Silver Overlord Chapter 213: True face

, update the latest chapter of Silver Overlord as soon as possible!

Even if there are too many people, once there is no guts and courage, it is a group of people who are destined to be harvested!

At this time, Yan Liqiang felt that he was not chasing people, but chasing a group of rabbits.

In the northwestern states, murderous ruthless gangsters, in front of Yan Liqiang, became a group of weak chickens.

He rides on a rhinoceros horse, just like hunting, every time he draws a bow and his arrow is off the string, he can shoot a black wind robber running in front of him from the horse, and he has fallen on the ground heavily. When the black wind bandit was shot from immediately, the other black wind bandits were even more terrified, just like the dog of the bereavement. In front of Yan Liqiang, he even had no courage to look back.

Every scream that came from behind, every sharp sound of breaking the sky, and every trembling of the bowstring, made their bodies tremble involuntarily, becoming their lingering nightmare.

The people of Gongdao Mietian have not seen these gangsters. In fact, their head was killed by Yan Liqiang ’s first arrow, which is the practice of Gongdao Mietian. Because of this, the talent was given a heavy responsibility , With two hundred black wind bandits here to plug their loopholes in Langya Valley.

However, although their head is a three-fold practice of Gongdao, they ca n’t use such a strong bow. That person ’s bow is only two stones, and can be compared with Yan Liqiang at close range, but the distance is one pull Far away, that person had not even touched Yan Liqiang’s hair, and became Yan Liqiang’s first sacrifice today.

A strong bow and a quasi-head with a hundred shots, such a person, on the battlefield, can become a nightmare for all fighters.

What scares those black wind bandits even more is the general nightmare, they still have to wake up, and the nightmare they encountered today, from the beginning, there was no plan to wake them up, this nightmare, It has become their deepest nightmare. Because Yan Liqiang started from the battle, using a strong bow that could kill people thousands of kilometers away, he could tirelessly break the bow and shoot arrows constantly, after shooting a pot of arrows and a pot of arrows, just like using That kind of strong bow does not take the same amount of effort. Such a person has exceeded the understanding and understanding of these gangsters, and even let them never heard of it. Under normal circumstances, people who use a strong bow of more than five stones, In a short period of time, being able to open the bow ten times is already remarkable. The one who can open the bow and shoot more than one pot of arrows is already a superman. From the beginning to the present, the arrows shot from Yan Liqiang ’s hands have already More than three pots, the companions of their two hundred people, almost half of them died in the hands of the same person. Such a person is no longer a person, but a devil, a devil who devours their lives and flesh and blood on the battlefield.

“Sagandan …”

The terrified black wind bandits, when the wolves are running away, some people ca n’t help but make such a scream.

“Uh …” The first black wind bandit who made an exclamation just screamed and was pierced by a sharp arrow through his throat. The whole person fell backwards, although the body of the black wind bandit had fallen. On the ground, but one foot was still hanging on the stirrup, dragged by the rhinoceros horse and ran wildly on the ground. In the blink of an eye, half of the body was rubbing flesh and blood on the ground, leaving a dark red mark on the ground.

This made the remaining black wind bandits even more terrified. The collective escape finally turned into a complete disintegration. Each black wind bandit began to gallop toward all the places where he could escape, and never had the courage to look back. .

What these gangsters do n’t know is that their final collapse has left them a way of life.

Yan Liqiang was originally going to chase behind the **** to kill these black winds directly, but what Yan Liqiang did n’t expect was that these black wind thieves collapsed at this time, but at the same time he could n’t help him with all the black winds. The thieves all stopped. Although the war bow in his hand was powerful, he had no avatar. He could only stare at the black wind robber who chased the most.


After just ten minutes, when Yan Liqiang ’s bow string trembled again, a blood burst finally burst on the back of the last black figure on the hillside two hundred meters away in front of him. Falling to the ground, Yan Liqiang’s eyes finally cleared.

“Liu Law …” Wu Yun Gaixue hissed, his forward body stood up suddenly, and then smashed his front hooves to the ground with a bang, and stopped.

