Silver Overlord Chapter 125: Become a grandfather

September 1st, the first lesson of the semester in Pingxi County Guoshu Museum, which is also the first class for new students in Guoshu Museum, was held in the large classroom of Guoshu Museum.

Except for the old students, the freshmen who have just entered the school have almost come together. The classroom is full and there are not many vacancies left. The whole classroom is noisy. All the people are a little excited and those around them Someone whispered something, but some people couldn’t help looking around. Everything in front of them was no different from college students taking classes in the school’s ladder classroom on the first day.

Although I already know what this first lesson is about, and I have “experienced” it again, Yan Liqiang is still here.

There are very few freshmen who will not come in the first class of this semester, and Yan Liqiang does n’t want to make himself too eye-catching, so he came. Another important reason is that in the past two days, Yan Liqiang has never known what happened to him. He lives in Wuyang Village. He does n’t even have someone to ask for advice, so he wants to take advantage of today. For this opportunity, go to the National Museum of Art and ask your librarian for advice.

Yan Liqiang took the student ’s identity card to the National Martial Arts Museum and entered the National Martial Arts Museum. When he came to the large classroom, the entire large classroom was almost full.

“Yan Liqiang, here, here …”

While Yan Liqiang was looking around, a person had stood up from a row of chairs at the back of the classroom, shouting Yan Liqiang ’s name aloud, and waving to Yan Liqiang.

It is Shi Dafeng who stands up and greets Yan Liqiang.

Seeing Shi Dafeng’s passionate face, Yan Liqiang’s heart was inexplicably warm. He smiled at Shi Dafeng and then walked towards Shi Dafeng.

Last time, because of his own affairs, Shi Dafeng angrily ripped off the notice posted in the school. He did n’t believe the slandering words that were told to him, and was eventually ordered to withdraw from school by the National Academy of Art. Then he was sent outside by his dad.

Yan Liqiang does n’t have many friends, but this Shi Dafeng can definitely be regarded as one. He is enthusiastic, loyal and responsible. This is Shi Dafeng.

“This is the top three in the top exam in Qingshu County Guoshu County …”

“Wow, so young, at most fourteen or five years old …”

Because of Shi Dafeng ’s shouting, many people in the classroom came to Yan Liqiang, and the noisy classroom suddenly became quiet for a while-as a freshman in Pingxi County Guoshu Museum, many freshmen The top three freshmen are very concerned. Although Yan Liqiang did not show up in the Guoshu Museum in the past few days, his reputation has long gone.

Among all the top three freshmen, Yan Liqiang is the youngest one, so it ’s hard to be noticeable.

Under the attention of many people, Yan Liqiang came to the row where Shi Dafeng sat.

Shen Teng also sat next to Shi Dafeng. Next to Shi Dafeng, there was a place where Yan Liqiang sat.

Last time, Yan Liqiang came with Shi Dafeng. The two people sat together. When Shen Teng came, they sat a few rows away from them. This time, all three people changed their seats. At once, three more people got together.

“I haven’t seen you in a few months, Li Qiang seems to be advancing your practice again, which is really admirable!” Some young and mature Shen Teng turned his head and smiled and greeted Yan Liqiang.

Different from Shi Dafeng ’s enthusiasm and enthusiasm, Shen Teng is always personable, gentle and gentle, as long as he talks with him, he can have a good feeling in his heart. It is naturally different from the past in appearance, so it was noticed by Shen Teng.

Yan Liqiang ’s small heart thumped violently. After reasonably confirming that Shen Teng could not know what happened to him, most of Shen Teng ’s words should be polite and complimenting. Yan Liqiang also laughed. , “Brother Shen does not want to stare at me. My progress in the past two months is nothing. I think that Brother Shen’s progress is the biggest one. If I want to fight next time, I hope Brother Shen will show mercy!”

“I do n’t want to hide it, because Li Qiang was born, you took the first place in the top three, and squeezed me to the second place. In the past two months, I was really forced to retreat by my uncle. I originally thought that the national art exam After that, I can relax for two months, and I can do something I like to do. I didn’t expect this to be a complete bubbling … “Shen Teng sighed and said sadly.

“Okay, okay, do n’t say anything about the past. Just give him the top three, as long as you do n’t regret it, can you say so much!” Shi Dafeng interrupted Shen Teng and looked at Yan Liqiang, “I am still looking for you in these two days …”

“Ah, what did Brother Shi find me?”

“I want to ask if you have found a place to live. In Qinghe County, I also feel that He Liqiang and you have some affinity with Shen Teng, and can say a few words, if the three of us can be together, this It has been interesting in Guoshu Museum for a few years. You can practice together, urge together, fight together … “Shi Dafeng laughed.

