Silver Overlord Chapter 190: Feel

On the evening of December 18th, Ye Tiancheng of Pingxi County was arrested. On the 19th, a notice was posted, and the entire Pingxi County was alarmed. That is, on this day, the inspection made Sun Bingchen officially move from Chu Family Manor When he arrived at Pingxicheng County Shoufu, he personally sat in the county government, while Ye Tiancheng and his gangsters were put in custody in Pingxi City.

In order to stabilize the situation in Pingxi City, Huangfu Qianqi made an order on the night of the 18th and night, and transferred three camps from the counties under Pingxi County to Pingxi City. What’s more, Gong Ziying, who is stationed in Gong Tieshan in Huanglong County, was also transferred to Pingxi City.

In addition to these, the tenth battalion soldiers stationed and defended near Pingxi City have also made some adjustments. The sergeants from the four battalions originally stationed outside the city have entered the city Several important junctions near the people’s gathering area have already dispatched heavy soldiers to prevent the Shatu people from taking advantage of the chaos.

As for everything after the capture of Ye Tiancheng, Sun Bingchen was already in the chest. Everything was arranged in an orderly manner, and he prepared and handled various contingencies. It was precisely because of this that he learned of Ye Tiancheng on the 19th After being arrested and detained by the inspector, the entire Pingxi city was completely unscathed, and everything was very calm.

For the majority of the people in Pingxi City, they do n’t really care who is doing such a big job as the county guard. They only care about their livelihoods and lives. As long as their livelihoods and lives are not affected, many so-called The big event, in their eyes, was nothing more than a chat after dinner. Recently, the word of mouth of Ye Family and Ye Tiancheng has fallen to the bottom of the valley in Pingxi City because of the matter of the county guardian. Although Ye Tiancheng pushed the Wang Family of Huanglong County to carry all the pots and desperately washed himself, The perception and recognition in the hearts of ordinary people are not so easy to reverse completely, and no one is a fool—your son has done so many sins in Pingxi City, you who say that your son is a bad person If you bring it bad, you don’t know it at all. Who believes?

In addition to this, in recent years, the Shatu people have become more arrogant and more unscrupulous in Pingxi City. You Ye Tiancheng, as a county guard, has nothing to do, and continues to help the Shatu people ’s arrogance and indulge everywhere. Baohu, all of this, the people are completely in the eyes, this time your son has something wrong, there are Shatu people involved, so the notice was announced, saying that Ye Tiancheng colluded with the Shatu people, bullying the treason, peaceful The people in Xicheng all applauded, and all felt happy, running around to tell each other, almost half of those who called for Qu Tiancheng could not find it.

In this case, how could Pingxi City be messed up.

Yan Liqiang did n’t know it until two days later, that is, on the same night, Ganzhou Tsreez also set up a bureau to arrest the other “two leaves” among the “three leaves” of the Ye family-Ganzhou criminal arrest. Yamen was sentenced to Ye Tianhao and Ye Tianfa, the governor of the governor’s office in Weiyuan County, Ganzhou, was arrested. The accusation is also to collude with the Shatu people and to deceive the king and treason the country. After Ye Ye San Ye was all paved, the entire Ye Family had become a pot of congee. On the 19th, Ganzhou Lian Shi Lei Si led a 20,000-strong army, raided more than 400 miles, broke into Weiyuan County, and surrounded Yejiabao.

Compared with what happened in Pingxi City, what happened in Weiyuan County at this moment is really a big scene that shakes a state.

Yan Liqiang, who was in one of the whirlpools, was in a whirlpool when the great changes took place in Ganzhou, but he just laid back and had nothing to do.

Yan Liqiang also knows that he is too young, not strong, and does not have any prestige. In the eyes of others, he is even a hairy kid. At this time, his own cleverness and cleverness are completely insignificant. Sun Bingchen does not arrange things for him. I am also reasonable. Because true trust in one’s abilities and character can never be established within a day, Yan Liqiang is not in a hurry.

