Silver Overlord Chapter 133: Lujia Wangjia

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“How could this matter be brought to the Lu family? The mountain breeze itself is a hugely sought-after murderer. He travels alone. The Wang family is not in harmony with the Lu family, but their family cannot die. People, come to the Lu family to find the reason? Perhaps it was the Wang family who offended himself, or it might be that Wang Haofei himself offended the mountain wind, or the mountain wind temporarily saw a fortune, it is also possible! “

“Although the words are good, but there is one more joint!”

“What joint?”

“At this time, you are not afraid of Li Qiang. You know it!” Lu Peien shook his head and smiled bitterly. If Yan Liqiang was just a normal boy, it wouldn’t matter if he told Yan Liqiang, but Yan Liqiang was so smart. The Wang family and the Lu family are so violent about this matter. If you do n’t tell Yan Liqiang now, in the future, Yan Liqiang will know about it himself, and maybe there will be many misunderstandings and problems. The reason, “This matter is also related to Beixin!”

“Why is it related to Miss Lu again?” Yan Liqiang asked knowingly, but he knew all the joints in his heart instantly.

“Beixin also studied at Guoshu Museum before, met Wang Haofei, and then had some contact with Wang Haofei on the back of her family. You do n’t have to think about Li Qiang. Although Peixin had a relationship with Wang Haofei, she always kept It ’s a rule that no overtaking is done. This can be learned … “

“Well, I have met Miss Jiu. Miss Jiu is indeed a man who understands the rules and rules. I also believe that Miss Jiu will not do anything to surpass. Miss Jiu will associate with that Wang Haofei. That Wang Haofei took the initiative and may have an impure purpose … “

“Yes, that’s right!” Lu Pein patted his thigh. “But this thing was still known to the old man. The old man was very angry. When the National Art Museum started school in September, Bei Xin was banned at home and fined. She thought about it behind closed doors, so that she would not be allowed to deal with that surnamed Wang from now on, but that Wang Haofei did not know that when he was killed by a mountain breeze that night, it was on that small island that he was waiting for Beixin, and wanted to communicate with Beixin. When I met, the result was a coincidence. The mountain wind killed him that night. What do you think the Wang family would think? “

The Wang family and the Lu family were originally the rivals of Huanglong County. The Wang family’s man seduced the Lu family’s woman. Secretly, apart from the two parties, the others know very little, what do you think of the Wang family …

“This is indeed not easy to make clear!”

“It ’s not easy to make it clear that our Lu family is in Huanglong County, and we were not afraid of the Wang family. It ’s no big deal. The soldiers came to cover up the water and the earth. If we are desperate, some of our Lu family are desperate people, but this is our Lu family. It ’s inexplicable to insult, but it ’s not worth it. If the Wang family retaliated for this matter, among the descendants of the Lu family, someone will inevitably lose it. Even if we can retaliate back, it will be inevitable to make a big move. Now in Huanglong County The atmosphere of the Wang family and the Lu family is very tense for this. Our Lu family’s children have become more careful when they go out, afraid of being retaliated by the Wang family … “Lu Peien said with a frown on his face.

“I do n’t know how Master Lu is going to deal with it?”

“Grandpa Lu did not want to meet Wang Jiabing Rong for no reason, so he personally wrote a letter to the grandpa of the royal family in the past, but those who heard the letter said that the grandpa of the Wang family did not read the letter Throw the letter in the brazier that burned paper money for Wang Haofei … “

“Wang family is not willing to let go of it!”

“Well, that Wang Haofei has always been regarded by the Wang family as the most outstanding one of the young generation of the Wang family. In the future, it may still inherit the position of the head of the Wang family. It is so dead. “

“How about the royal family now?”

“Naturally, it’s a fist, and people are already invited to help boxing!”

“If there is a place where I need to contribute, Liu Ye will say it!”

Lu Peien laughed, and there was a trace of arrogance in his tone, “Li Qiang, you can concentrate on studying at the Guoshu Museum. Although our Lu family does not want to be involved in this matter inexplicably, fighting with the Wang family, it is absolutely It ’s not that the Wang family can bully, the Wang family can invite people, and our Lu family can also naturally, anyway, we have fought more than once with the Lu family and the Wang family. After all, the Wang Haofei of the Wang family is not our Lu family. Yes, but that Wang Haofei is indeed damn, that person is close to Bei Xin, I am afraid I have no good intentions. I came to the Guoshu Museum this time, that is, I found two familiar masters in the museum. I want to know that Wang Haofei is usually in Guoshu->> , update the latest chapter of Silver Overlord as soon as possible!

