Silver Overlord Chapter 14: Change slowly

In the days after, Yan Liqiang in the artillery camp did not show any abnormalities.

Three meals a day, he did n’t ask the servants of the craftsman camp to come and give him meals, but like other people in the craftsman camp, they appeared together in the cafeteria, eat together, and eat what others eat. When he was eating, he chatted with others, and after eating, he went to various yards to see how the craftsmen built and made various weapons, and consulted with the craftsmen. Occasionally, They will also go to the yard where the soldiers live to watch the soldiers train.

Yan Liqiang treats people with courtesy, and does not show the status of the nephew of the camp prisoner. He called from the uncle to his uncle all day long. Even the ordinary craftsmen and servants of the artillery camp were treated with courtesy. In this case, in just a few days, Yan Liqiang became acquainted with the people in the arts and crafts camp, and they became a complete match. Where did they go? All smiles.

Qian Su also paid attention to Yan Liqiang in the first two days. When he found that Yan Liqiang was as free and at home in the artillery camp as he was at home, he stopped paying attention. Anyway, Yan Liqiang was in the artillery camp Zhong could not turn the sky, so he followed him, and Qian Su himself often ran towards Huanglong County, often unable to see him in one day, and sometimes even stayed at night, the entire artisan camp knew the money The prison supervisor went to the affair again.

After a few days of getting acquainted with the people in the craftsmanship camp, no one really paid attention to what Yan Liqiang did in the craftsmanship camp. Everyone felt that Yan Liqiang was not the kind of person who did n’t know how to love and make trouble It is also Qian Su ’s nephew. In this case, naturally no one will interfere and pay attention to what Yan Liqiang is doing. Yan Liqiang often runs on the mountain every day. It is also understood as a young man ’s heart, and no one cares. Yan Liqiang did not set fire to the whole mountain.

Of course, all this is just the surface, but in fact, Yan Liqiang ’s life in the artillery camp these days is different. Others think that Yan Liqiang is wandering in the artillery camp, but Yan Liqiang is not at all. Did not relax his practice.

The painful experience of being beaten down by Hong Tao from the ring, and the fact of avoiding disasters in Huanglong County, made Yan Liqiang’s heart always stretch a string, did not relax at all, but began to practice harder.

Two months later, it was the official Guoshu County Examination. Although he failed in the initial examination, because of his excellent performance in Liuhe Town, he still has the qualification to participate in the official examination, even if there is no threat from the Hong family. In order to achieve a good ranking in this national martial arts exam, Yan Liqiang also has to strive forward, because this is not only related to his personal future, but also condenses his father’s ardent expectations of him for more than ten years.

In the past exercise courses of Yan Liqiang, there is no purpose of the lesson “Enhancing Yijin Washing Inner Practicing Diagram”, but now, I found the “Fengyi Yijin Washing Inner Practicing Diagram” theory After his power, Yan Liqiang regarded the practice of “Enhancing the Essence of Yijin’s Innervation of the Marrow” as the main subject of his daily exercise.

Every day, Yan Liqiang gets up when the sun is not bright, and starts to practice “Enhancing Yijin Washing Inner Practicing Diagram” in the yard. It takes about two hours to practice “Enhancing Yijin Washing Intramedullary Techniques”. Yan Liqiang is in After practicing again, he practiced Tiger Roar and Chain Fist several times, and he just went to the artisan camp for breakfast, so he went to eat breakfast.

After having breakfast, he will hang out in the craftsmanship camp for a while, then he will go up the mountain and continue to practice “Increase in Yijin’s Theory of Washing the Marrow”, this time, before eating lunch, he can Completed the practice of “Enhancing Yijin’s Theory of Washing Inner Marrow Skills” twice.

And after lunch, he took the opportunity to take a lunch break and read a book, and then returned to his attic, until before dinner, he could practice “Increase in Yijin Washing the Inner Power” two or three times.

After dinner, he stayed with the craftsman for a little longer, and then he returned to the small courtyard, began to squat intently, and became the basis of the samurai until he went to bed.

Just like this, Yan Liqiang spent more than ten hours a day in the craftsmanship camp, practicing five or six times in “Essence of Yijin Washing the Inner Pills”.

Yan Liqiang did n’t dare to tell anyone the secret of “Increased Essence of Inner Muscle Washing”, because the effect of this cheat was really terrifying. The so-called bibimbap, once leaked out, Yan Liqiang knew he could not come Guarding this secret, I am afraid that those around me will suffer.

And with daily practice, Yan Liqiang slowly discovered that almost every time he practiced “Increased Yijin’s Inner Practice of Washing the Marrow”, he could feel that his body became more and more energetic. A treasure trove was opened in his body, and the endless energy was like a spring flowing out of the ground, and it came out of his body continuously.

On the third day when he started to practice this exercise formally, Yan Liqiang found that he had no worries for the first time when he got up in the morning to practice martial arts.

Although Yan Liqiang has developed the habit of getting up and practicing martial arts at around 5 am every day, as a 14-year-old boy who is growing up, to be honest, from the time he started to practice martial arts until now, he gets up at this time every morning They are still a little sleepy. The warm bed still has a huge attraction for him. It is not a pleasant thing to get up at this time every day. The reason why he can insist on getting up at this time every day depends on his own Will and the habit that Dad has developed under long-term supervision, he must bite his teeth to get himself up, and then through washing and exercise to make the body quickly excited and enter the state.

But this time, on the third day of Yan Liqiang ’s formal practice of “Enhancing Yijin’s Theory of Washing Inner Mud,” when his biological clock woke him up at that time, Yan Liqiang felt that he had no trouble. Italy ~ ~ was replaced with a strong energy and a clear mind in his body, and the warm blanket didn’t appeal to him instantly.

Then, in just a few days, Yan Liqiang discovered that a series of changes had begun to appear on his body.

First of all, the quality of sleep has become better, the speed of falling asleep has become faster, and there will be no more dreams during sleep. Every time I sleep, I feel very comfortable.

Secondly, Yan Liqiang found that his meal was slowly increasing, the whole person’s appetite was wide open, and everything he eats felt special. For lunch and supper, if his quantity was only three bowls per meal before, In just a few days, his meal volume has increased by 30%, and it has become four bowls. There is even a tendency to increase …

Finally, the most obvious change is that Yan Liqiang found that his physical qualities are improving rapidly, especially his body strength. It seems that he is increasing every day. The most obvious manifestation of this change is He practiced boxing and squatting every day, especially squatting.

Before this injury, Yan Liqiang practiced horse riding for these years. Every time he squats, he can stick to the body for more than an hour and begin to shake the bran-like jitters. After that, from the fourth day, Yan Liqiang found that his time for squatting seems to be increasing. At the beginning, it was not obvious. After two days, Yan Liqiang found that he was getting more and more relaxed every time. The time of perseverance also obviously became longer, increasing day by day, which was originally the most difficult basic skill. Slowly, it seemed to become relaxed, but just a few days, he squat The amount of time that can be sustained has changed from more than one hour to two hours, and it has doubled in a flash …

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