Silver Overlord Chapter 1: I am Li Qiang

At seven o’clock in the evening, it’s mealtime. As usual, this restaurant named Guoguxiang at the end of Baizhi Lane has become lively.

The kitchen of the restaurant is full of heat, the heat and the aroma of the dishes are overflowing, and in the restaurant, the waiters are busy ordering food, serving food, tidying up the tables and chairs, and the ones who came here The guests huddled together.

The restaurant is a small shop. Apart from being clean, it is not in touch with high-end ones. It ’s just because the boss is working hard, and the price is affordable. The taste is not bad. Many people have eaten here and have become repeat customers. Every day when we eat, especially at night, we are overcrowded.

Compared with the noise on the first floor, the second floor of the restaurant is relatively quiet. There are several private rooms on the second floor, separated by screens and green plants. Sitting on the upper floor, you can see the distance through the window. Scenery of Huxin Park.

At this moment, it was in a secluded private room by the window on the second floor of the restaurant.

A man and a woman are sitting on both sides of the table, relatively speechless, the atmosphere in the box is somewhat weird.

dishes have already been served and placed on the table, but no one moved chopsticks.

The man in his twenties, wearing the most common T-shirt and jeans, looks a little handsome, thick eyebrows and big eyes, but a bit similar to Hong Kong star Luo Jialiang, but the woman is very particular about dress The black Chanel silk dress, with a pearl necklace, coupled with the woman’s long black hair and beautiful face, is elegant and decent, so the waiter who just brought in the food just couldn’t help but watch two more eye.

In the box, in addition to the fragrance of the dishes on the table, there is also the smell of the senior perfume from the woman, but the fragrance of the perfume is already a little strange to the man.

   “I haven’t seen you in a month, have you changed the perfume?” The man smiled, raised his eyes, looked at the woman, paused for two seconds, then said seriously, “Actually, Jiaying, you don’t need to use perfume, You smell best after bathing with soap … “

Seeing the man break the silence, the woman also took her gaze back from the treetops in the park far away from the window, and looked at the man sitting opposite her seriously, hesitating for two seconds, “I am today … I actually want to tell you something! ”

“Say, what’s the matter?” the man said, and had picked up the chopsticks, as usual, first put the woman’s favorite fish-flavored shredded pork into the girl’s bowl, “Let’s eat Let ’s just say, just waiting for you here, the dishes are a bit cold! “

“Let’s break up …”

The man has always been gentle and considerate, so that the girl has the courage to sum up and say what she wants to say directly, no longer cares about the consequences, this woman knows, anyway, sitting opposite her This man will not treat her like that. Many men and women will evolve into a gangster action movie, a few will even break up into a horror movie or even a disaster movie, but the man sitting opposite her, from two people Since I met, I have never even yelled at her for a full three years. Based on my understanding of this man, a woman knows that even if she breaks up, this man will not treat her. Today ’s breakup The ending will only be a literary film.

   After talking, the woman stared at the man’s face. She was already in the stomach, and she had already prepared various coping utterances, but what the woman did not expect was that the man’s face was as usual and there was no shock when he heard the breakup. There was no sorrow, no sorrow, no pain, and no hysterics. It was just that the man ’s hand holding the vegetable slightly solidified in the air for half a second, and then the man sandwiched the vegetable into his bowl as usual.

The man took a bite of food calmly and glanced at the girl before saying in a light voice, “Well, I agree!”

The man ’s indifferent attitude both relieved the woman at once, and at the same time, the woman ’s self-esteem made her a little disappointed, even angry and unwilling.

Could this man be hypocritical about himself a few years ago, or did he never love himself at all?

The mind of a woman is unpredictable.

“I hope you can forgive me!”

“It doesn’t matter, this may be the fate of us not being together, today is your birthday, I originally wanted to give you a surprise, it seems that the surprise I gave you is no longer used!” The man is still Yundan The breeze is light, and he eats his own food while saying, “I didn’t expect you gave me a surprise!”

