Silver Overlord Chapter 136: Sounding East

Yan Liqiang did n’t wait on the tree, just for a while. In the yard in front of him, a light was on, and countless Satu people started yelling.

He squinted his eyes and looked at the scene of the Satu people ’s courtyard from the gap between the lush foliage of the tree. Everything was the same as he imagined, just a moment of kung fu. , Dressed in clothes, with a strong physique, and a sandman with a big beard came out of a room in that yard.

The Shatu people seemed to have just been awakened from their sleep. He roared, and the Shatu people in the entire courtyard quieted down.

Looking at the fire in the distant warehouse, the face of the outgoing Satu suddenly changed, and after a roar in Satu in a grunt, the man had no time to wear his clothes, so he took a large yard The ticket satu took a bucket and other fire-fighting things and rushed towards the warehouse on fire in the distance.

This time, apart from leaving five or six Satu people in the yard, the other Satu people almost rushed to the warehouse.

The Shatu people who were just over 50 years old were the leaders of the Shatu people in Pingxi City, called Aligujin. For this name, more than 99% of the ethnic Chinese in Pingxi City are somewhat Unfamiliar, many Chinese even think that the Shatu people gathered in Pingxi City have no leaders. They think that the Shatu people in the city are all from the various caravans in the seven departments of the Shatu. They are not related to each other, but they are really wrong. .

A few decades ago, when the Shatu people in Pingxi City were not as large as they are today, the Shatu people in the city were indeed like that. The Shatu people in the city came from various commerce of the seven departments of Shatu. The teams are indeed not related to each other, but the situation of the Shatu people in Pingxi City has changed dramatically since more than a decade ago.

The Shatu people from the Uli Ministry among the seven Shatuu troops have the most power and the largest number of people in Pingxi City. In the end, the Ulibu among the seven Shatutu departments regard Pingxi City as their home stadium. All the Shatu people who came to Pingxi City were commanded and commanded by the Uli Ministry.

This is an agreement and compromise between the Shatu people. Outsiders have no way of knowing that Aligujin is the noble of the Uli Ministry among the seven Shatu.

The Shatu people are self-contained in Pingxi City and they are very closed. It is impossible for the Chinese in the city to get involved in the life circle of the Shatu people. In addition, the Shatu people are deliberately keeping their internal situation secret, so In general, the understanding and impression of the Satu people in Pingxi City remained as it was a decade ago.

Ye Tiancheng, the governor of Pingxi County, knew a little bit about the situation of the Shatu people in the city. That ’s because the Ganzhou Haomen Ye Family and Shatu Qibu have many unseen cooperations and businesses. Tuqibu’s liaison with Ye Tiancheng in Pingxi City.

If it were n’t for the previous soul-travel experience, and I saw too many secret things in Pingxi City, Yan Liqiang could not know these things between the Shatu people.

And for Ye Family and Ye Tiancheng, Yan Liqiang finally understood the truth. The greatest harm to a country and nation is not those enemies who stand in the face of fierce fire, but hide inside this country, Holding the power, but for the sake of his own self, he is doing dog officials and those dirty giants who betray the state and national interests. These dog officials and the so-called giants are the sores and cancer cells of a country. They will not be squeezed out and cut off. Sooner or later, they will devour all the vitality of a country and will push countless civilians. Into the fire pit that is irreversible.


After seeing Ali Gujin rushing towards the warehouse with a bunch of Satu people, it is estimated that they have reached the warehouse, Yan Liqiang finally moved, he fell down the tree like a cat, and then In the blink of an eye, I crossed the street of tens of meters and came to the wall of the yard. I suddenly turned over the wall like a big bird.

The man is still in the air, Yan Liqiang’s hand is already touching his waist, and while turning over his body, four darts flew out of his hand one after another, and the four Satu guards were guarding in the courtyard Without a hum, he was hit by Yan Liqiang’s darts and fell to the ground.

Yan Liqiang kept rushing towards the inner house as long as he was in shape.

Crossing a corridor, just around the corner at the end of the corridor, twenty meters away, the sound of two Satu people speaking and footsteps came.

Yan Liqiang drew out two flying needles again, reached out a wave, and the two flying needles flew out of his hand. After flying out for 20 meters, at the corner, the two flying needles turned one strangely. Bend, the voice of the two Satu people instantly disappeared …

When the flying needle was thrown out, Yan Liqiang ’s figure kept on going, and he continued to rush forward. When he rushed over the corner, the two stiff Shatu guards fell straight down to the front, Yan Liqiang The two flying needles thrown just hit the position between the chest and abdomen of the two people.

Pull out the two flying needles from the two people quickly and put them away, and then use a short sword to wipe the necks of the two Shatu people.