Yan Liqiang smiled a little apologetically. Before his crisis was lifted, he did n’t want to involve himself as a friend. “This … I ’m sorry, I ’ve found a place outside the city!”

“Ah, did you live on Sanyuan Street?” Shi Dafeng said disappointedly. “Beside the house I rented, there is a yard empty, even if this guy Shen Teng doesn’t live near the Guoshu Museum, even if Li Qiang also runs so far!”

“One is clean, easy to practice, and the other is to save money. The rent of a yard on Sanyuan Street for three months is estimated to be enough for me to live outside the city for one year!”

“Where do you live in Liqiang?”

“Just in a village near the official road on the west side of Pingxi City …” Yan Liqiang said vaguely. There are more than a dozen villages on the west side of the official road on the west side of Pingxi City. He Shi Dafeng probably knew where he lived.

Qi Donglai was sitting in the nine o’clock direction in front of Yan Liqiang, only ten meters away from Yan Liqiang. Yan Liqiang glanced at Qi Dong and found that Qi Dong seemed to be relaxed, but in fact the whole person leaned on the back of the chair. Leaning back, a pair of ears, it is estimated that they had stood up long ago.

Looking at the appearance of Qi Dong, Yan Liqiang sneered secretly.

The last time Yan Liqiang suffered a loss, he did not take Qi Donglai into his heart. This time, of course, he will not make such a mistake again.

The three people who have n’t seen for a long time chatted a few words, and the librarian of the first lesson came.

He came from an old man, who was arrogant and a little cold. After he came in, he just stood on the podium with his hands on his back, his chin slightly raised, and looked at the freshmen around him with a condescending gaze. Down.

“The squatting horse step is a hard work that takes time. You can’t steal laziness, you have to stretch your muscles when you squat!” After the quiet in the classroom, the old man opened his mouth and said the first sentence.

After seeing that many students were attracted by his words and showed a thoughtful look, the old man said another sentence, “Squat to the whole body to release, the spirit is quiet, the body and mind are peaceful and natural, this horse step It ’s almost over! ”

In just two sentences, all the students ’eyes were focused on him, and the needle fell in the classroom.

Seeing many students around him waiting for the old man to concentrate on it, Yan Liqiang smiled bitterly in his heart, because he knew that only the last sentence of the old man ’s first class would end. .

Sure enough …

“I wo n’t come back for the Ma Bu class. I ’m not going to say it when I practice it. I do n’t want to say more. It ’s useless. Let ’s practice it for a few years. Can practice well, well, class is over! “

After finishing this sentence, the old man lifted his robe and turned and walked out of the classroom. The students in the whole classroom were still looking at each other. After finishing this, it may be less than three minutes before and after …

“I rely on, this is over …” Shi Dafeng’s face is incredible …

After being quiet for almost half a minute, I saw that the old man did not come in again, and all the talents in the classroom really reacted. This first lesson is over.

New students in the whole classroom started to yell …

“Who is that old man, why is it so …”

“I do n’t know, it looks very powerful …”

“I just feel that he seems to be very expected, but have you completely finished …”

All around is a new generation of discussion.

“Li Qiang, have lunch together at noon …” Shi Dafeng said to Yan Liqiang.

“Brother Shi, I still have something in the afternoon. Let’s go to another day …” Yan Liqiang smiled at Shi Dafeng and Shen Teng, then stood up and walked quickly towards the door of the classroom.

“How about you?” Shi Dafeng looked at Shen Teng, and Shen Teng looked at Yan Liqiang, with a determined expression, “I can’t relax, I have to go back to practice …”

“Really, it seems that I came to the National Art Museum just to play …”


Not to mention the excitement in the classroom behind him, after walking out of the classroom door, Yan Liqiang looked at the road outside the classroom and found that the old man had left the Guoshu Museum and was walking down the mountain. He quickly walked towards it The old man chased it.

“Teacher …”

After hearing Yan Liqiang ’s voice, the old man stopped and turned his head to look at Yan Liqiang. He looked carefully at Yan Liqiang up and down. After finding out that the clothes that Yan Liqiang was wearing were only very common, Yan Liqiang did n’t look expensive. After the son, the old man ’s face was immediately filled with arrogance, and his face became cold again, “I have finished speaking, and the rest, you have to practice hard, if there is anything else Understand, you can go to Longqi Wuguan to sign up to study! “

Song Tianhao, the owner of Longqi Wuguan, but a celebrity in Pingxi City, relying on the secret method of helping the people through Ma Buguan and refining the ability to raise Yuandan, this person runs a small Wuguan business Many people in Pingxi County have sought him out of the wind and water. In addition to the secret method of Hunyuanzhuang and Yangyuandan, the owner of Song Pavilion is famous for Pingxi County for three reasons. One is love. It’s just a matter of money. In these years, relying on the money earned from the Kaiwuguan, I bought a lot of land in Pingxi City and operated various businesses, just like a rich man.