The woman has no interest in the “birthday surprise” that the man said. She just looked at the man with trial and critical eyes, “Do you know why I left you?”

“This is not important anymore …” The man sighed, glanced at the woman, and said calmly, the expression on his face could not see the slightest joy and sorrow.

The woman looked at the man and shook her head. “My former classmates’ girlfriends are now driving Mercedes-Benz, driving BMW, and living in villas. Every day they either go shopping or do beauty and yoga. , I do n’t want to become a yellow-faced woman after I ’m thirty. I think about how to repay the mortgage of a small house with you every day, save money and frugality for children to study, see the elderly for medical treatment … “

“This is like the female guest on the show if you are the one, would you rather sit in the BMW and cry than sit on the bike and laugh?”

“Yes!” The woman was silent for a few seconds, then nodded calmly.

“But I never let you ride a bicycle!” The man looked at the woman very seriously and corrected it seriously, “I let you take an electric car, which is environmentally friendly and convenient for 360 degrees!”

This man still has this untimely sense of humor? Sure enough, it hasn’t changed at all …

It ’s just that the woman did n’t smile.

“I will be thirty in a few years, and I am not young anymore. I want to find a man to rely on while I am still young. I am not a woman who can work hard with you!”

“I see it!”

“Perhaps the two of us knew it was a mistake!” The woman stood up from the chair with a bag and was ready to leave …

   “The dishes are all ordered, this is estimated to be the last meal we two have together, even if it is a casual meal, don’t waste it, let’s go after eating…” The man raised his eyes and looked at the woman The woman hesitated and sat back again.

The woman just moved her chopsticks symbolically, and basically did n’t eat much, but the man ate two bowls of rice as if he did n’t have a heart or lungs.

walked out of the shop, just outside the first time when the lantern was at the beginning, the two broke up “politely” outside the hotel.

Women walked toward Huxin Road on the other side of the alley, and men walked toward Huxin Road on the other side.

“Yan Liqiang, we have broken up …” After a few steps, the woman turned her head and said indifferently to the man walking behind her.

“Miss Lu Jiaying, I think you misunderstood, I was going to take the car!” The man smiled.

“Isn’t your electric car a safekeeping station?” The woman looked at the man with a slightly helpless look.

The woman knows that when he comes here to eat in peacetime, this man comes on an electric car and leaves from the other side of the alley after eating, but she used to leave with this man before, and today, There is no need to do this again.

“Change the transportation today!” Yan Liqiang shrugged.

The woman gritted her teeth and stopped talking, and Yan Liqiang stopped talking, and the two walked to the alley.

By the street, a man in his thirties was standing in front of a shiny black BMW 5 Series in a car model, waiting for the woman to appear. When the man saw the woman and Yan Liqiang appeared At that time, the man was stunned for a while. After looking at the woman, the woman gave the man a wink. After understanding the message from the wink of the woman, a reserved and full face appeared on the BMW man ’s face. With a smile of superiority, he took the initiative to walk towards the two of them.

“Hello, you are Yan Liqiang, Jiaying and I talked about you …” The BMW male took the initiative to extend his hand to Yan Liqiang as a winner, “Jiaying said you are now on a mobile phone The company is doing business, and the work is not bad. It will soon mention the deputy supervisor, and it is ready to buy a house with a mortgage … “

The tone of the man does not know whether it is a compliment or a mockery.