Maybe others will inevitably lose in Yan Liqiang ’s position, always wanting to show, but for Yan Liqiang, he has nothing to lose, and he does n’t want to put any big garlic in front of Sun Bingchen. After moving to the county guard, he even Without contacting the outside world and his family, if Sun Bingchen and Liang Yijie didn’t arrange things for him, he would simply practice in the small courtyard where he lived, either practicing the Yijin Xijing, or “Ten Dragons and Ten Elephants” and “Jin Bell Guarding Divine Skills. In the evening, I wandered around in the heavenly realm and continued my cultivation career in Jian Shenzong.

In this kind of practice, in just a few days, no matter in reality or in the realm of heaven and earth, his Dantian Qihai is like a dry lake, which is slowly being cultivated by the truth. The qi is enriched and nourished, and the qi feeling in Dantian Qihai is getting stronger and stronger, and his “Golden Bell Protection Body Skill”, which he cultivated, gradually has some special feelings.

Yan Liqiang ’s performance in the past few days fell in the eyes of Sun Bingchen. Sun Bingchen nodded secretly. Sun Bingchen originally thought that a young man like Yan Liqiang would be more lively and hard to calm down. It is easy to leak at this time, but I didn’t expect Yan Liqiang to be so steady. It didn’t look like a teenager. It really felt reassuring.


On December 22, early in the morning, because Sun Bingchen did not arrange anything here, just after finishing the morning class and eating breakfast, Yan Liqiang returned to his small courtyard and was working under a pine tree in the courtyard. The arranging of iron arm and iron palm in the Golden Bell Body Protection Skill, patted his arms and palms rhythmically on the trunk of the pine tree. The yellow hair at the entrance of the small courtyard yelled warily.

Yan Liqiang stopped when he heard Huang Mao ’s cry, knowing that Liang Yijie was coming, and then put his sleeves down.

“Li Qiang, this dog you raised is also too clever. It is just a guard at the door!” Liang Yijie’s voice came before the person arrived.

“Brother Liang!”

“Well, are you okay now …”

“It’s okay, I’m moving my muscles …” Yan Liqiang smiled.

“Are you tired of being idle here these days?”

“It’s not too boring. I can’t do much to help the adults in the past few days, so don’t mess up!”

“Hahaha …” Liang Yijie smiled and nodded. “I just came from the grown-up, and the grown-up nodded your name. I just praised you, saying that you have a quiet breath in case of trouble. I ’m going out to do things together and have a try! ”

“Okay!” Yan Liqiang didn’t even ask what he was doing. He simply put on a coat and left Huang Mao in the small courtyard. He wore a long sword, and followed Liang Yijie out of the county guard House.

The guards of more than ten people beside Sun Bingchen were already waiting at the door. When Liang Yijie and Yan Liqiang came out, all the people got on the horse, and then the more than ten people rushed out of the city.

“Brother Liang, what are we going to do?” Until this time, Yan Liqiang asked Liang Yijie a question.

“Go to Ye Tiancheng’s doghouse …”

Yan Liqiang was shocked when he heard Liang Yijie’s words, and he knew where he was going.

Ye Tiancheng ’s residence in Pingxi City is superficially in Junshou Mansion, with the public hall in front of the Junshou Mansion and his residence in the back. In fact, outside of Pingxi City, Ye Tiancheng has a relatively secret There are not many people who know.

In this line of people in public clothes, riding a rhinoceros horse with a sword and a sword on the streets of Pingxi City ~ ~ is very rage, everywhere you go, everywhere you pay attention, along the street The people heard the sound of horseshoes, and quickly ran out the horses one by one. Yan Liqiang walked all the way, and all he heard was “Wow …” “This is the guard around the inspector, Mr. Sun …” “All It’s a hero … “and” It’s Ye Tiancheng that they took down the dog officer … “This kind of exclamation and praise.

Although riding a rhinoceros horse, that feeling is more awe-inspiring than sitting in a Lamborghini on the street.

Listening to the admiration of the people along the street, watching the respectful eyes of the people along the street, the guards around Sun Bingchen raised their heads and raised their chests one by one, making a majestic look, and the first time to experience this scene. Yan Liqiang, but felt a strange heat flow surging in his chest, this feeling, more than his first life to achieve department first, get the company’s highest bonus more throbbing him, than he got the top three At the first time, the feeling of being noticed is more enthusiastic …

One is for oneself, one is for the people …

This feeling made Yan Liqiang riding on the rhinoceros horse a bit dazed, and vaguely, Yan Liqiang seemed to understand something …

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