Yan Liqiang looked back,->> , the latest chapter of Silver Overlord was updated as soon as possible!

Sun Bingchen and his party have been left behind by him, and there are still a few black spots in the surrounding wilderness, but the distance between those black spots and him is already a bit far away.

“Li Qiang …” Liang Yijie, who was also blood-stained, urged the horse to run over and looked at Yan Liqiang with a complex eye that Yan Liqiang had never seen, especially on the horned python bow in Yan Liqiang’s hand. After a short stay, “Adult is still behind, let’s go back first …”

“Okay!” Yan Li emphasized that he turned his horse’s head and rushed towards the place where Sun Bingchen was standing with Liang Yijie.

Yan Liqiang had just chased after those black wind bandits, and Liang Yijie followed. But along the way, it was the horned python bow in Yan Liqiang ’s hands that really made those black wind robbers go to death. Although the martial arts are high-strength, but the distance from those black wind robbers, even the highest martial arts are useless.

Liang Yijie didn’t ask Yan Liqiang’s Gongdao cultivation behavior, and Yan Liqiang did not say that the two sides rode the rhinoceros horses and ran back quickly.

Yan Liqiang suddenly called Liang Yijie when he saw the body of a black wind bandit, “Brother Liang, wait a moment …”

Liang Yijie also stopped the horse. Yan Liqiang rode the horse and used the horned python bow to pick up the black wind robber ’s face covering the face. Under the face, there was a pale and twisted Satu His face caught Yan Liqiang’s eyes at once.

“Satu people …” Liang Yijie also exclaimed slightly.

From the battle between the two sides to the present, these black wind bandits all covered their faces and said nothing. Although Liang Yijie just killed more than one black wind bandit in the battle just now, he did not expect these black wind bandits to be actually sandstorm people.

“Sure enough …” Yan Liqiang exhaled. When he heard these black wind thieves call out “Sagodan …”, he felt strange because “Sagandan …” In the language of the Shatu people, it means the devil. I did not expect that these black wind bandits are really Shatu people.

The main reason why the black wind bandit is frightening in the northwestern states is that there is basically no one who can survive their caravans or travellers. The black wind bandit has always been a collective action. And they almost never leave a live mouth on their hands, nor leave their bodies. They wear black facial tissues and black clothes every time they are dispatched, and completely cover their bodies. Few people have really seen them. Their true face, those who had the privilege of seeing their face, almost became dead bones.

On the way back, I saw the body of the black wind bandit on the road, Liang Yijie checked it, and the inspection results were exactly the same as Yan Liqiang ’s first discovery-these black wind bandits, almost without exception, are all sand. Suddenly.

When Yan Liqiang returned to Sun Bingchen, he clearly felt that everyone, including Sun Bingchen, had a different view of him, especially the guards around Sun Bingchen, so to speak, the eyes of those guards watching Liang Yijie were What kind of things, then, at this time, the eyes of those guards looking at Yan Liqiang are even more, even more respected and amazed.

The body of the Black Wind Bandit is everywhere ~ ~ An unowned rhinoceros horse wanders in the wilderness, and there is a **** breath everywhere in the wilderness that has been killed. Breath, with the night wind blowing across the earth, drifting everywhere, the wild wolves in the nearby wilderness have been recruited, and the wild wolves began to swim on the edge of the battlefield, slowly trying to get closer … …

In the battle just now, Sun Bingchen ’s guards injured more than 30 people and killed more than 20 people. Many of the faces that were still alive before the blink of an eye are already there. Became pale and lost the temperature of life.

A thick and sad atmosphere shrouded here.

The hoods of the black wind bandits were all pulled down. All the black wind bandits, without exception, were all Satu.

Yan Liqiang gritted his teeth, dismounted the horse, and, together with other guards, put the bodies of the guards who had just died in battle on the rhinoceros and immediately tied them up. Ryoma took it all, and then continued to rush towards the target market town.


Just a few minutes after they left here, Yan Liqiang arrived at the roaring cavalry in the roar of iron hoofs.

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