Yan Liqiang also showed a bright smile on his face, without any disappointment or frustration. He stretched out his hand and the BMW man ’s hand was firmly held together, shaking up and down, as the two Red Army teams were in the north of Shaanxi. Same, excited, enthusiastic, with a generous and relieved face, “Ha ha ha, that job is temporary, it’s fun, I’m going to leave too, we may have a hard time coming to the plane tonight, and I will put Jia Ying gave it to you, Jiaying is a good girl, gentle and kind, I hope you can take good care of Jiaying in the future, yes, it is estimated that Jiaying has not told you, do n’t give her iced watermelon when it is hot, Otherwise, she is prone to headaches, and Jiaying should remember to boil some water with brown sugar and **** for the days when her body is unwell every month … “

The smile of the winner on the man ’s face was slightly stiff. He looked at the woman with a puzzled look. The woman was also a little strange. She originally thought that Yan Liqiang would come here with her and would not be willing to go with her. ‘S new boyfriend “competition”, this is also what many men will do, she originally hoped that Yan Liqiang would see her BMW boy can “retreat from difficulties” when she came here, but what she did not expect was that Yan Liqiang’s performance at the moment is not like a man who has just been dumped by her.

“Do you want to catch the plane? Then I will drive you to the airport. It is quite far from the airport. Jiaying said that you usually ride an electric car …” The BMW man is still “polite”.

“No need, pick up my car …”

As soon as Yan Liqiang’s voice fell, a graceful silver Rolls-Royce Phantom had drove from a distance and stopped in front of the BMW man’s car.

Rolls-Royce’s license plate is the magic capital, and the license plate number is also very domineering. As soon as Rolls-Royce stopped, a driver in his forties, wearing a straight Armani suit, and a blonde, disc Wearing hair, wearing gold glasses, wearing high heels, carrying a briefcase, with a pair of ecstasy beautiful legs, it looks like a smart and capable beauty of OL fan children, like the woman secretary of Iron Man, the woman opened the door almost at the same time Walked down.

As soon as the Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped, many people on the street had already looked over here.

The driver wearing Armani came to Yan Liqiang and bowed slightly before Yan Liqiang before saying, “Master, the plane is ready, waiting for you at the airport!”

In the stunned expressions of Lu Jiaying and the BMW men, Yan Liqiang spread his arms and hugged the beautiful female secretary, “Claudia, long time no see!”

“Master, it’s too troublesome to apply for private jet routes in mainland China!” The beautiful female secretary who speaks Chinese shook her head after embracing Yan Liqiang, complained softly, and then directly from her briefcase I took out a document here, “By the way, this is the medieval castle in Europe you want me to pay attention to, Young Master. I have compiled a document. There are several castles in France that are not bad. Do you want to see it, Master? If necessary, I can immediately arrange a property rights lawyer to prepare related matters. Master, you know, there are many legal procedures for buying real estate such as castles in France ~ ~ It will take at least a few months to get through … “

“No more …” Yan Liqiang just glanced at the document and shook his head. “That was originally a gift and a surprise, but that gift and surprise are no longer needed. Dad was right, I ’m so naive … “

“There are also football clubs that the chairman wants to buy in Europe, I have prepared the information …”

“Okay, let’s see it on the plane …”

After finishing the speech, Yan Liqiang walked towards Rolls-Royce. The driver wearing Armani had stepped forward and opened the door for Yan Liqiang respectfully.

Before trying to lower his head into the car, Yan Liqiang suddenly stopped, turned his head, and looked at his pale face, who was watching him with incredible eyes and Lu Jiaying, who was completely shocked and speechless. BMW Man, finally said a sentence, “The two of you are indeed very good, I wish you two can grow old together…”

After speaking, Yan Liqiang got into the car. The beautiful girl named Claudia gave Lu Jiaying a flirty look, smiled, and said nothing. She also got into the car and finally wore an Armani suit The driver got on the car again from the driver ’s seat, and the stunning Rolls-Royce Phantom was quietly walking across the street outside the lake center park under the stunning eyes of a person on the street, disappearing into the traffic, only Leaving a shaky woman full of annoyance and a completely languishing man standing at the alley of Baizhi Lane …


ps: I will report to you that “Silver Overlord” will be released today. This is the first chapter of the new book. Before Tiger reported the news of the new book on the public account, the various versions of the silver overlord and the tiger suddenly appeared. Any relationship, please pay attention to screening!

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