old Satu man …

Bang, a weird flame suddenly appeared beside the old Shatuo man, covering the old Shatuo man like an eggshell, and the two arrows hit the flame. , Burning all at once, and then crushing …

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