Are there any enemies or offenders in the pavilion? Has anyone made a suit for the Lu family in this matter, wanting us to fight against the Wang family … “

“How are the results?”

“I heard that Wang Haofei only walked closer to the master’s son, and rarely appeared in the National Art Museum on weekdays, nor did he offend anyone.”

“Liuye rest assured that I also know a few friends in Guoshu Museum. I usually pay more attention and let a few friends pay attention. If there is any news, I will inform Liuye immediately!”

“Okay!” Lu Pein nodded and looked at Yan Liqiang again, then smiled, “Li Qiang, if you don’t see me, don’t call me Liuye in the future, just like Bei Xin, just call me Sixth brother, six and six, all call me old! “

If Yan Liqiang and Lu Beixin were completed, then it would be really called Lu Peien’s sixth brother. Lu Pei’en made Yan Liqiang change his mouth at this time, which also showed that he recognized Yan Liqiang, and almost already regarded Yan Liqiang as a brother-in-law.

“Li Qiang has seen the sixth brother!” Yan Liqiang stood up directly and gave Lu Pein a solemn ceremony.

Lu Peien smiled, quickly lifted Yan Liqiang, and then took out a short sword towards him and handed it to Yan Liqiang, “This time I came to Pingxi City, I did not prepare anything. This short sword is my first He was accidentally obtained in 2015, named Black Scale. I heard that it was made by an expert with a different kind of fire, and I will give it to Li Qiang today! “

Different fire? This is the second time that Yan Liqiang heard the word. He first heard that there was a kind of strange fire inside the mountain belly of Tianqiao Peak of Jian Shenzong.

Yan Liqiang did not quit, but took the short sword handed over by Lu Pein, and then pulled it out at once.

The sword sheath of the dagger is made of ordinary wood, only the hand guard and the shank are made of iron, and there is no pattern. It looks unpretentious. When I draw out the sword body, I see that the black is not slippery. Yan Liqiang’s unassuming sword body was also slightly stunned.

Lu Peien smiled slightly, took a pair of chopsticks on the table, and did n’t see how hard he used it, but just tapped it gently on the blade with the chopsticks, and the pair of chopsticks were cut in half from the middle. .

The sharpness of this dagger is unimaginable.

“Ah …” Yan Liqiang exclaimed slightly.

“I heard that these things refined by different fires can induce the spirits between heaven and earth during the refining process, and let the spirits between the weather participate in the refining, so all the things made by these different fires are different. Average quality! “

“Six brothers, this is too expensive!”

“This thing has little effect on me, and I am not a warrior. If the Lu family needs someone like me one day to pull the sword and fight desperately, the Lu family will be exhausted. , The so-called sword is given to the hero, this short sword, you just keep it! “

“Then I would like to thank my sixth brother!” Yan Liqiang put away his dagger, “I don’t know what that fire is?”

“What is a strange fire, I have n’t seen it yet, and I do n’t know much about it, but I heard that the strange fire seems to be a strange object bred in heaven and earth. It ’s sharp, and the things created by different fires will have some magical properties. When Li Qiang is in the future, you will be advanced samurai ~ ~ If you have more contacts, you should be able to know … “

“Uh …”


After finishing a meal, Lu Pein also left in a car, but before leaving, he also told Yan Liqiang to have time to visit Lujiazhuang.

After bidding farewell to Lu Pein, Yan Liqiang walked towards the Jiulong Bridge with the black scale dagger in his arms.

On the way, Yan Liqiang thought about Wang Haofei, but he was a little surprised. He didn’t expect that he killed Wang Haofei ahead of time, changed history, and lifted his own crisis. However, Wang Haofei’s death killed Lu and Wang The contradiction intensified, this matter went around, and it was indirectly related to myself. This is really unpredictable …


Yan Liqiang lived in his rented house near Jiulong Bridge for two days in a row. During the day, he either wandered around, hung out, observed, bought something casually, or practiced the Yijing washing in the house. In the evening, he often went out and came back very late, until two days later, on the third day, on the evening of October 30th, the time for Yan Liqiang to wait finally came …

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