In addition to Ai Cai, the second reason the owner Song is most relished is that he also married 18 wives, and his youngest wife, who was just 18 years old this year, is He married last year. As for the third label on the host Song, in many people’s eyes, it may not be positive. Many people say that this host Song is a snobbish eye …

“Teacher, my Ma Buguan has passed, but there is still a question in my heart. When I heard the teacher talk about Ma Bu today, I suddenly remembered it, so I wanted to come to the teacher for advice …” Yan Liqiang grabbed his head and looked good. The look of the student.

When I heard that Yan Liqiang said that he had passed Ma Buguan, Song Tianhao was slightly surprised. After looking at Yan Liqiang’s age, his tone eased down a little bit, “What’s wrong with you!”

“After passing the Ma Buguan, I found that my body was blessed by the aura of heaven and earth, and my strength was greatly increased, almost a horse. I asked others, others said that this is the only time a person has obtained it in his life. The opportunity for Heaven and Earth Aura blessing is that when you pass the Ma Buguan, after that, no matter what you practice, no matter what other practice level you pass, at most, you can only resonate with Heaven and Earth Aura, and there will be a vision of the practice, But I can no longer get the blessing of the heaven and earth aura, I wonder if this is really the case? “

“Well, that’s for sure!” Song Tianhao said blankly.

“Ah, is there no exception, have you practiced other exercises, and you can get the blessing of the heaven and earth aura after crossing the level …”

“Of course there are exceptions, but that exception, you don’t have to think about it” Song Tianhao gave Yan Liqiang a light look, with a slightly sarcastic tone.

“Why?” Yan Liqiang deliberately made an unsatisfactory expression, “Since someone can, why can’t I? The teacher knows that there is a saying that don’t bully the young!”

“Hahahaha …” Song Tianhao laughed, and seemed to be amused by Yan Liqiang. “It ’s okay to put the phrase” Do not bully the young and poor “elsewhere. If you put it here, then you do n’t know how high it is. Who are the exceptions? “

“Who is it?”

“After the Ma Buguan, you can still get the blessing of the heaven and earth aura, but it is the ancestors of Kaishan ancestors of various schools and genres and mysterious combat skills …” Song Tianhao looked respectful, “These ancestors are in Opening up the world and realizing the avenue during cultivation, when creating the unprecedented mysteries or combat skills, sensing with the heaven and earth avenue, and obtaining the approval of the heaven and earth avenue, in order to pass the level and advance the blessing of the heaven and earth aura again, this blessing, It is called the Heavenly Infusion, and the different Heavenly Infusions obtained by different mystical combat techniques are different. A mysterious combat skill can have a maximum of several levels. That was decided by these ancestors when they were created. At the time of creation, he could obtain a maximum of several times of Heavenly Infusion. It was decided that the secret technique he created could reach several levels. This is the origin of various techniques and techniques. Later generations would only be able to draw scoops according to the calabash. The ancestor-level characters who can enjoy the enlightenment of the Heavenly Dao, the entire Han Empire has not appeared for hundreds of years ~ ~ Even among the four major sects, there are no such people. You think you can go with these Is the ancestor who received the Tiandao irrigated? “

“Ah, this is the case, thank you teacher for your enlightenment …”

“Young people, do n’t think that after Ma Buguan, you do n’t know how high you are. You will earnestly practice in the future, and strive to become a warrior. It ’s reasonable to be able to divide a good nursery field and support your family …” Finally, I saw Yan Liqiang At a glance, leaving this sentence, Song Tianhao left.

Looking at the back of Song Tianhao ’s departure, Yan Liqiang swallowed. The surface was calm, but a small heart had jumped violently, sending a burst of blood to Yan Liqiang ’s head, making Yan Liqiang all of a sudden. Feeling dizzy.

Do n’t anyone in the Silver Continent think of blowing arrows like this before? I made it myself to blow arrows. Although it was a bit insidious and insidious, it was actually the first person in the silver continent …

I … have become the ancestor master who can get the enthusiasm of heaven—the ancestor master who blows arrows! I actually used my mouth to blow myself into the grandfather, blowing out the heavenly initiation …

Sure enough … the mouth is invincible!

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