Not far away from this corridor, there was a room. Yan Liqiang rushed to the room, pushing the door of the room open without thinking, and broke into the room.

The outside of the house is a meeting place, and the inside of the house is a bedroom.

When Yan Liqiang walked in, a voluptuous Satu woman was wearing a thin pajamas and was sitting in front of the dressing table. When she heard the sound of opening the door, she turned her head to face Yan Liqiang …

Before the panic turned into screaming in the eyes of the Satu woman, Yan Liqiang stepped in and cut the palm of the woman’s neck with a palm. The woman fell to the dresser and fainted.

Yan Liqiang came under the bed in the bedroom, reached out and touched the position under the bed, and finally felt a switch. When he pressed hard, a dark compartment under the bed in the bedroom opened.

Pull out the dark grid, where a wooden box two feet long and about one foot wide is placed in the dark grid. When you open the wooden box, the wooden box is dazzling.

In the wooden box, there are a lot of various jewels, gems, and a stack of thick silver tickets. Yan Liqiang did not even think about it, so he poured all these things on the black suitcase he was carrying. Packed well.

After installing these, Yan Liqiang knocked on the bottom of the wooden box, tossed through the wooden box a few times, and pulled a mezzanine from the bottom of the wooden box.

In the mezzanine, there is a large black palm bottle sealed with wax, a book wrapped in silk cloth, and two pieces of pigeon eggs, which are as bright and shiny as the dove ’s eggs. The famous thing, and a metal cylinder more than half a foot long …

Yan Liqiang does n’t know what these things are, but what can be hidden in the middle of the box must be more valuable than the jewelry and silver tickets on it. He did n’t want to think about it, so he packed all these things in. In his rucksack.

In just two minutes, Yan Liqiang has swept all the things in the dark box under the bed.

Last glance in the room, Yan Liqiang left the room quickly and left the room. After half a minute, Yan Liqiang had turned over the courtyard wall of the mansion and appeared outside.

“Suddenly …” A team of more than ten Satu people held various fire-fighting tools, lanterns, and just turned from a street corner not far away. They seemed to be rushing to fight the fire. When it came out of the courtyard wall, it happened to meet the team of sandmen.

Suddenly–what does that mean in Sati?

Yan Liqiang shot the arrow to answer the Satu.

The flying arrow pierced through the mouth of the Satu, and penetrated through the back of the head, taking the Satu to fly backwards.

The Shatu people next to them shouted at once, and several Shatu people pulled out their scimitars and rushed towards Yan Liqiang.

Yan Liqiang stood on the street, motionless, just opened the bow and fired the arrow with the fastest speed, and shot an average of about two to three arrows per second. Within five or six seconds, this team of Satu, all She was shot on the street, and none of them escaped. The horror of Gong Dao’s cultivation was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

The movement on the street caused more noisy noises around the area, but no more Satu people appeared. Yan Liqiang ’s figure had already fallen into the darkness, like a black shadow. , Rushed towards the Kowloon Bridge.

When running near the Kowloon Bridge, Yan Liqiang already felt the sound of a rhinoceros horse running behind him, and some Satu people had reflected it, riding a horse and chasing around like a net.

Yan Liqiang crossed the river and came to the east of Jiulong Bridge. He went to the roof of a house. After waiting quietly for a while, he saw a group of Satu people riding a rhinoceros horse chasing towards this side.

“Shoot … Shoot … Shoot … Shoot …”

In the dark, the long bow in Yan Liqiang ’s hands is like a life-saver. Before the Shatu people ride horses to chase the Jiulong Bridge, there are people all over the horse, and all the Shatu people are all Yan Liqiang. Shoot off the horse.

Yan Liqiang has been shooting all the remaining twenty arrows from the arrow pot on his body ~ ~ It resulted in the lives of more than twenty Satu people before dropping the long bow and the arrow pot. With a loud voice, he laughed loudly on the roof, and screamed everywhere, “The grandson of Shatu, grandpa crosses the mountain breeze here, don’t kill me, just come and chase, ha ha ha ha …”

After hearing this, the Satu people looked at the pile of corpses in front, but no one dared to cross the Kowloon Bridge again.

Jumping off the roof, Yan Liqiang disappeared like shadows in the deep alleys behind the Kowloon Bridge. After two minutes, he came to the small building he rented and saw no one paying attention. Yan Liqiang suddenly He crossed the fence and turned into his yard.

Going upstairs, closing the window, changing the clothes, and taking off the mask on the face, Yan Liqiang almost couldn’t help but laughed …

Fold away the black suitcase in the room, and Yan Liqiang lay down on the bed …

Just now, he has heard the sound of soldiers and horses running towards Jiulong Bridge in the city.

This time, it’s a lot of fun …

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